Monkey Woman

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Monkey Woman[edit]

PL 11 (PP: 165)

Alternate Identity: Maria Suthers, Identity: Public, Base of Operations: Los Angeles, Gender: Female

Strength: 15 (+2), Dexterity: 18 (+4), Constitution: 17 (+3), Intelligence: 15 (+2), Wisdom: 11 (0), Charisma: 18 (+4),

Toughness: +11 (+3 Con, +8 Defensive Roll), Fortitude: +4 (+3 Con, +1 Base), Reflex: +7(+4 Dex, +3 Base), Will: +5 (0 Wis, +5 Base)

Defense: 21 (Base +11)

Base Attack: +17 (Trade-off, Max Damage Save is +5)

Initiative: +4


Device 1 (3 pp/rank): Amazon Vine - Super-Movement: Swinging

Sonic Control 5: Monkey Screech


Defensive Roll 8, Fearless, Equipment 10

- Quarterstaff

- Banana Utility Belt (Hold-Out Pistol, Frag Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Flash-Bang Grenade, Parachute (1 pp), Grappling Hook (3 pp) (I had to make these up), Multi-Tool, actual Banana, 1 "blank" slot)


Acrobatics +20 (+4 Dex, 16 ranks), Perform (Sing) +20 (+4 Cha, 16 ranks), Perform (Keyboards) +20 (+4 Cha, 16 ranks), Climb +18 (+2 Str, 16 ranks), Survival +16 (0 Wis, 16 ranks), Handle Animal +20 (+4 Cha, 16 ranks), Concentration +8 (0 Wis, 8 ranks)


Unreliable Equipment (Can't tell which banana is which, sometimes picks wrong one)

Backstory and other information available at Monkey Woman's web site.