Mononoke High Mina
Mina Lovewitch[edit]
"Mina Lovewitch, happy couple guaranteed!"
Stats [20pp][edit]
Strength 6 (-2) [0pp]
Dexterity 18 (+4) [8pp]
Constitution 10 (+0) [0pp]
Intelligence 10 (+0) [0pp]
Wisdom 12 (+1) [2pp]
Charisma 20 (+5) [10pp]
Saves [14pp][edit]
Fortitude 1 (+1)
Reflex 6 (+10)
Will 7 (+8)
Attack +1/+9 (claws)
Grapple –6
Defense 20/10 (flat-footed)
Toughness +6/+0 (flat-footed)
Initiative +8 (Dex +4, Improved Initiative +4)
Skills [18pp][edit]
Acrobatics 6 (+10)
Bluff 7 (+12)
Diplomacy 5 (+10)
Gather Information 5 (+10)
Knowledge (Arcane) 10 (+10)
Language 1 (Base Japanese; English)
Notice 9 (+10)
Perform (Singing) 7 (+12)
Stealth 8 (+16, +20 when in Cat Form)
Sense Motive 9 (+10)
Sleight of Hand 6 (+10)
Feats [38pp][edit]
Attractive 1
Attack Specialization (claws) 4
Beautiful Voice 1 (Diplomacy)
Bishojo 1
Deep Ties (Kittens)
Defensive Roll 7
Dodge Focus 9
Devotion 1 (Kittens)
Evasion 2
Hide In Plain Sight
Improved Initiative 1
Kawaii (Bluff) 1
Sneak Attack 4
Uncanny Dodge 1 (Auditory)
Up the Wall
Powers [32pp][edit]
Nekomata 4 (passive container; 20pp to distribute; Feats: Innate) [21pp]
Components of Nekomata:
-Comprehend 2 (animals; Flaws: Limited to Cats) [-2]) [1pp]
-Immunity 6 (Age 1, Entrapment 5) [6pp]
-Shrinking 4 (natural small size; Flaws: Permanent) [4pp]
-Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall 2) [2pp]
-Super-Senses 3 (Extended Hearing 1, Low-Light Vision 1, Scent 1, Magic Awareness 1; Drawbacks: Noticeable -1) [3pp]
-Strike 1 (Claws) [1pp]
-Silence [1pp]
-Morph 1 (cat form; Feats: Metamorph) [2pp]
Dream Travel 8 (Extra: Affects Others +1, Linked to Dimensional Movement (Dreamscape) +0; Flaws: Full Round Action -2; Feats: Sedation1, Progression1) [8pp]
AP: Emotion Control 8 (Flaws: Full Round Action -1) [1pp]
AP: Healing 8 (Extras: Restoration +1, Total +1; Flaws: Charge –2, Distracting -1) [1pp]
AP: Dimensional Pocket 1 (Extras: Portal +2; Feats: Furnished 1, Progression 3 (Portal Size 1, Capacity 2)) [1pp]
AP: Create Object 8 (Flaws: Full Round Action -1;) [1pp]
Drawbacks [-2pp][edit]
Cursed: Must Interpose with the kittens. (Uncommon, Moderate) -2
Significant Other (Kittens)
Easily Distracted (Things that distract cats)
Marked (Cat ears and tail)
Phobia (Water)