Srey Mau Saiphon, a.k.a. Monsoon, a Cambodian-born demagogue, revolutionary/terrorist, and supervillain. An NPC (sort of) in Mutants and Masterminds: Redemption.
Agility 0, Awareness 4, Dexterity -1, Fighting -1, Intellect 3, Presence 4, Stamina 2, Strength -1
Dodge +6, Fortitude +6, Parry +6, Toughness +2/+10*, Will +10
*with Protection active
Expertise: Military 4 (+7), Expertise: Politics 6 (+9), Persuasion 10 (+14)
Attractive, Favored Environment: Airborne, Fearless, Inspire 2, Jack-of-all-Trades
Blessed: Movement 1 (environmental adaptation: weather)
Sixth Sense: Senses 1 (awareness: mystical)
Shielding Hands: Immunity 1 (own powers; affects others +1/rank)
- Descriptors: mystical
Wind-Touched (10-point dynamic array)
- Held Aloft: Flight 5
- Wind's Blessing: Protection 8 (impervious 2)
- Descriptors: mystical, wind
Weather Control {40-point array)
- Command the Sky: Environment 10 (any 3 points' worth of effects; selective +1/rank)
- Descriptors: mystical, weather, others as appropriate
- Spear of the Gods: Damage 8 (increased range: perception +2/rank, indirect 2) linked to Move Object 8 (perception +1/rank, indirect 2, duration: instant -2/rank, limited to tripping/pushing down -1/rank)
- Descriptors: lightning, mystical, thunder, weather
- Wrath of the Heavens: Damage 5 (area: 120-ft cloud +4/rank, increased range: ranged +1/rank, indirect 2) linked to Environment 3 (reduced movement 1; increased range: ranged +1/rank, extended range 1)
- Descriptors: bludgeoning, cold, mystical, weather, wind
- Wind Queen's Breath: Move Object 8 (area: 30-ft cylinder +1/rank, increased range: perception +1/rank, selective +1/rank, indirect 4, reduced duration: concentration -1/rank)
- Descriptors: mystical, weather, wind
- Eye of the Storm: Deflect 8 (area: 15-ft cloud +1/rank, reduced range: close -1/rank, feature: Improved Defense) linked to Move Object 8 (area: 15-ft cloud +1/rank, limited to pushing -1/rank, reduced duration: concentration -1/rank, reduced range: close -1/rank) linked to Damage 8 (area: 15-ft cloud +1/rank) and Enhanced Advantage: Evasion 2 (affects others +1/rank, area: 15-ft cloud +1/rank, feature: not against own powers 1)
- Descriptors: mystical, weather, wind
- A Voice Like Thunder: Affliction 8 (vulnerable/dazed, defenseless/stunned; resisted and overcome by Will; area: hearing-dependent +1/rank, extra condition +1/rank, partly selective 3, check required: intimidation -6, limited degree -1/rank) linked to Damage 8 (area: hearing-dependent +1/rank, selective +1/rank, check required: intimidation -6) and Enhanced Intimidation 12 and Feature 1 (loudspeaker)
- Descriptors: mystical, sound, thunder, weather
Flash and Noise
Power Loss
PL: ‘’’8
Power Points: 120 (Abilities 20, Defenses 21, Skills 10, Advantages 6, Powers 63)
Power Points: 0 Hero Points: ??