Mort, Weapon Specialist[edit]
Tithed to Nehal relatively recently, removing Mort's feral instincts has not proven as easy as removing him from his homeworld. Formerly restricted to ports and backwaters, the awkwardly friendly feral worlder does not quite fit in amongst the other Progena, and even for one of his limited intelligence the meaning of Nehalese sayings and idioms tend to go over his head. Though devoted and loyal to the regiment, Mort can be somewhat recalcitrant when not bribed - commonly with food & drink, ammunition, or shiny objects. Once he has an idea in his head, it tends to stay there until cajoled or threatened into other endeavours.
Build: Muscular (1.90m/85kg) -Give Thanks to the Flames Age : Warrior (20) -Punishment Scars Skin : Ochre -Toenail (yours) Hair : Bald Divination Eyes : Blue -Ignorance is a wisdom of its own
Comrade "Sticks" Gwillam[edit]
“Ah, the noble Accatran-pattern heavy las pistol. This looks to be an M38 Mk IX variant, likely produced between 883 and 889, based on the wave pattern in its robust frame. It is incredibly potent, but its machine spirit is notoriously surly. I strongly recommend no less than three blessings of charge pack consecration before any attempt to discharge it, but reciting the litany only twice upon every third chamber cycle would be acceptable if time is of the essence.“
"Don't listen to 'im. Got that line from a tech priest one time, and now 'e thinks 'e knows something about zoggin firearms. "
Base Mod Eq Ttl CB Advances Weapon Skill 45 -- -- 45 04 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Wounds 10 Ballistic Skill 30 -- -- 30 03 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Fate 1 Strength 30 -- -- 30 03 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Insanity 0 Toughness 30 -- -- 30 03 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Corruption 0 Agility 40 -- -- 40 04 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Intelligence 20 -- -- 20 02 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Carry Lift Push Perception 40 -- -- 40 04 [ ][ ][ ][ ] 36kg 72kg 144kg Willpower 30 -- -- 30 03 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Walk Full Charge Run Fellowship 23 -- -- 23 02 [ ][ ][ ][ ] 4 12 12 24
+00+10+20+30 (AGI,GEN)Acrobatics [ ][ ][ ][ ] (STR,GEN)Athletics [X][ ][ ][ ] (PER,FLD)Awareness [ ][ ][ ][ ] (FEL,SOC)Charm [ ][ ][ ][ ] (FEL,LDR)Command [ ][ ][ ][ ] (INT,KNW)Commerce [ ][ ][ ][ ] (FEL,SOC)Deceive [ ][ ][ ][ ] (AGI,DEF)Dodge [ ][ ][ ][ ] (FEL,SOC)Inquiry [ ][ ][ ][ ] (WIL,SOC)Interrogation [ ][ ][ ][ ] (STR,SOC)Intimidate [ ][ ][ ][ ] (INT,GEN)Linguistics* - High Gothic [X][ ][ ][ ] - Low Gothic [X][ ][ ][ ] (INT,KNW)Logic [ ][ ][ ][ ] (INT,KNW)Lore, Common* - Imperial Guard [X][X][ ][ ] - Imperium [X][ ][ ][ ] - War [X][X][ ][ ] (INT,KNW)Lore, Forbidden* (INT,KNW)Lore, Scholastic* (INT,FLD)Medicae [ ][ ][ ][ ] (INT,FLD)Navigate* - Surface [X][X][ ][ ] (AGI,FLD)Operate* (W S,DEF)Parry [ ][ ][ ][ ] (PER,PSY)Psyniscience [ ][ ][ ][ ] (PER,GEN)Scrutiny [ ][ ][ ][ ] (INT,TCH)Security [X][ ][ ][ ] (AGI,FLD)Sleight of Hand [ ][ ][ ][ ] (AGI,FLD)Stealth [X][ ][ ][ ] (PER,FLD)Survival [X][ ][ ][ ] (INT,TCH)Tech-Use [X][ ][ ][ ] (INT,GEN)Trade* - Technomat [X][ ][ ][ ]
(PER,FLD)Blind Fighting halve melee penalties from obscured vision (W S,DEF)Combat Master opponents gain no bonus for ganging up (B S,FIN)Deadeye Shot ranged Called Shot penalty is reduced by 10 (STR,OFF)Frenzy +10 (Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness, Willpower), -20 (Ballistic Skill, Intelligence, Fellowship), immunity: Fear, Pinning, Stun, Fatigue, may not Parry/retreat/flee. (AGI,FLD)Rapid Reload halve all reload times, rounding down (TGH,DEF)Resistance (Fear) +10 tests vs subject (AGI,FLD)Sprint +AgiB to Full Move, 1 Fatigue if used two consecutive turns; double Run movement (INT,TCH)Technical Knock once per round; Half action Unjam (WIL,DEF)Unshakeable Faith reroll failed Wil tests vs Fear (GEN,FIN)Weapon Training (Las, Low Tech, Launcher) negate -20 penalty for use (W S,FIN)Whirlwind Of Death make one melee attack per foe in range, up to WSB
Infiltrator may roll Stealth at –10 penalty to let another character within 10 metres use their Agility characteristic Sapper +10 bonus to Tech-Use and Trade (Technomat) Tests to construct or disassemble a structure Condemned –20 all Fellowship-based Tests vs other Imperial Guard regiments, commanding officers, Departmento Munitorum, other officials aware of their reputation
Specialist Kit 1 Voss Automatic Grenade Launcher (Targeter) 4 Krak Grenades Standard Kit 1 Las Carbine(Main Weapon), 4 charge packs 1 Lascutter 2 Frag Grenades 2 Smoke Grenades 1 Knife 1 Flak Vest & Helmet 1 Uniform 1 Poor Weather Gear 1 Rucksack 1 Basic Toolkit 1 Mess Kit & Water Canteen 1 Sleep Bag & Blanket 1 Lamp Pack 1 Grooming Kit 1 Cognomen Tags 1 Uplifting Infantry Primer 2 Weeks' Rations 1 Demolition Charge 1 Grapnel & Line 1 Filtration Plugs
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Agility Perception Fellowship Fieldcraft Finesse
Notes & Logs[edit]
300 Combat Master
200 Whirlwind Of Death
100 Survival +00