Mortimer 'Mort' Sickmouth, Information Broker

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Mortimer 'Mort' Sickmouth[edit]

Game Info: Human Half-Goblin Expert 2 (CR1)


Mort stands a slightly over four feet in height, and weighs in at a pathetic five and a half stones, fully clothed. His thin and limp hair is oily and usually worn slicked back into a makeshift ponytail. Mort walks slightly hunched over and his eyes are constantly darting from one dark area to another. He struggles while trying to impress those around him, and has a speech impediment.


Mortimer Sickmouth is truly a bizarre effect of Port Blackheart's diverse heritage; an offspring between a mentally ill human male and an enslaved goblin female. Mort has survived nearly three decades living in Port Blackheart, and attributes his success to being in the right place at the right time. He deals solely in information, something that no one should underestimate in a city this size. Mort spends most of his time down by the docks eavesdropping on conversations between smugglers, pirates, fanatics, criminals, and pilgrims.


Mort is a coward, he ideally travels with much stronger men whom he depends on for protection. He has no stomach for battle and does whatever it takes to keep himself out of danger, from bribery to blackmail. He's much happier to wield words over steel any day of the week, and prides himself in his ability to find the most incriminating information possible on a person.
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--DJ Chair 13:41, 19 September 2006 (PDT)