Morturi: Celts
Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page -> Morturi: Factions -> Morturi: Celts
"The Romans have cast us in chains, beaten us like slaves and thrown us to the arena. But we are still Celts, and I am still a Druid."
- Amergin of the Oak and Mistletoe
- Class: Medium
- Move: 4
- Attack: Sickle - Roll 4+ to deal 4 damage.
- Life Points: 8
Druid Rules[edit]
Druidic Status - Gladiators of the Celt faction may not attack the Druid unless they are themselves Druids.
Proud - The School may not surrender so long as this Gladiator is still active in the arena.
Druid Tricks[edit]
Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.
- Beastspeech
While this Druid is present in the Arena, allied beasts ignore their Animal Intellect special rule.
- Determination
If an attack reduces the Druid to exactly 0 Life Points, roll a D6. On a roll of 4+, the Druid immediately regains 1 Life Point.
- Eye of Fear
Instead of making a melee attack, the Druid may use his Eye of Fear on an adjacent opponent. That opponent is moved 1 square directly away from the Druid. This is a Fear effect.
- Intimidating Presence
The druid is a master of psychology, intimidating any who approach. Any enemy gladiators moving into a square adjacent must pay +1 movement point for that square of movement. This is a Fear effect.
- Strength of the Sacrificed
If at least one allied gladiator has been taken out of action this battle, the Druid deals +1 damage on all attacks.
- Taliesin's Inspiration
While this Druid is present in the Arena, non-Druid allied gladiators of the Celt faction deal +1 damage in melee.
- Will to Live
The gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.
"A hundred Roman heads were taken by my sword and three hundred bellies I split open... and I did not think it too many!"
- Cathal the Ready
- Class: Medium
- Move: 4
- Attack: Sword - Roll 4+ to deal 4 damage.
- Life Points: 8
Redbranch Rules[edit]
Parma - Melee attacks against the front facing of the Gladiator have a +1 to their to-hit number (e.g. 2+ to hit becomes 3+).
Proud - The School may not surrender so long as this Gladiator is still active in the arena.
Redbranch Tricks[edit]
Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.
- Combat Control
Any enemy gladiator moving out of a square adjacent to this gladiator must spend +1 movement point for that square of movement.
- Courage
This gladiator is immune to fear effects.
- Frenzy of the Defiant Hero
If this gladiator has 2 or fewer life points remaining, he deals +2 damage.
- Frenzy of the Hungry Axe
If at least 2 enemy Gladiators have been taken out of action by this Gladiator during this battle, this gladiator deals +2 damage.
- Frenzy of the Cornered Bull
If this gladiator is adjacent to three or more enemy gladiators, he deals +2 damage.
- Heroism
If your school is outnumbered at least 2:1 in this battle, this gladiator deals +1 damage with his attacks.
- Will to Live
The gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.
"Armour? Bah! I go to battle clad only in the embrace of the Sky, and she protects me from harm!"
- Dugan of the Woad
- Class: Light
- Move: 5
- Attack: Hatchet - Roll 2+ to deal 2 damage.
- Life Points: 8
Skyclad Rules[edit]
Proud - The School may not surrender so long as this Gladiator is still active in the arena.
Skyclad Tricks[edit]
Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.
- Aggression
If this gladiator is adjacent to two or more enemies, he deals +1 damage.
- Berserk Fury
While wounded, the gladiator deals +1 damage on all melee attacks.
- Courage
This gladiator is immune to fear effects.
- Heroism
If your school is outnumbered at least 2:1 in this battle, this gladiator deals +1 damage with his attacks.
- Last Stand
If this is your only active gladiator in the arena, he deals +1 damage.
- Light Mobility
After making any attack against a target (including Snake Spear Technique, as below), move 1 square for free.
- Will to Live
The gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.
Spear of the Fianna[edit]
"It may have been Cúchulainn who wielded the Gae Bolga, but it was the woman Scathach who taught him how to use it. I am a daughter of kings and the swelling spear is mine to wield. Now, let me see if I can teach YOU a lesson..."
- Edalene of House Farley
- Class: Medium
- Move: 4
- Attack: Lancea Longspear - Roll 4+ to deal 4 damage.
- Life Points: 8
Spear of the Fianna Rules[edit]
Gaesum Throwing Spear - At the start of his turn the Spear of the Fianna may choose to reduce his Move to 0. If he does so, he gains a ranged attack option for that turn (which may be used instead of his normal melee attack). His ranged attack hits on a 4+ to deal 4 damage, and can be made at a distance of up to 4 squares. He may not use his ranged attack against enemies adjacent to him.
Proud - The School may not surrender so long as this Gladiator is still active in the arena.
Spear of the Fianna Tricks[edit]
Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.
- Charging spear
At the start of his turn the Spear of the Fianna may choose to replace his normal move and attack, and instead make a charging spear attack. If he does so, move him up to 6 squares in a straight line, then make a melee attack at an enemy directly in his path. If the charging spear attack would not allow him to reach and attack an enemy, he cannot use this trick.
- Combat Control
Any enemy gladiator moving out of a square adjacent to this gladiator must spend +1 movement point for that square of movement.
- Foot Throw
If the Spear of the Fianna is prone he can still make his Gaesum ranged attack as normal. His Gaesum attack gains +1 range when used from prone. Also, as an additional movement option when not prone, the Spear of the Fianna may choose to drop prone from standing at no movement point cost.
- Gae Bolga
If an enemy is taken out-of-action by the Fianna's Gaesum ranged attack, that enemy receives a -1 penalty to his next Survival Check.
- Heroism
If your school is outnumbered at least 2:1 in this battle, this gladiator deals +1 damage with his attacks.
- Range increase
The Spear of the Fianna's Gaesum attack gains +2 range.
- Will to Live
The gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.