Mother Raven

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MOTHER RAVEN, PL: 12, Identity: Sara Flying Raven (Secret ID), Age: ???, Gender: Female, Size: Medium.

INIT: +3, DEF: 19/15; Base Speed 30/60/120;


SAVES: DMG +2, FORT +2, REF +3, WILL +17;

ABILITIES: STR 12 (+1), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 20 (+10), WIS 20 (+10), CHA 14 (+2)

SKILLS: Acrobatics* +6/3, Bluff +7/5, Concentration +11/1, Diplomacy +4/0, Disguise +4/0, Innuendo* +4/0, Intimidate +3/0, Sleight/Hand* +5/0, Taunt +4/.

FEATS: Evasion [Use Ref save instead of Dmg save], Dodge [+1 def, or +2 def to one opponent], Confuse [Bluff to daze target for 1 round], Aerial Combat [+1 attack or def when in air], Assessment [1/2 action, assess 3 abilities of target], Blind Sight (Super) [Can use another sense as sight], Darkvision (Super) [Can see in total darkness], Indomitable Will [Can re-roll failed Will after 1 round], Iron Will [+2 Will Saves], Mental Link (Super) [Can communicate with another], Trance [Can enter death-like trance], Immortal Experience , [Can use skills untrained, spend HP for a 20 skill check], Psychic Finesse , [Can use Wis modifier for attack rolls w/ psychic or mental attacks], Immunity [Aging.

POWERS: SORCERY [+10] [MYSTICAL], Astral ProjectionFlaw: Concentration RequiredFlaw: Rote (Medicine Stick) SUPER WISDOM [+5] [TRAINING], Super Intelligence TELEPATHY [+5] [PSIONIC], PrecognitionPostcognitionMental Protecti.

COST: abilities 36, combat 22, skills 4, feats 28, powers 90, weakness 0, total 180. "