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Mage: The Indebted[edit]

A Modern Occult Game of Desperation, Cost, and Consequence.

The Carnival Obscura

The Great and Secret Show

Think back to when you were a child. What did the Carnival look like to you? How did it feel first walking through the entrance. All the bright lights, the exotic smells, the music, the attraction. It was beyond everything you knew in your normal life. It was the realization of what your imagination and toys promised. It was a place where anything could be won, experienced, or bought.

It began even on line at the entrance. From over the fence, you could hear the music and see the attraction. It was almost like crossing a threshold, as if some anonymous Patron had already paid for your Admission. Within the Carnival, there was a booth for everything you could desire. Colors were brighter, carnies beckoned for you to come and try out their games. Yet each and everything had a price. Nothing steep, just a ticket or a token. There was almost something powerful when your parent handed you a couple tickets. How would you spend them?'

(All of the below is in Brainstorm/Beta stages and subject to change)

Magic. The word itself invokes ideas and imagery ranging from estranged and black occultist at an altar to celebrity showman on stage. Magic illicits fears of superstition, Black Arts, and crone's working cursing to plague the masses. Yet, Magic harkens back to the childhood of the wonder of reality, the endless potential of the unknown, and fantastic feats performed under spotlights. The word stretched from demonic rites damning souls to the empty hat that pulls out rabbits for a awe struck audience.

The Indebted would tell you that Magic can be both things depending which side of the stage you are looking at.

Mage: The Indebted is a modern occult game exploring magic with this contrasting lens in place. These opposing stereotypes are the starting point for many of the unaware masses of humanity. Then we factor in the smaller new age culture and mundane occult practices. These individuals who expand the concept of magic finding legitimate cultural roots or expanding it into their own belief structures. The truth about 'real' magic and the people who interact with it is far stranger and complex than the man on the street could ever comprehend.

Enter: The Indebted.

The Indebted are those who receive the power of magic from unknown beings at a price. The term itself is a modern creation for academic purposes to label the vastly different cultures, expertise, practices, and beliefs of this hidden group. The term separates the mundane occult and spiritual practitioners from the real ones. The term also reflects people who unknowingly entered the price, the power, and the threshold of Magic.

What is Magic? That's an answer that cannot easily be explained. Many accounts in lore and fiction attribute magic as a force that can be exploited. Legends tell that if the practitioner collects the right ingredients, recites the right words, and works under the right time, you can work magic. Though, truth is stranger than fiction.

Magic is both sentient and a force. Every trick the Indebted casts is alive and aware. This 'power' is directly given to the Indebted by gods, demons, angels, spirits, ghosts, and even stranger sources. The personification of Magic is what the Indebted academic community described as Patrons. Patrons are the source and the magic itself that it grants.


