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It's a massive mural.

I'm presuming that you'll be examining it. :)

It starts mid story, the beginning is missing or perhaps in another tine of the antler. (There are lots of murals and feel free to search more.)

It shows hills.

(You make several spot hidden rolls [B](TICK)[/B])

And the rune of hunger hanging over them ,General knowledge [B](TICK)[/B], which you rolled a 4%. It's the rune of undeath, Vivamort's rune. There's a lot of soot and gunk around it and it is half covered.** the dirt is big enough to perhaps hide more.

A collection of buildings in the hills, surrounded by forest.

In the top corner is a mighty white winged woman? wreathed in flames, high up in heaven. There's a beautifully depicted male god, shining but with his face chipped out. Strange script too high up to decipher surrounds them both in a black halo of sigils.

Below are several scenes. ** denotes a spot hidden success. 1/ [U]A massive earthen mound[/U], a beehive hut. In the sky giant hawks. A golden man with Yelm behind his head holds court to hunters who point towards the hills and show their souless dead. There's a host of spears like a forest around the golden man.

[U]Behind the golden figure[/U], hidden in the spears, a dread man stands, Death rune above his head and what looks like a sword in his hand. **

There's a pile of burning lizards. Slim recognizes them as Dragonewts

2/ [U]Vampires hunt in the hills and possibly further afield. There's what looks like a citadel with a giant next to it, killing a vampire.[/U]

One vampire looks like a Duck**

3/ [U]The death runed man is conducting a ceremony, opening the way to hell. [/U]

He is sacrificing a tribal woman, while her people watch.

There is a river in hell** he is collecting something from it.

4/ [U]A great battle takes place in a valley.[/U]

Trolls throw down the buildings in the hills. There is writing but to high up to see.

A great Vampire is shown, female. With her minions in front.

The death rune man is carrying a cross? or sword? which kills the vampire minions.

He is shown entering the broken buildings with the sun over head.


[U]a celebration takes place about the beehive hut and mound[/U]

In the sky a flaming comet flies to the west.**

The golden man is seen leaving, taking several children. Several small children wave, left behind on the mound.

6/ In the far bottom corner, is shown a building in the shape of a death rune, surrounded by hills. A darkness rune and then a death rune hang above it in the sky. a procession of figures leave heads bowed low. There are Trolls watching in the hills. Strange posts stuck in the ground here and there.[/QUOTE]