Mutineers Metagaming
Rules Discussion[edit]
Any thoughts about changing the rules,or adding new rules?
- Switching to 1AP per episode?
- People have well over 100AP making them pretty powerful compared to NPCs out of the box. What about allowing people to swap skills or traits instead? So replace the Pilot:Light Transport d10 with Pilot:MidBulk Transport d10 Instead? Or something like that?
Things you or your character wants on the ship, or in the game.
Out of Character[edit]
For Rina: I wouldn't mind picking up a skill in communications under the Tech Eng specialty. Big damn oversight on my part, considering her long-term mission during the War. D'OH!
In Character[edit]
Rina: To continue to build a normal life outside the engine room. We'll see how that goes.
What is the coded message?[edit]
It's not a straightforward letter substitution. It's not in Russian. There is a date shift in the encryption. And is that "FIEOT" OR "FIGOT"?
Where is this? What is there?[edit]
Regina - Georgia System
Rina's initial research via the Cortex yielded this much: This is on Regina (Georgia) and it does not correspond to any known city or settlement.
What has become of the people on the list?[edit]
Kerry - Carrie - Peña - Abigail - Providence
New Melbourne - Jun Jun – Lane’s Ferry - Amber – Hamm
Greenleaf - Misha - Capital City - Amy - Waysmeet
Paquin - Lily - Monterrey - Anna - Belmopan
Ithaca - Mary-Anne - Walleye - Audrey - Woodside
Boros - Gigi - Vandenburg - Beatrice - Cody
Beaumonde - Heidi - Nouveau Lyon - Candide - Rouchard
Meridian - Amanda – Brisbane - Carly-Anne - Meridian City
Verbena - Jelly - Del Marin - Charlene – Renton
Jiangyin - June - Alkali Flats (Only one name and one city)
Ezra - Sunny - Yalta - Daiyu - Carmichael
Boros - Rosy - Mechanicsburg - Dandelion - Larsen City
Jiang yin - Kelly - Copperhead - Emily - Fort Jackson
Di Yu - Daisy - Xinjiang - Qing - Taiyuan
Greenleaf - Lucy – Pena - Roland – Waysmeet
Delphi - Zee - Anderson - Gabriella - Markum
Beaumonde - Gia - Nouveau Lyon - Genevieve - Calais
Ezra - Trixie - Custer - Georgia - White River
New Canaan - Kylie - Rubenville - Roseline - Salem
Beaumonde - Annie - Nouveau Lyon - Jean-Marie - Chartres
Athens - Midge - Coriopolis - Samantha- Sparta
Constance - Dannie - Peach Hollow - Jiao Li - Fenders Roost
Hera - Sally - Juno Station - Kaylee - Daedala
Priam - Mary-Anne - Helena - Kelsey - Trojan Horse
Meadow - Dreya - Barnabus - Lenye - Monchegorsk
Whittier - Brie - Wilson - Lillian - Greybull
Beaumonde - Berry – Frisco Settlement - Lui – Olsen
Triumph - China - Olsen's Well - Majorie - Newtown
Verbena - Lanie – Potterville - Marisa - Lochmyre
High Gate - Charlie - Sandoval - Michelle - Lad's Peak
Kerry - Sammy - Bunders Folly - Olivia - Providence
Jubilee - Lovey - Chesterfield - Percy - Kent
Athens - Abby - Aenos Island - Zoey - Acropolis
Ithaca - Racy - Cornell - Solstice - Benton's Roost
High Gate - Lonnie - Basalt Flats - Sunny - Lorngard
Beaumonde - Emma - Nouveau Lyon - Giselle - Najak
Aesir - Genie - Haldar - Hilda - Malmo