Mutt McQuan

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Mutt McQuan Human Gunslinger Level 4 XP: 13k XP Needed for next level: 18k+1

The man known as Mutt was born in a backwater hellhole in the middle of the Texas desert, one that got devoured by something from a Rift so long ago no one really cares anymore. This began the hard and interesting lifetime of a future gunslinger. Mutt moved from job to job, and has lived an interesting life. He has been a circus performer, a pit fighter, a mercenary in a number of now-defunct companies, a bankrobber, a sheriff, an outlaw, a beast rustler, a bounty hunter, and a brief stint as a bartender. This has given him a broad array of skills, although he has to admit that it’s the fighting where he really shines.

Mutt is only a gunslinger in his martial abilities—compared to a lot of other gunslingers, Mutt’s closer to an outlaw. He’s not flashy, he’s not dramatic, and he hates the whole “campion of the west” legend that’s grown around what is essentially a select group of killers. However, he is a hardened veteran with a forte in handguns, and knows enough to throw out an occasional one-liner.

Mutt’s psychology is…unique. Mutt believes that might makes right, that good is something people say they are so they can sleep at night, and that the end of the day we’re all going to be in the ground anyway, so why worry? However, once he’s paid or says he’s going to do something, he does it—he’s seen what happens to the ignoble, and he’s caused it to at least a few of them. He expects betrayal, but appreciates loalty while it lasts. He has no problem killing anyone, so long as they’re a threat—he’s been out in the badlands too long to know what an “innocent child” can do. However, a threat has to be proven—he’s not going to kill indiscriminately. Mutt joined the group fairly—he was found in a jail cell that got a few extra holes in it thanks to ol’ “Four Eyes” (poor eyesight in a mech pilot is not a good quality). Mutt doesn’t ask questions and doesn’t judge—he knows every man’s had a few terrible things happen in his life. For now, Mutt’s just trying to make up enough money to buy a quiet little cantina, and enough firepower to keep all his past sins from blowing the joint up.

Appearance: Mutt is a mean combination of fast and strong, the kind of build that town sheriffs hate to see ride into town. He’s a mess of scars and muscle, and prefers to wear his battle armor whenever possible, which only adds to his mass. His leathered skin and dark hair might have looked attractive in another lifetime, but now he just looks worn. He wears a handlebar mustache, has a gold tooth, and has a nasty habit of sizing up everyone he meets. He keeps quiet most of the time, since hwne he opens his mouth he tends to start fights.

STATS IQ 14: He's smarter than he looks ME 14: He's seen some stuff and shook it off MA 9: He's not really friendly PS 18 +3 H2H combat damage: He's a big tough cuss. PP 21 +3 Strike/Parry/Dodge: He's faster than he looks PE 19: Mutt can take a punch PB 8: ...and all those punches have cause some dings. SPD 19

Combat Block Attacks per Melee: 6 HP:29 SDC: 55 Kick Attack 1d8 Can perform Karate Punch +5 Strike +9 Parry +9 Dodge +7 to Roll with Impact +4 to Pull Punch +4 to disarm with a called shot +3 to save v. horror factor +2 to save v. mind control and possession +2 save v. Magic or Poison +8% save v. Coma or Death

OCC Skills American 96% Spanish 96% Find Contraband 50% Basic Electronics 45% Horsemanship: Cowboy 75/59% (There's a bunch of bonuses involved if you get in melee from horseback, as well.) Interrogation 60% Streetwise 44% Palming 45% Prowl 55% Recognize Weapon Quality 70%

Weapon Proficiencies: +2 to attacks Revolvers (including derringers) Energy Pistols Automatic Pistols Energy Rifle Knife (+2 to strike in melee or thrown, +2 to parry) Hand to Hand: Expert

OCC Related Skills Escape Artist 55% Detect Ambush 55% Detect Concealment 50% Tracking: Humanoids 50% Wilderness Survival 55% Pick Locks: 50% Sniper (+2 to strike with aimed single shots)

Secondary Skills Boxing: Knockout on natural 20 Gymnastics (Kick Attack 2d4; Sense of Balance 59%; Parallel Bars & Rings 69%; Back Flip 76%; Climb Rope/Rappel 66%; +5% Prowl and Climb) Climbing 60% General Athletics

Class Abilities Proficient with all handguns Quickdraw: +4 to initiative when using handguns. Halve this bonus if using long arms. Paired Weapons: Can draw and fire two guns as one melee attack. Both are resolved with one attack roll if both weapons are fired at the same target, resolve with two attack rolls if shots are fired at two different targets. Both weapons do full damage in either case. Sharpshooting: Energy pistols and revolvers 1. Can fire longarms one-handed without penalty. 2. Can shoot without penalty at a target behind you if you can see their reflection in a mirror. 3. Shoot without penalty when upside down, for whatever reason. 4. May dodge, roll, or somersault and come up shooting. This negates all strike bonuses, but is not penalized or considered a wild shot. 5. May fire from horseback or from a moving vehicle. Strike bonus is halved and shots cannot be called, but is not considered a wild shot. 6. Ricochet! Can bounce a projectile weapon of a single surface to hit a second target (no double ricochets). This does one damage to the first target and full damage to the second. This halves strike bonus. Can be done with laser weapons if the surface is reflective. Horror Factor 10 (12 against "common folk.") Opponents must save vs. horror factor when Gunslinger first makes a serious demand or threat, a second time if he draws, and an additional time to attack him, even if from behind or while he's asleep. A failed roll indicates the enemy freezes up momentarily and loses initiative/one attack.

Equipment List: tinted goggles quality cowboy hat set of riding clothes a rich quality suit (fancy and expensive) flashlight binoculars: multioptics band laser distancer pocket language translator gun cleaning kit cigarette lighter pocket mirror small silver cross 2 pairs of handcuffs 50 ft (15.2 m) of lightweight rope survival knife two-holster gun belt utility belt knapsack backpack saddlebags air filter two canteens.

M.D.C. body armor: Bandito Branaghan with light MDC overcoat: Branaghan: This armor is medium-heavy, and penalizes Climb by 10%, and prowl, swim, acrobatics, or similar by -20%. The penalties are increased by 5% if the overcoat is also worn. If you wear only the duster, the penalties are 10% to swim and 5% to everything else. MDC for Head/Arms/Legs/Main Body: 40/28+8/38+12/75+28. The numbers following plus signs are the additional protection offered by the MDC duster.

Bandito: This is a backup suit. The above one is full environmental battle armor, which means it has all kinds of crazy shit like a built-in loudspeaker, radiation hardening, internal cooling systems and insulation so you can go into places up to 300 degrees celsius with no problems, lets you fight in space, etc. This one doesn't have all that stuff, but it also has no movement penalties. MDC for head/arms/legs/main body: 30/18/24/38. Including the cost of the backup suit and a night vision system and radio communicator in each: 15,000

Starts with a robot horse Robot Horse “Dia” Dia is an Arabian model Cyborg horse. It’s a deep blue, with fiery red eyes and mane. The horse does have an AI with a stuck-up attitude, but the horse has been with Mutt for the past six years through thick and thin. Arabian model. MDC: 100 for the head, 90 per leg, 240 for the main body. Runs at 120 MPH, can make leaps 50 feet across or 20 feet high. Underwater-capable down to 500 feet. It can carry 1200 pounds or pull four tons. I'm also going to put you down for four large secret compartments concealed in the body of the horse. They are 12 inches long by 6 inches deep, and are lockable.

Weapons 1. One laser scalpel: This thing isn't really a weapon, but you can tune it to do up to 1d6 SDC in an emergency. Mutt mainly uses this to shave.

2. Derringer: Wilks Remi 104: It takes two shots at once, doing 2d4MD. It can fire a total of four, so I guess that means you can shoot it twice. Range of 300 feet. This is too small to take an e-clip. It has its own internal non-rechargable battery that you plug directly into an e-clip recharger.

3. Pair of fancy silver plated revolvers (plus 70 silver bullets): You can roll your own number of bullets, since I'm not sure how to randomize that. Call them a pair of .45s, for 4d6 SDC damage. They'll be great against werewolves, anyway.

4. Pair of automatic pistols (often the same caliber as the revolvers). Just say you've got a set of .45s. Maybe 1911 clones.

5. Pair of energy pistols: Wilks 227 double-barreled pulse pistol. It does 4d6 MDC with a double shot, and gets 12 of those from a standard E-clip. Effective range of 900 feet, and +2 to strike on aimed shots.

6. JA-9 Juicer Assassin variable laser rifle: 2d6 MDC, but you can tune it to punch through glitter boy armor. It has a range of 4,000 feet, which is the best I've seen, and gets +1 to strike on aimed shots. With Laser sighting=+3

7. One C-14 "Fire Breather" laser assault rifle with grenade launcher: The laser does 3d6 MD at a range of 2k feet, and gets 20 shots per standard E-clip. The grenade launcher does 2d6 MD to a 12 foot blast area, with a range of 1200 feet. It holds 12 grenades at once, and comes standard with a passive night vision scope. +18,000 for four dozen grenades.

8. C-27 Heavy Plasma Cannon: Has a telescopic sight and laser distancing scope, weighs 12 pounds. This does 6D6MD damage at a range of 1600 feet, and gets ten shots per E-cannister. The sight gives a bonus of +1 to hit on an aimed shot. 32,000 for the weapon.

10,000 for an extra e-cannister over and above however many you roll.

9. Vibro-Knife: The only one I see does 1d6 MDC, and costs 7k credits. 10. ‘Combat capable supersoaker 500cr range 30' 6 shots: While utterly useless in most situations, Mutt keeps it in case of vampires.

11. 10 Silver plated daggers: While Mutt normally uses these for show more than actual fighting, he has to admit they look good. 1D

Holy water 10 gallons: Yes, Mutt has used it for drinking on occasion. 

Ammo: 6 Clips (1D4=2+4 clips for each) automatic. Buying an additional 40 e-clips (200,000cr), and an extra canister for 2500 cr. 288 rounds of ammunition for each of the weapons.