My Little Mahou Shoujo:Amber Castle

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Amber Castle is a character in the My Little Mahou Shoujo game, played by GloriousDeath.


Amber Castle was was only 7 when her parents died in a car crash. She spent the fallowing year in an orphanage until she was adopted by someone. This someone's name was Sombra. For the next 8 years she had been raised by him, adopting some of his view on the world. He had steeled her into a loyal servant and had made her an excellent swordswoman.

She was still having a normal school life, until the day her eyes were opened. She had come across Sombra's journal, it had detailed many of his acts. None that were flattering. The next day she had taken all the money and personal items that she could and ran away. She had lived in an abandoned warehouse for some time, until one day when she was approached by a cat. She had heard of a mention of a white cat with the markings of the sun, but she thought it was describing a familiar,not one of Sombra's enemies.

Celestia offered her to become a magical girl and to help people instead of hurting them. She had accepted Celestia's offer. However it seems Sombra had left a gift for her. When the transformation finished she found herself with the ability to use dark magic, which she later learned from Celestia was the favored magic type of her previous master. The more pressing thing was a monster that had appeared from within her and attempted to attack a drained from awakening Amber's element Celestia. Unfortunately it was destroyed by Amber before it could even take action.

Celestia explained to Amber that this was most likely a trap set for her(Celestia), however it did say one thing about Amber, it showed that her innate goodness had prevented her from going berserk and from letting the monster even attempt to harm Celestia, even if it's mission was doomed from the start. After this day Amber promised herself to live up to Celestia's analysis of her.


  • Enemies d10
  • Self d6
  • Friends d8


  • Master Swordswoman
  • Mistress of the Dark Arts
  • Surging Power


The Power of Darkness[edit]

  • Dark Magic Adept d8
  • Dark Magic Blast d8
  • Invisibility d8
  • Stretching d8
  • Intangibility d8
  • SFX - Multipower: Use two or more The Power of Darkness powers in a single dice pool at -1 step for each additional power.
  • SFX - Constructs: Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when using The Power of Darkness to create assets.
  • Limit - Growing Dread: Count 1s and 2s on dice as opportunities when using a The Power of Darkness power.

The Ebony Blade[edit]

  • Weapon d10
  • Enhanced Durability d8
  • SFX - Unleashed: Step up or double any The Ebony Blade power for one action. If the action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the normal rating of your power die.
  • Limit - Gear: Shutdown a The Ebony Blade power and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover.


  • Combat Master d10
  • Mystic Expert d8
  • Menace Expert d8


Element of Loyalty[edit]

  • 1 XP when you loyally follow someone's orders
  • 3 XP when you get hurt while following someone's orders
  • 10 XP when you're forced to choose between 2 loyalties, accepting one and abandoning the other

Dark Legacy[edit]

  • 1 XP when you first harm or threaten someone in a scene
  • 3 XP when you emotionally stress out an opponent using a fear based attack
  • 10 XP when you ether accept your legacy and become a conqueror or renounce your legacy to continue your fight against evil