Mysterio PL10
Mysterio: PL 10;
Inititive +1 (Dex); Defense 16 (15 flatfooted); Spd 30ft; Atk +5 melee (+0S unarmed), +6 ranged; SV Dmg +1, Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 14
Skills: (synergies counted) Bluff 7, Computers 20, Diplomacy 6, Escape Artist 13, Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Trivia) 15, Perform (Stage Magic) 14, Repair 20, Science (Chemistry, Psychology) 15, Science (Engineering) 20, Sense Motive 6, Taunt 9
Feats: Infamy, Talented (Escape Artist, Perform)
Power: Super Intelligence +5 [Extra: Expert Escape Artist, Expert Perform, Innate; Source: Training; Cost 5pp]
Equipment: Scientific Genius +10 [Stunt: Illusion Mastery, Obscure Mastery, Neutralize Mastery; Extra: Clever Inventor, Expanded Knowledge, Utility Belt; Cost 4pp]
Misterio Suit: Power Suit(Illusion) +10 [Feature: Immunity to Suffocation, Voice Modulator; Extra: Neutralize (Nullification), Obscure; Flaw: Limited Neutralize to Spider Sense only; Total Cost 26]