Mythic FAte A JRPG/Magic Systems
I couldn't figure out how the talk fuction worked, so this is only a workspace. Nothing in here is part of the game.
Llayne's Thoughts[edit]
If felt like some of the elements might be unbalanced but I couldn't put my finger on it. I work better if I can see things in front of me, so I set up a 'talk' page to hash things out.
As written, Earth for JRPG covers rock/dirt, metal, crystal and plants. Earth for HFM only covers rock/dirt. Typo? Herodarwin: As written, Earth for JRPG dos only cover rock/dirt, it belongs to the trio for growth because of the fact it induces growth in the listed things (at least in medieval alchemy)
Draft Proposal[edit]
Physical Elements[edit]
Fire You have mastered the control of fire.
- Magic create fire
- Shoot attack
- Provoke animate fire
Water You have mastered the control of water.
- Macic create water
- Crafts create items/barriers
- Shoot attack with ice/water
- Provoke animate water
Air You have mastered control over the air.
- Athletics Fly Movement
- Physique/Magic push and pull the air
- Shoot Attack
- Magic CAA extend duration
- Provoke Animate air
Earth You have mastered control of stone and dirt.
- Physique Move earth
- Crafts shape earth
- Shoot attack
- Provoke animate earth/rocks
Metal You have mastered control of metal.
- Crafts create metal
- Physique move metal
- Crafts shape metal
- Provoke animate metal
Wood You have mastered control over nature.
- Magic Grow/heal Plants (accelerated natural healing? Leaves scars? leaves weak/exhausted?)
- Physique entangle
- Shoot attack
- Lore poison/toxin
- Provoke animate plants
Racial Elements[edit]
Illusion You have mastered control of what is seen.
- Deceive illusions
- Stealth visibility
- Magic light/dark
- Provoke fear
Gravity where did this element come from? You have mastered control of gravity.
- Physique slow
- Magic weaken opponents.
- Athletics low/anti gravity?
- Shoot attack with crushing gravity
Energy You have mastered the control of raw energy.
- Shoot attack
- Provoke Animate objects such as armor, weapons, rugs, etc...
- Magic store energy
- Magic boost another's spell
- Magic counterspell (disrupt their spell energies?)
Beast You have mastered control of beasts.
- Provoke control non-magical and unintelligent beasts (the minds of sentient creatures is too strong)
- Magic mutate/heal beasts (accelerated magical process? Leaves the subject weak/exhausted?)
- Lore grant animal traits
- Magic transform yourself
- Provoke transform others
Ephemeral Elements[edit]
Sight You have mastered control over what you see and perceive.
- Investigate uncover secrets
- Empathy discern illussions from reality
- Magic scrying
Death You have mastered control over death and the dead.
- Shoot Attack
- Magic CAA weaken enemies
- Provoke Animate dead
Teleport You have mastered the art of teleportation.
- Athletics teleport to a location know well or sea
- Provoke summon (teleport from somewhere else)
- Magic create (teleport from somewhere else)
- Provoke make portals
Mind You have mastered control of the mind.
- Notice read surface thoughts
- Empathy deeper emotions
- Provoke place thoughts
- Deceive change memories
- Provoke? control sentient beings
Transform You have mastered the art of shapeshifting.
- Magic transform yourself
- Provoke transform another
- Craft transform objects
Life You have mastered the power of life force itself.
- Magic heal
- Crafts wards of protection
- Shoot attack creatures of death (undead)
- Provoke angelic beings?
Magic Functions
- Athletics Fly (Air)
- Athletics Teleport (Teleport)
- Burglary Unlock (Energy)
- Crafts Shape earth (Earth)
- Crafts Forcefield (Energy)
- Crafts Wards (Life)
- Crafts Weapons? (Life)
- Crafts Transform items (Transform)
- Crafts Create barriers (Water)
- Deceive Illusions (Illusion)
- Empathy Deep Emotions (Mind)
- Empathy Pierce Illusions (Sight)
- Investigate find secrets (Sight)
- Lore Poisons (Nature)
- Magic CAA for duration (Air)
- Magic CAA weaken (Death)
- Magic Create (Fire)
- Magic light/dark (Illusion)
- Magic Healing (Life)
- Magic Create Plants (Nature)
- Magic Scry (Sight)
- Magic Create? (Teleport)
- Magic POrtal (Teleport)
- Magic Shapeshift self (Transform)
- Magic Create (Water)
- Notice Surface Thoughts (Mind)
- Physic/Magic Push/Pull (AIr
- Physique Move earth (Earth)
- Physique Entangle (Nature)
- Provoke Animate (Air)
- Provoke Animate (Death)
- Provoke Animate (Earth)
- Provoke Animate (Energy)
- Provoke Animate (Fire)
- Provoke Fear (Illusion)
- Provoke Summon? (Life)
- Provoke Place thoughts? (Mind)
- Provoke Control? (Mind)
- Provoke Control (Nature)
- Provoke Summon? (Teleport)
- Provoke Shapeshift other (Transform)
- Provoke Animate (Water)
- Shoot Attack (Air)
- Shoot Attack (Death)
- Shoot Attack (Earth)
- Shoot Attack (Energy)
- Shoot Attack (Fire)
- Shoot Attack (Nature)
- Shoot Attack (Water)
- Stealth Invisibility (Illusion)
Physical elements
Fire Water Air Earth Metal Wood/Nature Racial Elements
Illusion Poison Communication Strength/Empowering Lightning/Energy Beast Ephemeral Elements
Sight Death Teleport Transform Mind Healing/life Summons Gaining a summon costs an aspect and is build as a Supporting NPC with the following traits
high concept, a trouble, one more aspect One stunt 1 good skill 1 fair skill and 2 average skills 2 + relevant skill stress boxes 1 mild and 1 moderate consequence
The Trio of Truth Fire, Illusion and Sight Now illusion and sights relation to truth are simple Illusion is hiding and creating false truth and sight is the ability to see truths. Fire's relation to truth is more symbolic, fire burns both barriers to truth and evidence of truth, It warms like comforting facts and hurts like a hash thoughtless truth.
The Trio of Equilibrium Water is equilibrium as it settles and is calm but the smallest of changes causes massive changes in behaviour, Poison is what at it heart disrupts the equilibrium of the body and mind and finally... death the total equilibrium of body and the balance of the cycle of souls.
The Trio of Movement The simplest as Air is the movement of wind and what it carries, communication the movement of knowledge and emotion and teleportation is the fastest movement of substance.
The Trio of Growth/Change Earth is the source of growth and change for plant, metals and crystals. Where as strengthening is the growth and change of the body and... is about making objects stronger or weaker but keaping them the same thing. includes aspects of growth transmutation the change and growth of physical objects. whlich can also change living things but can also change inanimate objects too. more about changing the shape, size, or type of an object. Totally turn people into frogs and tables magic, but also allice in wonderland magic. It is also like sumon or giving traits annoyingly temporary bu again masters of magic can make it permanent.
The Trio of Power
Metal is the power of the gear and machine [Addendum: Includes the power of tools, weapons and armour] , summoning and upgrading weapons and machines, animating shield and weapons. also can totally use it to crate lumps of raw metal or simply shaped metal. summoning machines they come with a basic amount of fuel/gunpowder/consummables. laoed and ready to go. mystic arts also exists which are magically enhanced uses of skill which can be used to emulate some spells and to eAutometen upgrade stunt is not limited to what is norally possible with the currently available technologies.
Lightning/energy is the rawest expression of the power of the world and the
mind is the most powerful mover and holder of true power.
The Trio of Relationship Nature is the interconnected complex relationship of the forest, field and other bodies of plants, fungi, algae, lichens, ecosystem summon and control, still arguably might be used to heal plants, healing herbs to help promote normal healing skill rolls? Can modify plants with new traits/give caster plant traits
Beast is the relationship of person and beast and... summon/call/control animals. less likely to be able to heal, and can't heal folk. Can modify aniamals with new traits/ give caster animal traits
Life is the intimate relationship of parts of a living thing. healing magic of the setting, heal anything alive, control any weird lving thing summon life, bring some semblance of life to non-living things and magically emulate missing parts (pinocchio) Finally give new traits to any living thing, if you want to control people that's mind, unless you're doing body control which case it might be life.
- note giving traits will these skills is normally a temporary change for most mages, but can be made more permanent by more experience and powerful mages.
- summoned ojbects and properties by default are temporary and aremade of pure mana, but like traits can bemade permanent/real and it is easier to so then by changing something.
High Fantasy Magic
Air You have mastered control over the air.
- Athletics Fly Movement
- Physique/Magic push and pull the air
- Shoot Attack
- Magic CAA extend duration
- Provoke Animate air
Death You have mastered control over death and the dead.
- Shoot Attack
- Magic CAA weaken enemies
- Provoke Animate dead
Earth You have mastered control of stone and dirt.
- Physique Move earth
- Crafts shape earth
- Shoot attack
- Provoke animate earth/rocks
- You have mastered the control of magical energy. Force? Hard light?
- Burglary force key?
- Physique force lift
- Crafts Force shield
- Shoot attack
- Provoke Animate objects such as armor, weapons, rugs, etc...
- You have mastered the control of fire.
- Magic create fire
- Shoot attack
- Provoke animate fire
Illusion You have mastered control of what is seen.
- Deceive illusions
- Stealth visibility
- Magic light/dark
- Provoke fear
Life You have mastered the power of life force itself.
- Magic heal
- Crafts wards of protection
- Crafts force weapons?
- Provoke angelic beings?
Mind You have mastered control of the mind.
- Notice read surface thoughts
- Empathy deeper emotions
- Provoke place thoughts
- Provoke? control less intelligent beings
Nature You have mastered control over nature.
- Magic Grow Plants
- Physique entangle
- Shoot attack
- Lore poison/toxin
- Provoke animate plants
Sight You have mastered control over what you see and perceive.
- Investigate uncover secrets
- Empathy discern illussions from reality
- Magic scrying
Teleport You have mastered the art of teleportation.
- Athletics teleport to a location know well or sea
- Provoke summon (teleport from somewhere else)
- Magic create (teleport from somewhere else)
- Provoke make portals
Transform You have mastered the art of shapeshifting.
- Magic transform yourself
- Provoke transform another
- Craft transform objects
Water You have mastered the control of water.
- Macic create water
- Crafts create items/barriers
- Shoot attack with ice/water
- Provoke animate water