Mythical: Ruins of a fallen empire - Corinax

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Cambion Scoundrel Grifter


(use as d8 or d4 with a plot point)


Daughter of the Frozen Storm [Cambion] - My mother was a powerful demon of ice and fury, and as much as I hate to think about it, I carry her blood and her power.

  • Diabolic Soul: Effect: When you create an asset or take a complication related to your fiendish heritage, step it up.


The Shadow of the People [Scoundrel] - I use my skills to put the fear of the gods into evil nobles -- the rich and powerful don't fear the law, but they WILL fear me.

  • Surprising Strike: Effect: When you succeed on an attack roll with an asset or complication representing surprise or unawareness, add the asset or complication to your damage dice.


The Rich Have It Coming [Grifter] - I don't believe in good nobility. I comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

  • Snake Oil: Effect: When you create an asset while working a con, step it up. If the con goes south, turn the asset into a complication.


Agility d10 Might d4 Vitality d8
Intellect d4 Presence d10 Wits d8


Athletics d4 Melee d10
Bluff d10 Nature d4
Craft d4 Perception d4
Diplomacy d6 Performance d4
Endurance d4 Ranged d4
Healing d4 Stealth d10
Insight d8 Streetwise d6
Intimidation d4 Thievery d8 Sleight of Hand d6
Lore d4 Unarmed d4
Magic d10 Demon Blood d6

Signature Assets[edit]

Sense for Suffering d6[edit]

Chains that Bound my Mother d8[edit]


Magic: Demon Blood d6[edit]

Thievery: Sleight of Hand d6[edit]


Gain 1 XP when…

  • … you disavow your demonic heritage
  • … your knowledge of traps and contraptions saves an ally
  • … you incorporate a scam into the party's plan


XP: 0

Spent XP[edit]

  • a feat?
  • maybe a skill bump
  • the sky's the limit

Hit Points[edit]


Hero Dice[edit]

  • 0 d12
  • 0 d10
  • 0 d8
  • 0 d6