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  • Eilwyn Renallor: Younger sister of Nievhai, she is the only one of their family who is not on the front lines fighting against the Shadow. She and her family relocated to Dahurin at Nievhai's behest, for in Eilwyn's care is someone very dear to her sister. More than anyone else, Eilwyn is the tie that binds the rest of them together, and the keeper of the family secrets.
  • Lord Azamyr: Nievhai's first commander when she joined the ranks of the resistance. Under him, she honed her skills in battle and became one of her unit's most adept archers and scouts.



  • Skullcollector Urziznxt: A lowly orc lieutenant with a long scar that runs . Skullcollector was searching someone out in Steel Hill, and happened upon The Chirping Canary, a local tavern. As he roughened up the patrons in his search for information, Nievhai and one of her companions intervened. The orc turned to her friend and stabbed him without a word.
  • Tomad Fizzlebits: An evening's entertainment within The Crusty Croissant, a Fallport eatery. Not very good entertainment at that, either. However, the most offending thing about this event was that one of his accomplices was picking the pockets of most of the establishment. When Nievhai confronted them about this, the two gnomes denied it, and then Tomad shouted out the dread words: "Seize her, for she is fae!" Nievhai fled, but vowed to pay them back, if only to teach them manners...


  • Mouth of Aryth: A cave just beyond the forest edge of the Veradeen. Uncovered when she was a child, Nievhai and her cousin Nulyn spent a great many days within its confines. The first narrow passage led to a massive grotto, and numerous other paths extend beyond, to the north. One of these passages in particular contains an underwater lake and continues on, winding tightly through the rock of the cave. This passage seems to be the longest and most comprehensive, and though never followed to its end, is suspected of emerging just south of Bandilrin.

Character/Player Questions[edit]

  • Describe what your hero's glorious death might be.

The orc soldier slid off her blade, his body slumping lifelessly onto the ground. The elf looked all around her; they had vanquished the army. Those who had engaged in battle with her were scattered all about; villagers were bloody, and even the heroes appeared battered and bruised. She smiled as she drew a tired breath; she could use a nice fire and some warm wine. As dusk turned to night, it began to rain ever so lightly, cleansing away the remains of the day's fierce bloodbath. As she moved her pain-filled body she saw the remaining orcs running out of the town, fleeing for their lives. She knew she was badly injured; she walked towards a nearby house and sat down heavily against the wall. She let her eyes flicker towards those with whom she traveled, ensuring herself that each was all right. Two of the villagers came and sat by her side, and noting her wounds, laid her carefully down on the ground. Then, one of them whispered, "thank you", as her eyes closed for the last time. In the moments before her death, she saw those who preceded her awaiting her, before a welcoming hearth.

  • Describe what your hero's worst fated death at the hands of the enemy might be.

The orc soldier slid off her blade, his body slumping lifelessly onto the ground. The elf looked all around her; they had vanquished the army. Those who had engaged in battle with her were scattered all about; villagers were bloody, and even the heroes appeared battered and bruised. She smiled as she drew a tired breath; she could use a nice fire and some warm wine. As dusk turned to night, it began to rain ever so lightly, cleansing away the remains of the day's fierce bloodbath. The sound of thunder made her glance up once more, for this did not seem to be of nature borne. In the distance she saw torches, glowing like a hundred moons, followed by the fierce war cries of the orcs. As she wearily drew her weapons once more, all vestiges of hope faded from her heart. (She had failed) Itdid not matter how many good people stood up against the darkness; the Shadow would eventually consume them all. And suddenly, within the fray, two elven blades fell almost soundlessly upon the land.

  • What is the worst thing the Shadow could do to your hero?

Kill the rest of her family, with no regards to whether they were a threat to Izador or merely existing.

  • Describe a victory that your hero would like to have against the Shadow.

To push them completely out of northern Erethor, including the city of Bandilrin. This would lead the Shadow's armies to leave the Veradeen for the first time since the conflict began.

  • What action would your hero never do?

Backstab someone. She always takes down her enemies from the front, never behind, so as to ensure an even fight.

  • What would cause your hero to break down to sadness or fear?

Continued death and destruction of Erethor, and the progression of the Shadow's armies toward the west, into the forests.

  • What do you hope your hero's honorific would be?

Vell Alimar or simply Alimar (The Protector).

  • What would it take for your hero to turn traitor?

  • PLAYER: What's your favorite monster or NPCs to fight?!!

Monster: gelatinous cube or imps. NPCs: those that are methodical and have a plan (which makes it a thinking person's game on how to thwart the plan).

  • PLAYER: What do you most enjoy about RPGs & D&D? (meaning battling monsters, solving puzzles, political roleplaying, etc..?)

Social interaction within the game world and the opportunity to play a role.

Midnight: North & South Portal