Natchez By Night, Game 3.0: Three Conspiracies and An Engagement

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Part 1 Dawn Patrol (Pre Meeting stuff)[edit]


o Returns home from her RP adventure with her inamorata, Mason

o Shortly after her return The Colonel shows up, makes his suit, and offers her a big engagement ring.

o In true southern belle fashion, Caroline stamps her foot disapprovingly at The Colonel for his extremely forward fashion. The Col. reminds Caroline of their domitor’s desire for Caroline to produce beautiful progeny forthwith.

o Mason returns and things go from bad to ugly. Mason is jealous and the Colonel murderous.

o Caroline texts an SOS to Irina and at least temporarily neutralizes the situation.

o Mason departs on his motorcycle, the Colonel follows shortly thereafter.

o (Irina shows up at some point)

o Caroline and Irina chase after the Col. (who is chasing after Mason) in Irina’s fire engine red Honda

o C & I catch up with C & M. Mason’s motorcycle is mangled by the side of the road.

o C & M are fighting (or rather the Col is beating up Mason.

o Caroline orders them to stop. The Colonel says that Mason tried to force him off the road, but the skid marks on the road speak otherwise.

o Caroline has more cross words for the Colonel. He departs

o (Caroline texts to Evangeline at some point. Converses with other ghouls)

o Irina and Caroline take Mason to the ER, change clothes and then head to the Meeting


o Irina sleeps past her phone alarm. All those late nights catching up with the only human in the group.

o She heads to the 2nd 3rd National Bank at the corner of 4th Str. and 5th Ave to cash the check that Renny gave her at the tail end of last night.

o She attempts to cash the check but it raises red flags at the bank. They her stall until the Sheriff (the human one, not Midnight or Marie) shows up.

o The Sheriff grills her about the money, about Renny and about the string of Murders and Arsons. The sheriff is convinced that there is Klan activity and that is the source of all the issues. There was a suspicious Orange Hot rod seen at several of the incidents and a red-neck girl who distracted the guard at a gated community where a kidnapping apparently took place.

o Irina successfully plays dumb through most of it and agrees to continue her investigation of the Franklyn agency. She claims that Renny is an investment banker looking to set up shop in town. The Sheriff may or may not have been convinced.

o Irina receives Caroline’s text.

o The rest is per Caroline’s stuff


o Wakes up, takes a cab downtown, buys an off the rack Armani suit.

o He briefly contacts Eliza, then heads to the meeting.


o Changes into his Sunday-go-to-meeting Harley T-shirt and his cleanest jeans.

o Heads to the meeting.


o Dresses up in her prom gown

o ¿Bakes cookies?

o Heads to Meeting


o ¿Need Cindy to fill out?

Part 2: At the Rebel Alliance Soiree (the Meeting)[edit]

• Renny checks his gun

• Tanks up

Part 3: Party in the Parking Lot (Post Meeting stuff)[edit]

Part 4: The Elvii and The Injun (Magnolia Grill)[edit]

• Renny sings the “Top Secret” version of “Are you lonesome tonight” with the Elvii. See here . •

Part 5: Renny versus the Ancient Gods[edit]

• Outside the Magnolia Grill, Irina keels over and vomits. At first it is thought to be one magic effect or the other, but it is determined to be a merely a crippling migraine brought on by the lack of sleep and extreme stress of the last few days.

• Renny agrees to drive Irina back to the B&B in the rocketredrentalhonda

• Zadie sees the Elvii and find out they are heading after Renny. They were impressed with his singing and have decided to join with him by sharing blood. They have declared that they are not just ‘The Kings” but in fact the Ancient Gods of Egypt (¿Ra, Horus and Osiris? I don’t recall which was which other than that female Elvis was not Isis) and that they now only drank Vampire blood and Renny has been chosen as the Entree du Jour

• Zadie calls Renny to tell him that the Elvii are hot for his blood (literally). Renny tells her that he’s busy getting Irina back to her bed and has some other stuff going on. He’ll take care of it after that.

• Zadie grabs Cord and both head over to the B&B they arrive just as Renny is headed back outside Z & C remain on the porch through the rest of the scene.

• A VW van arrives. Z & C cannot see inside but Renny clearly sees the Elvii.

• The Elvii inform Renny of their grand plan for the blood daisy chain including a woman that they brought along as a snack.

• Renny reads Fat Elvis to determine how deeply ingrained this particular insanity is. When that is done, he convinces the Elvii that this is not a good idea. They agree not to drink him but claim that their hunger will likely cause them to kill whoever the meet next.

• Renny then convinces them to leave the woman behind with him.

• The woman, a drunk tourist from Topeka, was disappointed at being left with an ugly shrimp like Renny, especially when she finds out that he is not planning to have sex with her. She refuses his offer of a lift back to her hotel and is last seen walking vaguely in the direction of the river.

• Renny thanks Zadie and Cord for their help (because frankly, he probably would have run but for the backup), but asks that they leave as he has some business to attend to.

Session End Timestamp 03:30 on 8/6/11[edit]

The End . . . (or is it)


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