Navero 03

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From: (Daniel Parsons)
Subject: Navero III
Reply-To: dparsons@jarthur.UUCP (Daniel Parsons)
Distribution: usa
Organization: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA
Keywords: Navero, of the Correct and Unalterable Way

Lets see... We were attacked by a crippled old Wyvern, killed it with no deaths, and continued on our way to the north. Navero was the only one seriously hurt in the encounter - he went to -4 hit points, but we play that you must go to -10 to die, so he was merely dying, until he was bandaged up. He Cured Light Wounds on the Cavalier, as his religion forbade him doing so on himself while another was hurt. The biggest problem was the Cavalier's horse, which the Wyvern killed, leaving our mini-tank on foot. He had to share with Dania, the lightest person in the party, which irked him no end; but then, he was easily irked.

The remainder of the journey was almost without incident. The only thing of note was the fact that Rizudo was a heavy sleeper.

Rizudo: *Snore*

The Cavalier: Dumps a bucket of water on Rizudo.

Rizudo: "*Glub!* Huhh? Whaza fuckes goin on?"

The Cavalier: "A very small raincloud. It has passed now."

Our Heroes arrived at Swamp Keep (Yes, that was the name) and were greeted with the customary fanfare and pomp.

Guard 1: "Gor, wha' a scruffy-looking lot this is, comin' u' the road."

The Cavalier: "Hail, good fellows! Run and tell your Lord and Master that we have arrived to rid your fair land of its infestation."

Guard 1: "Piss off."

Guard 2: "Are you the rat-catchers, then?"

Rizudo: "Shut up, open the gate. We want to see your inns, your ale, and your WOMEN! After that, we wanna talk about the Orcs."

Guard 3: "Why, whatever's going on here, Neville?"

Guard 2: "Oh, nothing, Percy. Some gentlemen, and a few ladies too, are here and making a fuss about something. Don't worry yourself."

Guard 1: "Shut up! (To Cavalier) Who are yu?"

The Cavalier: "For shame, lout! Do you not recognize my device? My house is known far and wide, and has been heard of even in these impoverished lands. Come, open the gates and be quick about it; you try my patience."

Guard 3: "Oh, he's not very nice, is he?"

Guard 1: "Look, shrimp, all I see is a miniature buffoon ridin' with some little elf-bitch on an old horse..."

Again, there commenced much sound and fury, signifying nothing. Fortunately for our quest, there was more sound than fury, and we were able to get inside (eventually). Most of us went about practical sorts of business - Navero went to pray, and recover from his injuries. Rizudo, I believe, went to find the tavern, but it was not open at that hour. The Assassin disappeared for a while (The player who was running her was not there that day.) Dania studied spells. The Cavalier decided to go introduce himself to the Master of the Keep. He had his armor repaired and the device on his shield repainted (10gp well spent, or so he thought) and strode forth to meet the Master, who was out on his croquet lawn at that moment.

The Cavalier: Strides onto croquet lawn, plants his shield firmly in the sod so the device is plainly visible. "Greetings, Lord and Master of this fine Castle."

Master: "Oh! My croquet lawn! You've dented it! Wahhh..."

Courtier: "Oh, its alright, Eric. Just breathe calmly, now, and relax. Everything will be just fine."

The Cavalier: "Uh... I wish to introduce myself. I..."

Courtier: "Not now! Can't you see what you've done? Get out: just go, or I'll put the hounds on you!"

And so the day passed for our heroes. When night came, many of the party retired to the only tavern, a rather miserable one. Navero did not go to the tavern, of course; he had gone out among the townsfolk, and happened upon one who had wounded himself with an axe and was bleeding to death; Navero cured the hurt, and the grateful family was only too happy to put him up for the night. He quietly discussed religious matters with them, particularly their salvation and the joys of life in the Correct and Unalterable way, and although they were very polite, most of the family seemed to ignore him. The only exception was their young daughter, who payed a lot of attention to him. While he was pleased at the opportunity to spread the faith, she didn't really pay much attention to what he said; she just looked at him strangely, and sat uncomfortably close, and took every possible opportunity to touch him, which made Navero very uncomfortable. (As explanation, I should note that Navero has CHARISMA 13, COMELINESS 16. The DM rolled the young lady a LUST score of 17.)

And so night passed, and morning came.

Dan Parsons

"Oh, you're injured! Let me take off all your clothes..."