Navero 07

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From: (Daniel Parsons)
Subject: Navero VII
Reply-To: dparsons@jarthur.UUCP (Daniel Parsons)
Distribution: world
Organization: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA
Keywords: Navero, of the Correct and Unalterable Way

And so...

The party got itself reorganized, and wounds were bandaged, the Cavalier healed, and the dead horses not mentioned. Everyone proceeded on foot into the big, spooky cave, looking for the Orcs treasure...

The first thing we encountered was the need for a light. Navero had fortunately brought a lantern. (Navero would soon develop the habit of carrying everything he might conceivably need on a trip.) We walked past the still-smoking wood, to discover a large vent within the entrance hall itself; our smoke was all going right out. Further back in the cave was a rusty iron gate; behind this gate we saw at least one Orc, watching us. We decided to throw a Molotov cocktail, to take it and any others that might be there. The DM rolled a save for the clay pot the oil was in; it didn't break. The Orc picked it up and threw it back at us. It didn't break again. We ripped out the burning rag and watched the Orc run away.

Kortul the Mighty Barbarian Type (who has 18/98 strength) wrenched open a gap in the bars, and shortly thereafter we discovered that it could have been raised up quite easily. Sigh. We decided to proceed immediately, but some dispute came up over the marching order.

Rourk: "I shall go in first, naturally."

Kortul: "Better I go. Know caves better."

Rourk: "I recall that YOU didn't get much beyond the entrance."

Kortul: "You guard the rear, keep the priest and mage safe."

Rourk: "I think not."

Kortul: "Back there, munchkin. Let men go first."

Rourk: "You try my patience, barbarian. If you wish to repulse them through sheer malodorousness, I must admit that you have an advantage over me. But in the arts of combat I am the acknowledged superior, so remove your clumsy bulk from my path!"

Dania: "Look, will someone just go in?"

Rourk: "Shut up. You may guard the rear. Perhaps you can make up for your previous failure some other time, when it is less vital to the survival of others..."

Rizudo: "Oh, hell." (Walks through gate.)

Kortul went after Rizudo, who was now standing in some sort of great hall. It was mostly empty, apart from piles of straw and rags, sacks, and a great deal of smoked meat near the south wall. There were 3 other exits; one to the North (we came from the west), one South, and a big one to the East. The one to the east was peculiar; the Orcs had built a huge fence or barrier, with big spikes smeared with some gummy resin all through it. It was angled so as to keep something from beyond from getting in. Something big. We decided to leave it alone, and went to check out the south. Again, the argument over who goes first, solved by Navero wandering down the tunnel.

Navero: "Hello?"


Navero: "Eeep!" (Runs)

He came wandering back quite quickly, with about 20 Orcs on his heels. Fortunately, these were all women and child orcs, and so we were victorious against them. Kortul was hit in the face with a soup ladle, and the Cavalier suffered badly gnawed-on ankles.

Game Master: You slay all the women and children. Truly, a heroic effort.

Down south, there was nothing of interest. No money, nothin'. We went up north. After much searching, we hit a trap. It was a big pit that opened up beneath the lead party member (Rizudo again) dropping him 15' onto a smooth floor. He was injured, but noticed that there was something down there: a lever on one wall. He decided to go over and pull the lever down. A large section of the ceiling fell into the pit, neatly fitting into the hole, providing a smooth surface that the rest of the party could walk over, except that at one end it was an inch or two higher. So long, Rizudo. We mourned for the required seconds, and Navero gave him the last rites, or tried to, and then went about our business. In the northern caves, we found a few trinkets, and about 500 gp in loose change. Also a dwarven prisoner, who was unconscious and remained so all the way back.

Must run. I fear that this is somewhat rushed. Does anyone like this so far? I haven't heard anything about it. Is everyone ignoring me?

Dan Parsons

"He was a... good man. Sometimes. Maybe."