Navero 10

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From: (Daniel Parsons)
Subject: Navero X
Reply-To: dparsons@jarthur.UUCP (Daniel Parsons)
Distribution: world
Organization: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA
Keywords: Navero, of the Correct and Unalterable Way

The continuing sto-o-o-ry...

  • Navero, male human cleric ("oops...")
  • Dania, female 1/2-wood elf MU ("You <racial slur> idiot!")
  • Rourk Ravensbane, male drow cavalier ("You insult me, knave.")
  • Kortul, male human fighter (various grumbles)
  • Razuli, male human fighter ("Well, kids, whatcha gonna do now?")
  • Arlor, male dwarf thief ("Uh... yep. Yep. I do. Really.")

Training went relatively well. Dania didn't turn into anything more hideous than usual, and the rest of the month passed rapidly. Rested and fit, we decided to trek back to the cavern and see what it was beyond that big barrier that made the slovenly Orcs put it up. Razuli accompanied the group, despite the assurances of the others that his presence was not necessary, and Arlor also came along. Arlor was not treated very well, I am sad to admit; the humans regarded him with indifference at best, and both elves very obviously disliked him. (The player was very quiet, and unused to our playing style, which involves lots of squabbling, as you may have noticed.)

Rourk: "And another thing: you are to address me as 'Sir' at all times, unless conditions demand the more appropriate title."

Arlor: "You mean, uh, 'madam'?"

Rourk: (Draws sword.) "If you insult me again, I shall feed you your liver."

Arlor: "Sorry, sorry. Um."

Navero: "I kind of don't think that was very nice, uh, Rourk."

Rourk: "YOU try being NICE to this hairy little... But you are correct. I am losing my temper over a nothing. I do apologize for disturbing your composure, priest."

Arlor: "Thanks. Thanks lots."

Dania: "Just be quiet, will you?"

Razuli: "What are you two getting so upset about, anyway? It's OK, Arlor, they really don't mean it."

Arlor: "I think they do, yup."

Razuli: "No! They just feel that way about anyone shorter than they are. You see, Dania thinks you're gonna look up her robe, and Sir Snot over there was once bested by a rabid chihuahua, and it left him traumatized. We all love you. Really."

Rourk: "Mercenary, my temper is short enough as it is..."

Razuli: "And that's not the only thing."

Rourk: "You are unworthy of notice. Begone from my sight."

Navero: "I wish you didn't not like him so much. It's kind of sad."

Razuli: "Kid, I've spent enough time here to know that those two are both idiots. They are pretty sad. Ignore 'em, and do what you need to."

Kortul: "Dragon to the left."

There was indeed a Dragon there, in the misty distance. We couldn't tell if it was the same one, and frankly didn't want to find out. At least, most of us didn't; Rourk had to be told that by the time he reached it, it would have flown away again.

Navero: "I wish they wouldn't be so unkind. Especially Dania; she is a very nice person, I don't know why she's behaving like this."

Razuli: "Dania? NICE? Kid, you're deluding yourself. She is better built than most elves... but that isn't what you mean, now, is it?"

Navero: "Huh?"

Razuli: "Never mind. (sigh) Where the hell did someone like you come from, anyway?"

Navero: "From the Chapel of St. Glajmir of the Glow, under Master Luminont. And it's not good to use that name. It might attract diabolical attentions, the likes of which thy soul would quake to behold."

Razuli: "Right. (chuckles)"

Navero: "And you shouldn't say such degrading things about others as you do. 'Others will treat you as you see them.' And you shouldn't drink of liquorous spirits. Or fraternize with the evil or the undisciplined..."

Razuli: "Nav?"

Navero: "And... uh, yes?"

Razuli: "Shut up. And do your job. Ok?"

Navero: "But I must follow my faith."

Razuli: "Fine. Do that. But you've been pretty fucking useless so far, you know, and shouldn't be giving no sermons."

Navero: "But... I'm sorry. But..."

Razuli: "Fine. Now shut up."

We reached the cavern in due course, and went inside to the great hall. As far as we could tell, the foodstuffs had been taken, but nothing else disturbed. The barrier was intact, although the gummy resin on the stakes seemed to have degraded, and flaked off in places. The barrier was made of large logs and branches, sharpened in places, and bound together mostly with rope. Something the size of a human could scramble over it without much danger, but something much larger probably wouldn't make it. The cavern beyond was quite large; there were a few interesting rock formations, most of them broken off at the base, but the cave seemed empty and dead.

Rourk: "Priest! I request of you a blessing before going in to battle the creature."

Kortul: "Find creature first. Don't waste time sitting around now."

Dania: "Yes, as long as we're in here, we should keep moving."

Rourk: "You may explore ahead if you must. I shall be prepared."

Navero: "Uh, kneel, and take off your helmet."

Rourk: "I have vowed not to face others until I have proven myself worthy of it."

Navero: "Oh. Well, uh... O Lords of the Correct and Unalterable Way... The true shining path of servitude and right... Please do look down on this, thy... humble servant, and give me the right and the power to instigate thy will. (Takes Rourk's head between his hands) Look down upon me, thy chosen instrument, and let your will flow through me into this, our... protector, that he may have the courage... and skill... to do thy holy works.

Rourk: "Very good." (Tries to rise, but Navero continues.)

Navero: "Yea, though thy flesh-and-blood servants be weak, O Lords, I do ask that you forgive us all, each and every one... for our failures, be they of mercy... or of will. Please, O Lords, let our petty differences be settled between us, and may we unite to vanquish those who would move against your will."

Rourk: "Amen!" (Again tries to rise, but Navero continues.)

Navero: "If one of us do drag the whole down, O Lords, inspire that one with thine own strength, that he may better serve the needs of all! Let that one smite down that which divides us! Let petty hatreds and pointless greed be ended! (Shakes Rourk's helmet. Rourk's head rattles around inside.)

Rourk: "Uh, priest..."

Navero: "Please, O Lords! Forgive us all! We are weak and stupid and humble before your eyes! Let us also cast aside old hates, which our own STUPIDITY drives on! Yea verily, the scars of a thousand years can be healed with an act of kindness, if kindness can possibly enter the tiny minds of those who hold the hate!"

(Everyone is staring at Navero. Rourk starts to feel uncomfortable.)

Navero: "Let the fear of the FIRES and PAIN of your punishments sit with us ALL! Yea, illuminate us, and show us our follies! Though we be but as mortals, BLIND and STUPID, let it be within your infinite kindness to give us your wisdom, THAT WE MAY SEE OURSELVES!! And let this discord CEASE!"

Dania: "Navero?"

Navero: "And look DOWN and... Yes?"

Razuli: "Is your robe too tight or something?"

Rourk: "Perhaps it is." (Quickly jerks away and stands up.) "A good blessing. Truly, a great blessing. I thank you, priest."

Navero: "Uh... yes. Uh..." (Everyone continues to stare.)

Arlor: "Um..."

Navero: "uh..."

Kortul: "Hope yelling didn't attract monster."

Razuli: "Oh, brother. That's all we need. A loudspeaker for a priest."

Kortul: "Thought all priests loud-speakers. How they became priests."

Rourk: "Indeed. This one can certainly make a helmet echo."

Razuli: "Of course! It's easy with such a big hollow space."

Rourk: (Fume...) "You are beneath contempt."

Dania: "Come on, Rourk, you walked into that one. Lets go now."

Rourk: "I did not. I insist upon that fact."

Arlor: (giggles)


Arlor: "Nothin'."

Our brave heroes climbed over the barrier, and down to the cavern below. There they were met by... absolutely nothing. No hungry Dragons, maniacally screaming slime monsters from the planet Sh'rue'y*ed, not even so much as a rabid Kobold. It was a huge, irregular cavern, about 60 feet across, with entrances in the north and the east sides. Our footsteps echoed, but there was no other sound.

Dan Parsons

"Nice place. Wouldn't want to build a house here, though."