Navero 21

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From: (Daniel Parsons)
Subject: Navero XXI
Reply-To: dparsons@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Daniel Parsons)
Distribution: world
Organization: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA
Keywords: Navero, of the Correct and Unalterable Way

After training, as appropriate...

  • Navero, male human cleric, 4th level
  • Dania, female 1/2-elf MU, 4th level
  • Kortul, male human fighter, 3rd level
  • Razuli, male human fighter, 3rd level
  • Arlor, male dwarf thief, 3rd level
  • Kory Silvertongue, male elf bard, 2nd level
    • (Kory is a new-type bard, not the old type; the Dragon Magazine type, as they were called back then, now the 2nd Edition type.)

Training this time around was no problem at all. There was a semi-public library for magic-users, temples for Navero, a very small arena, etc. It all went very leisurely, with plenty of time to relax and unwind; we were beginning to like this place. A pity that it didn't last... we still had plenty of money to spend.

(At our tavern, just after dusk.)

Arlor: "Nice, quiet place, yup."

Kortul: "No dragons. No paladins."

Kory: "O hirsute one; would you be speaking of Those Who Are More Than Two And Less Than Four? You have my condolences. You won't be meeting them again, I pray?"

Dania: "Not if we can help it."

Kory: "Ah, good! That gives me yet another reason to hang out with you guys. The first being your beacon of spiteful loveliness, who fascinates me endlessly. The $econd i$ that you guy$ $eem to have $omehow produced an irre$i$tible force which draw$ me ever clo$er to you."

(I'm still not sure how he got his S's to sound like dollar signs.)

Razuli: "The bonds of camaraderie and friendship are strong indeed. (sigh.) Hey kids, wanna find Navero and take him to see the sights?"

Kory: "That little priest person we met earlier, no? Well! I know of a house run by a lovely older woman that I'm sure he'd just LOVE..."

Kortul: "Some guards coming."

(Kory quickly disappears.)

Dania: "I don't see any guards."

Kortul: "Don't either. How long'll he be gone?"

Razuli: "Long enough to try laying one of the barmaids. He'll be back soon."

Kory: "That was not very nice."

Razuli: "And the 8-second wonder returns! How was she?"

Kory: "Oh, not too bad. Soon as she saw me, she just melted..."

Dania: "Down through the floorboards, hoping to escape, no doubt."

Kory: "You watch your tongue, young lady! If you keep this up, I may have to spank you! Then, you can spank me!"

Dania: "Ooh, sounds kinky. Can I use your sword? Trust me."

Razuli: "Hey, c'mon, I get a turn, don't I? What's one bitchy little magic user between friends?" (shit-eating grin)

Kory: "More than you could ever dream of. Dania, my dear! Picture this:"

Dania: "Some elf's balls frying in butter? Mmmm, sounds tasty."

Kory: "Uhhh... Friend Kortul! Is she always like this?"

Kortul: (Hostile stare)

Razuli: "It's just PMS."

Dania: "Oh... fuck you all. I'm going to bed."

Razuli: "You're going to bed to fuck us all?"

Kory: "My most perverted dreams come true!! Only we need some women for the rest of you. Wait a minute, there's some over there! Wow! On second thought, Razuli can HAVE the magic user!" (Leaves.)

Dania: "What an asshole."

(Many many Guards approach table.)

Razuli: "Oh, shit, not again. Kids, get ready to run."

Arlor: "Hello, officers!"

Guard 1: "'ello, me loverlies. 'member me? Yur ol' frend come ta see ya."

Dania: "Oh, FuckingJesusChristGoddamIt... What is it?"

Guard 1: "Wasn' nice, you attackin' us gards, runnin' out'a town, leavin' behind such a 'orrible mess. Been weeks cleenin' up afta yu. And runnin' ta this city, o' all places, seein' tha' the Lord o' Swamp Keep happens to be the Guv'nors brother-in-law! Took a bit o' time ta peg yu. But maybe we all shuld talk some, right?"

Arlor: "But, sir, we didn't make any of that mess."

Guard 1: "Why didn' ya stay and help cleen up!? Right un-neighborly. In fact, so un-neighborly yu all cood be arested rite here. But we all wuld much rathe' have yur willin' co-operashun."

Kortul: *grunt*

Guard 2: (This guard bears himself like some sort of lieutenant, or something.) "According to certain officials at Swamp Keep, you are responsible for cleaning out an Orc nest in the area, and so are more or less responsible for events transpiring thereafter. (Glares) I hope you all understand that if YOU can clean out an Orc lair, the militia would certainly be perfectly capable of handling the same problem. If said militia does not, it is because of possible repercussions, which you apparently did not stop to consider. One cannot simply go waltzing into a cavern and start slaughtering. YOU may move on, but WE have to live with the CONSEQUENCES of your actions!"

Razuli: "Look, we're sorry, OK? Now what's the deal here?"

Guard 2: "You be quiet. You and your kind have done quite enough."

Guard 1: "Tell 'em wha' ta do, already."

Guard 2: "I was about to, so BE QUIET, dolt!"

Guard 1: (mutters) "Oo' pu' a burr up yur ass, then?"

Guard 2: "During your activities, you disturbed a young Black Dragon, I believe."

Razuli: "That was Rourk! We didn't do it!"

Guard 3: "Oh? So you admit to knowing him, then?"

Razuli: "Knowing who? Oh, you mean the darkie! We're talking about a different guy, here."

Dania: "Yea, different person. What about the dragon?"

Guard 2: (a-hem!) "Some citizens of the empire have been complaining that such a dragon has been sighted near their fields, where it steals cattle. Why it should come up here, when it was safe and happy further south, I of course haven't the slightest idea. (Glares) You, I understand, have developed a slight reputation for the slaying of Dragons..."

Kortul: (groan...)

Razuli: "Here it comes..."

Guard 2: "Surely, for such COMPETENT and CAPABLE adventurers as yourselves, slaying one young rogue black would be as child's play. AND in addition, you would have the thanks of the citizenry of the state, who may forget about the small matter of your debt."

Razuli: "We keep all it's treasure!"

Guard 2: "Amusing. Anything it has stolen from the citizenry belongs to the citizenry, and not to any brigandish ruffians who come along and sneak off with it. You will be expected to surrender whatever valuables you should find in the black's hoard, and accept the reward decreed by the Governor for the Dragon's death. Any more is not in your due. Am I understood?"

Party: Yup, yes, gotcha, absolutely your priggishness Sir!

Guard 2: "Should you try to simply cut and run, before OR after killing the black, you will find that the chits you have been given, and which you now wear and cannot remove, will lead us unerringly to you... and you will ALL then suffer PUNISHMENT to the FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW! AM I UNDERSTOOD NOW!?"

Party: Uh... yes. Absolutely. Can we go now, we have lots to do.

Guard 2: "Yes. I think you do have quite a bit to make up for. The black hasn't killed anyone yet; if it had, I'd have you all locked up for murder. But as it is, you get a chance to redeem yourselves; and I don't know whether I want you to succeed, or fail."

Guard 1: "Bye, now. Hope yu hav lotsa fun. He he he!" (Guards exit)

Dania: "Lets go find Nav."

Kory: "Excuse me! Was it you who was getting screamed at?"

Razuli: "Yep. Some stuck-up cock sucker wants us to go kill another dragon."

Kory: "Oh, cool! Been nice knowing you all. I shall sing songs of your bravery for minutes to come. Wait a moment, did my pointed ears deceive me, or did you say ANOTHER dragon, dear fellow sentient?"

Razuli: "Yea, another dragon. Shouldn't be too much trouble, we've seen it before, and killed worse."

Kory: "Then I must accompany you! I've never been to a Dragon slaying! Oh my, what wonderful opportunities this creates for my autobiography."

We found Navero and explained the situation to him, and then spent the rest of the night separately. The wise ones prepared their equipment and slept; others spent the time less wisely. In the morning, we set out, but not on horseback, as before. The northern parts of the marsh were considerably more boggy and inhospitable than the southern areas, and going on horse would be difficult. But there were several runs lacing the swamp, draining it's waters into other streams and rivers; a large skiff riding high in the water would be much better than walking through quicksand. At least, that was the idea. We very quickly discovered that no one had ever steered a skiff before, and there were far more subtleties to it than you might guess. Fortunately, we didn't capsize before we got something figured out, and were soon on our way into the swamps.

Dan Parsons


"How the hell do we get into these things?"