Navero 40

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From Thu May 10 11:38:51 1990
Path: uci-ics!jarthur!dparsons
From: dparsons@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Daniel Parsons)
Subject: Navero XL
Keywords: Navero, of the Correct and Unalterable Way
Message-ID: <7082@jarthur.Claremont.EDU>
Date: 10 May 90 06:17:10 GMT
Organization: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711
Lines: 379

Snow was beginning to fall.

  • Navero, male human cleric, 5th level
  • Dania, female 1/2-elf MU, 4th level
  • Kortul, male human fighter, 5th level
  • Razuli, male human fighter, 5th level
  • Kory, male elf bard, 4th level
  • Topash, male elf druid, 4th level
  • Meth, male ? thief, 3rd level

The party was not in good spirits as we rode out of Propyla. Nobody pursued this time; the crowd of fleeing citizenry was much larger than at any of the other towns that got blown up, so nobody really noticed us. Looking back to Propyla, we could see much of it was burning, and most of the big buildings were gone. The governor's mansion was a surprising exception, but it was missing a wall, which I suppose made up for it. We quickly made tracks, and by dawn were well enough away to stop and rest, and tell everyone what had happened. The question came up of what to do next; do we go for yet another town? Or were we officially wanted yet? You'd think that somebody would be really mad at us by now...

We had managed to fling all of our possessions onto the horses before we left (although some had been lost along the way), so equipment loss wasn't critical; all the important things had been saved. We had also managed to leave the inn without paying for the rooms. However, we hadn't had much money left to begin with, and the hasty departure had only worsened matters. Then, a subtle change came over the land; a brook now flowed beside the road, the snowfall stopped and was replaced by a dense fog, and the trees grew taller and became more colorful. The changes were subtle, but definite.

Razuli: (Vanishes.)

Topash: "The balance seems to be shifting."

Person: (Walks out of bushes) "Hail, brave adventurers!"

Kory: "Hail? This is fog, and where'd it come from?"

Person: "I understand your confusion. The fundamental nature of the universe just changed. Before, the almighty DM was he called Jeff, but he has been replaced by Roger. The world is different now, as a new mind lies at the center of creation."

Navero: "Who are you, sir?"

Person: "I am a protector of the woods, where I am known as Norrin. I would know your business in my lands."

Dania: "Your lands? We're in the middle of a plain!"

Norrin: "I'm moonlighting. You appear to be adventurers in need of cash."

Kory: "Is there any other kind?"

Norrin: "Well, I know of a dwarf cave near here which has been overrun by monsters, and they need someone to clear it out. I was thinking of taking the job, if only I could find a party to join me..."

Dania: "Dwarves? You wanna crawl into some Dwarf-hole?!"

Kory: "Well, he could try a.."

Topash: "Kory, behave."

Kortul: "Mines?"

Norrin: "Yes, they mine silver, tin, and lead there."

Dania: "Are there any dwarves inside?"

Norrin: "No."

Dania: "Fine. Let's go. They'll pay, though."

Topash: "Which way is it?"

Game Master: You can't see any landmarks in the fog.

Dania: "Get to high ground so we can see out of it."

Game M: You climb a little hill, but still can't see out.

Kory: "Go back to the road and keep riding."

Game M: You can't find the road.

Kory: "OK, I go climb a tree and look!"

Game M: You can't find a tree.

Kortul: (To Roger) I walk out of the fog.

Game M: OK, Kortul mysteriously vanishes.

Party: We all walk out of the fog.

Game M: Okay! You're all on the same road you were on before, near a little bridge over a creek. The road branches to the left, and a signpost says that that way is the way to the dwarf mines. A smooth dirt road leads off into the hills.

Topash: "Gee, I wonder if the Orb of Spheres is there too."

Navero: "I thought it was winter. Where's the snow?"

Game M: Driving past you in freezing blasts. You're all real frigid.

Kory: I am not! "Well, shall we go?"

Dania: "Yes. How much were the hairballs offering, anyway?"

Norrin: "Negotiations didn't go that far."

Dania: "Hmph."

We rode up the road, past rolling streams and fields of blue grass. Snow cats gamboled about, listening to the blue grass. They did not attack, so we let them be. The road went up into the hills, and then sharply turned downwards into a rocky valley which smelled vaguely of smoke and iron. A very short, wide person with a beard leaped (sort of) from behind a tree.

Dwarf: "Halt and be recognized!"

Norrin: "Hail! We are brave adventurers, and have come to offer to rid your mines of their invaders."

Dwarf: "Adventurers? Harrumph! Well, go on down, hang a left, go to the door and ask to see Korgurindin."

Kory: "OK! C'mon, let's get this over with."

Dania: "Yes."

The party rode down into the valley, which was nicely sheltered from the wind above, to a collection of squat, sturdy buildings. There weren't very many - only enough to make two streets, one crossing the other, but there were a lot of dwarves about. Most sat on rocks or under trees, and obviously had very little to do; they eyed us with obvious distaste. Some of us eyed the dwarves right back, with even more distaste. We turned left at the intersection and rode up to a door in a tall building. This door was sized for humans, so it seemed to be some kind of meeting place.

(Knock, knock)

Voice: (from inside) "Who's there?"

Kory: (Grin!) "Adventure!"

Voice: (?) "Adventure who?"

Kory: "Ah'd venture to say you should let us in!"

Dania: "Oh, shut up! We're here about cleaning out those mines. Is what's-his-face in?"

Norrin: "Korgurindin."

Dania: "Yea, him."

A youngish-looking dwarf opened the door and let us in. The inside of the building had normal-sized furniture, and other conveniences for large people, but the decor was still rather spartan. We sat down to wait while the young dwarf went to fetch Korgurindin, who turned out to be an older dwarf with spectacles. He explained the situation to us.

Apparently, someone or something had found some sort of magic device which could charm a dwarf into servitude. They came up from below, with some monstrous servants, and attacked the deeps of the mines, killing or charming the miners. Many of the charmed dwarves were sent back to the upper reaches as spies and infiltrators, and successfully disrupted the dwarves attempts to defend their homes, so that they were driven out. The main entrance to the mines was located at the opposite end of the surface "town", and had been sealed up with a large oak door. Some spies had been sent in through other entrances, but none had come back out. It was finally decided that outside help would have to be sought. The local rangers were asked to go in, but were reluctant to do so, caverns not being their forte; they did promise to keep a look-out for anyone with skills more suited to tunnels.

Dania: "Great, great. How much?"

Korgurindin: "Well, I think 75 gp for each of you would do."

Dania: "WHAT?! You little hairball, that's robbery! 500!"

Korgurindin: "We suffered a great deal by our loss. I think 100 would be acceptable."

Topash: "Dania, calm yourself. I understand we may be fighting your kin, and that you do not wish them slain; this will make the task much more difficult, and makes your offer rather unreasonable."

Korgurindin: "Hmmm, yes. Uh... how's 150 each as a fair price, provided no dwarves are harmed?"

Kory: "I dunno about that..."

Norrin: "Perhaps, uh... 300 apiece, minus weregild?"

Korgurindin: "Well... yes, perhaps. Would you like to see an entrance?"

We were escorted out into the valley by a pair of dwarves, to a small crack in the rock we wouldn't have noticed otherwise. Beyond, a narrow and winding crack went downward into the earth. It was wide enough for Kortul to squeeze through, but barely. We went in quietly as we could, Meth first, followed by Dania and Norrin.

Meth: "Hey, there's an ugly guy down there. I think it's a guard."

Dania: "Where about is he?"

Meth: "Oh, maybe 14 paces ahead of you."

Dania: (Casts Sleep.)

Norrin: "Good, good. Alright, let's go."

Down at the bottom, we could see a small door, which was ajar. On the other side were two snoring Bugbears. We tied them up and looked around. We were on a wide ledge carved out of a cliff, on the south side of a ravine; at the bottom, a strong river flowed. To the west, we could see more carved stone, windows and doors, and a bridge across the ravine. The ledge ran no further eastwards than where we were. Numerous torches provided dim light. There was some argument over what to do with the Bugbears, but eventually soft hearts prevailed and they were left tied and gagged. We went westwards towards the bridge.

Norrin: "Where would the chief of operations be? In the town?"

Meth: "Probably not, unless he's civilized or something. That'd be the first place to look, anyway."

Kory: "He probably has all his troops in the built area. I suggest that we go elsewhere. Of course, that assumes that this place is organized, which it may not be."

Navero: "Do we go across on the bridge? It looks wobbly."

Kortul: "Bad place to get attacked."

Meth: "Shouldn't we go before someone notices us?"

Dania: "Yea. Let's go over the bridge. If they attack us, fine."

We crept westwards toward the bridge; all was quiet. The bridge was sturdily built, but looked like it had been fought on; several posts and supports had been taken out. Kortul took the lead, and we started across, when a long rubbery arm reached out from under and grabbed his leg.

Kortul: "Ha!" (Stabs the arm)

Dania: "Trolls! Nav, get some oil out! How many?"

Kory: "Oh, no more than 20 or 30. Fight quietly, we don't want to attract attention."

(3 Trolls come out from under bridge. One attacks Kortul, the second Navero, and the third Norrin.)

Navero: "Ahh! Go away!" (Misses.)

Kortul: (Chop! An arm drops in the river.)

Dania: (Magic Missile's Troll 2)

Topash: (Slashes Troll 2 with Scimitar.)

Meth: (Stabs Norrin's Troll in the back.) "Gee, this is weird."

Kory: (Plays battle song.) "Oh? How so?"

Meth: "Usually, monsters ambush us with overwhelming numbers and surprise, but these just came out for a straight fight. Like, really unusual."

Norrin: (Misses his Troll.) "Well, I guess these things happen."

Troll 1: (bites Kortul, attempts to grapple and fails.)

Troll 2: (Gets Navero in a bear hug, squeezes.)

Troll 3: (Claws and bites Norrin.)

Navero: "Gliik!"

Dania: "Drop him!" (Magic Missile on Troll 2)

Kortul: (Hack Hack Chop Chop Bleed Bleed)

Topash: "So much for a straight fight. Let go of him, please, we have spent rather a lot of money on him now." (Misses.)

Meth: (Critical strike - double damage.) "Gee, do you think I just might have given our illustrious DM an idea?"

Kory: "Yes. Now hush, or start talking about how everything is really hard, and that we'll never possibly survive."

Norrin: "Good idea! Oh wail in agony and torment and torture..."

Dania: "Don't forget gnashing of teeth."

Troll 1: (Kicks Kortul in the balls.)

Troll 2: (Turns and drops Navero in the river.)

Troll 3: (Throws Norrin into Kory, both nearly fall into the river.)

Kortul: (Thud!)

Navero: "HELP!" (Splash!)

Dania: "Shit!" (Magic Missiles Troll 2)

Kory: "You would have to remind him he's god, wouldn't you?"

Meth: "Hey, I didn't mean to..."

Norrin: "Well! Any bright ideas of our own?"

Topash: (Throws a rope down to Navero.) "Yes; someone go help Kortul."

Troll 1: (Jumps up and down on Kortul.)

Troll 2: (Claws Dania and Topash.)

Troll 3: (Bites and claws Meth.)

Kortul: "RRAAAAHHHH!!!!" (Swings twice, criticals once; Troll 1 splattered.)

Kory: "Uh-oh, they're in trouble now! Ho Ha Ha Guard Turn Parry Dodge Spin Thrust!" (Wounds Troll 2.)

Norrin: "Of course, every bit will grow, you know." (Wounds Troll 3.)

Dania: "Yuck." (Magic Missiles Troll 2) "Someone get some oil out."

Navero: (Blub. Navero can't swim, and his mace and armor have dragged him to the bottom of the river.)

Topash: "I believe we should take care of these two first." (Swings rope to where Navero should be.)

Meth: "Oh, die already." (Backstabs Troll 3.)

Troll 1: (Twitches a lot.)

Troll 2: (Backhands Topash, almost knocking him in; claws Dania, bites Kory)

Troll 3: (Claws Meth, misses Norrin.)

Topash: "Navero!"

Navero: (Finds the rope, starts climbing.)

Kortul: (Barrels into Troll 2's gut. Kortul is a big man, and manages to knock it off the bridge.)

Dania: "Great! One left!" (Magic Missiles Troll 3)

Norrin: "It looks pretty wobbly right now." (Critical strike.)

Meth: "So this just might..." (Backstabs, it falls.) "Hey!"

Troll 1: (Twitches a lot more.)

Troll 2: (Bites at Navero on its way past.)

Troll 3: (Twitches not very much at all.)

The trolls were burned (what didn't drip into the river) and wounds cleaned and bandaged. Nobody came running at the sounds of the fight, which was a bit of a surprise but we decided not to mention it. Perhaps the people who had taken over the mines felt they were secure enough not to put sentries in the town itself. Navero was sopping wet of course, but didn't catch cold in those cold caverns (again, we didn't mention it to the DM) and so after a healing for all we continued on our merry way into the northern caverns.

Daniel Parsons

"The world seems a much simpler place now."