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  • Biestfurher: Old man of Saxon German extraction, probably old enough to have fought in WWI by the time WWII rolled around (and has pointy helmet to prove it). Mysterious: the allies knew of him during the war but very little else. It's still unclear exactly how he was connected to the German super-soldier program other than he understood genetics ahead of all other scientists at the time. Used Die Glocke to escape at the end of the war, taking Lorelei and Grendel with him. Wound up in the Wild Era, where he took over a tribe of beastmen while waiting for repairs to be completed on Die Glocke. Captured by the time-displaced Justicars. Has a power known as the "Wild Force", though how he gained it and exactly what it is are unknown other than that it allows him to remotely manipulate genetics.

  • Lorelei: Only survivor of the Nazi super-soldier serum that wasn't horribly mutated. Aquatic hydrokinetic, not much to write home about in the 21st century, except if she concentrates she can try to dehydrate your body. Fought in the super-battle part of the Battle of the Bulge, where most of the rest of the super-soldiers were killed. Escaped with Biestfurher and was captured by the Justicars in the Wild Era.

  • Grendel: One of the super-soldiers who survived the serum but was horribly mutated. The serum reduced him to what can only be called a savage beast, a monster that lives to kill. In WWII he was a lumpy, twisted giant, but by the time the Justicars discovered the Nazis in the Wild Era he had been mutated by Biestfurher's Wild Force into something more animalistic.