Neave of Valgard

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Barbarians of Lemuria: The Breath Of A Demon God


Neave is an outcast, expelled from her tribe due to falling in love with a handsome man from the south, a foreigner! Love making her blind she left her people behind and fled with him and for a few months they travelled and adventured and spent every waking hour together. It was bliss. But then, it was in the city of Zalut, fate stepped in. Nardor, that was his name, left her for another woman! So there she was, all alone in this city, all green-eyed and out for revenge.

Neave is fiery-headed, fair-skinned woman of 22 years, skilled with the sword and the greatbow and a treacherous mix of brutish barbarian and naïve and curious young woman. She doesn't talk much about her time with her clan back in the north and what she exactly did there besides fighting, hunting and other barbarian things.

Strength 2 Agility 2 Mind 0 Appeal 0

Brawl 0 Melee 2 Ranged 1 Defence 2

Lifeblood 12/12 Hero Points 6/6

Barbarian 2 Hunter 1 Torturer 1 Minstrel 0


  • Quick Recovery (regain additional LB point)
  • Marked by the Gods (extra hero point)


  • Country Bumpkin (roll extra die in situations to do with urban survival)


  • Defence (1->2) 3
  • Total: 3


Dagger (damage d3); Sword (damage d6); Greatbow (damage d6+2, range 100'); Small shield (+1); Light armour d6-2 (heavy fur cloak over leathers); bedroll, rope, waterskin, pouch, sling bag, quiver, scarf, gloves, boots