Necessary Evil The Rejects/Mr Cellophane

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Mr Cellophane aka Tristan MacBeth[edit]

"Why don't you say we put this little matter of criminal charges behind us, and go for lunch? My Treat!"


MacBeth appears to be a middling human male in his 30's. While certainly not fat or sloppy, MacBeth is not notible for either his physique or appearnace. MacBeth stands 5'10 and appears to be a Caucasian male with a Goatee.

Brief History:[edit]

MacBeth was a lawyer of some renown, especially for controversy and Super Villain defence. MacBeth was formally disgraced and implicated in scams bilking millions of dollars from the wealthy clients in New York before he breifly fled the country before the Fin invasion. Returning to the states as his foreign accounts were seized and confiscated by a variety of human and fin forces, MacBeth is looking for a new mark to restore himself to his comfort zone.

Secretly MacBeth suspects that he is a Hybrid, between Atlantean and human and that is the origin of his strange powers. His 'Fleeing' the united states was simply a conveinent time to investigate. MacBeth had not managed to make contact with his father or atlantis when the V'sori struck. MacBeth may never know the origin of his powers and his father or the strange haunting oceanscapes that dominate his dreams.

MacBeth is served by his faithful manservant, Alfred, and lives in an uptown condo (With Adjoining Secret Lair).


Agility: d6, Smarts: d6, Spirit: d6, Strength: d10, Vigor: d6.


Driving: d6, Guts: d6, Shooting: d6, Investigation: d10, Knowledge (Law): d10, Notice: 1d10, Shooting d6, Streetwise d4.


Arcane Background (Super Powers), Rich: x3 Starting Cash and a salary Alertness: +2 to notice checks


Curious: Code of Honour: Heartless: Allergy (Minor): Fire


Mind-Control + Mind-Wipe + Extra Targets x2 - 10pts Lair - 1pt Minion - 1pt Superskills - 3pt

Charisma: 0, Pace: 6", Parry: 2, Toughness: 5


Duraweave Armani Suits and a Discrete .45 Colt Revolver with Herokiller Ammunition.