Negima: High School Magical Rex

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Rex Mackenzie

Abilities (34pts)[edit]

Strength 4

Stamina 4

Agility 0

Dexterity 0

Fighting 3

Intellect 1

Awareness 3

Presence 2



Defenses (10pts)[edit]

Dodge 0/3

Parry 3/3

Toughness 4/11

Fortitude 4/7

Will 3/7

Skills (18pts)[edit]

Acrobatics +0

Athletics +6/+10

Close Combat +0

Deception +2/+4


Insight +7/+10

Intimidation +2

Investigation +1

Perception +7/+10

Persuasion +2/+4

Ranged Combat

Sleight of Hand +0

Stealth +8/+8

Technology +1

Treatment +1

Vehicles +0

Advantages (7pts)[edit]

  • Close combat 4
  • Fearless
  • Improved initx2

Powers (44pts)[edit]

  • Illusion 5 (resistable by will, Area 2) 22
  • Senses (Low-light vision, Ultra hearing, smell (Acute, accurate, Annlyitcal), Trackingx2, innate) 9
  • Fangs of the hound Dmg 3 str based, (Quirk in hound form only -1)
  • Hide of the hound (toughness ) 7 (Quirk in hound form only -1)
  • Morph 1 (human) 5


Can't be quiet for long - A cu sith is capable of hunting silently for a shortwhile. But it soon needs to emit 3 short barks which carry for great distances

Curiosty killed the dog - Rex is always sticking his nose into things

Rex is from a long line of Cu Sith mostly they keep to themselves but Rex decided that he found human life facisniting and after a lot of arguments he was able to join human society. Eventually he got the attention of the school and was invited to join.

He is curious and friendly and occasionly forgets to hide that fact that he doesn't always think like a human (sniffing people on meeting them for example) he is also unfortuently has become very fond of dropping puns into conversation.

In his human form he slightly above average in height and very well built he moves with a seemingly endless supply of energy. He eyes are mismatched one is a bright green the other a light blue among his clan this is seen a sign of good fortune. He wears his long red hair loose at all times.

In his natural form he is just as muscular and has as much energy but stands the height of a small pony, his fur is bright green except for his ears which are red.(for looks picture the [1] Mabari form Dragon Age)