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Belligerence: 3 Opportunism: 5 Reason: 2 Spirituality: 0


The Neitzeitk are a race of micro-dimensional, microscopic organisms of nearly unparalleled power. On the inside, each one consists of it's own pocket dimension of near infinite proportions, filled the various biological and cosmological organs that compose their vast minds and generate the energy that enables them to utilize their powers. This is linked to it's outer shell, a thin, amoebic membrane which contains the Neitzeitk's only sensory organs, by a tiny dimensional rift that also serves as it's heart.

A Neitzeitk can channel some of the energy from it's pocket dimension into our universe at will and, further more, can convert it to matter, creating whatever the Neitzeitk wishes, and destroying it just as quickly.

The Neitzeitk are rare, and those that have been encountered are almost universally hostile towards sentient life, almost taking pleasure in the destruction of entire races.Luckily, due to their small size and horrid sensory abilities, most take no notice of life on the macro scale - some even take up residence in the minds of certain individuals, their presence granting the inhabited being a small measure of their power - often mistakenly referred to as 'magic'.

It's theorized that the Neitzeitk are the seeds of future universes, as they they contain an almost infinate space within a single point, and that their attempts at destruction are simply attempts to hasten the demise of this universe so that they may be born.