Nemesis (Resident Evil)

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The Nemesis is the recurring "boss" character in Resident Evil 3. It is a project of Umbrella Corporation, engineered to seek and destroy the member of S.T.A.R., a special divison of Raccon City Police Department. The only word that the Nemesis is able to say is indeed "Stars..." while he is pursuing Jill Valentine.

Nemesis PL 14 225p

Stats Str 20, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 8, Will 12, Cha 10 (20pp)

Dmg +22, Fort +22, Ref +0, Will +1 Defense 12 Base 12 (4pp) Flatfooted 12 Initiative +0 Hero Points 8 Speed 30/60/120 BAB +10 (30pp) Melee +15 Ranged +10

Feats: Toughness, Durabilty, Great Fortitude, Improved Grapple, Chokehold, Improved Pin, Takedown, Rapid Takedown, Power Attack, All-Out Attack, Extra Limb (Tentacles) (26pp)

Powers (117pp) Umbrella Mutations +13 (Super Strength, Shockwave, Super Constitution, Elasticity with Flaw: Tentacles only, Regeneration 5 ranks; Source: Super Science; cost 9pp/rank +5pp) (117pp)

Skills: Intimidate +8 (8pp)

Weaknesses (-10pp) Disturbing (-10pp) Vulnerable (Acid) (-5pp)