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A character for, a Dungeons & Dragons game of Desert Survival.

Character Description[edit]

Race: Tiefling
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Vision: Low-light
Size: Medium
Languages: Common, [ ]
Alignment: Neutral
Theme: Executioner

Level: 4
Total XP: 3805

Combat Block[edit]

Weapon 1:

    Tortoise Blade - +2 Prof. 1d6 Damage. 7 lbs. Light blade. Off-hand
    this weapon can be used as a light shield.

Weapon 2:

    Tortoise Blade - +2 Prof. 1d6 Damage. 7 lbs. Light blade. Off-hand
    this weapon can be used as a light shield.

Weapon 3:

    Dejada - +2 Prof. 1d8 Damage. 2 lbs. Sling. Load free

HP: 32 - Bloodied: 16 - Healing Surges: 8 - Surge Value: 8
AC: 20
Fort: 14
Reflex: 16
Will: 14
Speed: 6
Initiative: +4 (+1 w/hidden dagger)
Passive Insight: [ ]
Passive Perception: [ ]
Usual Attack Bonus: +8
Usual Damage Bonus: +[ ]

Ability Scores[edit]

Strength 10 (0)
Constitution 13 (+1)
Dexterity 18 (+3)
Intelligence 17 (+3)
Wisdom 8 (-1)
Charisma 13 (+1)


Acrobatics +9, Arcana +9, Endurance +7, Stealth +11

Athletics, +1, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +1, Heal +1, History +1, Insight 0, Intimidate +3, Nature +1, Perception 0, Religion +1, Streetwise +3

Racial Feats[edit]

Blood Hunt: You gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes.
Fire Resistance: You have resist fire 5 + one-half your level.


Proficiency in the following:
Armor - Cloth, Leather
Short Bow
Simple Ranged
Simple/Military Melee

Other Feats:
Two Weapon Defense
Two Weapon Attack
Weapon Focus - Light Blade

Class / Path / Destiny Feats[edit]

Attack Finesse

    Benefit: You can use Dexterity instead of strength for your melee base attacks.
    In addition, once per turn you can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using
    a one handed weapon, a garrote, a blowgun, or a shortbow.

(Upgrade at level 11)

Quick Swap

    Benefit: Once during each of your turns, you can take a free action to draw o stow
    a weapon and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack:

    Benefit: When you hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage,
     you can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit
     points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use:

    Benefit: You learn the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons of your choice. 
    During an extended rest, you can prepare one vial of a 1st-level
    assassin poison.
    You must know the poison's recipe and have a poisoner's kit. The vial contains a 
    single use of the poison, which expires if it isn't used before the start of your
    next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin
    poison at a time.
    Only you can use your assassin poisons, and you are immune to the effects of the     
    ones you create.



  • Garrote Strangle - Martial, Weapon

Standard Action - Melee weapon

    Requirements: You must use this power with a garrote.
Effect: You shift up to 2 squares before the attack.
Target: One creature you are hidden from
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is grabbed until the end of your next turn. While the grab persists, the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls against you and cannot speak, and you cannot make other attacks.
Sustain Standard: The grab persists, and the target takes 2[W] + your Dexterity modifier damage.

(Upgrade at level 21)

  • Poisoned Dagger - Martial, Weapon

Standard Action - Melee weapon

    :Requirement: You must use this power with a dagger.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. If you deliver an assassin poison with this attack, the target takes a -4 penalty to its first saving throw, if any, against the poison's effect.
Effect: If the dagger has an assassin poison on it that is normally delivered on a hit, you can deliver that poison to the target even if the attack misses.

(Upgrade at level 21)

  • Quick Lunge - Martial, Weapon

Standard Action - Melee 1

    Effect: You shift 1 square before the attack.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] damage, and you knock the target prone. you can then shift 1 square back to your starting position.

(Upgrade at level 21)


  • Infernal Wrath - Racial Power

Minor Action - Personal

    Effect: You can channel your fury to gain a +1 power bonus to your next attack
    roll against an enemy that hit you since your last turn. If your attack hits and 
    deals damage, add your Charisma modifier as extra damage.
  • Assassin Strike - Martial

No Action - Personal

    Trigger: You hit a creature within 5 squares of you with an attack using a weapon.
Target: The creature you hit.
Effect: The target takes 2d10 extra damage from the triggering attack. If the target is helpless, this damage is maximized.
Special: Nothing but a short or an extended reest can allow you to regain the use of this power.

(Upgrade at level 7)

  • Distracting Illusion - Illusion, Shadow

Minor Action - Close (burst 10)

    Effect: You create the illusion of a Medium creature of your choice in an
    unoccupied square in the burst. The illusion is silent but moves and acts as though
    it was the creature it appears to be. Creatures that closely examine the illusions
    can make an Insight check to discover the illusion for what it really is. The check
    is opposed by a Bluff check that you make when you creature the illusion. The
    illusion lasts until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: The illusion persists until the end of your next turn, and you can move it up to 6 squares.
  • Psychic Surge - Implement, Psionic, Psycic

Standard Action - Ranged 10

    Target: One creature
Attack: Primary ability vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + ability modifier psychic damage, nd your attack against the targets before the end of your next turn can score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.

(Upgrade at level 11)




  • Hide Armor (30gp)
  • Tortoise Blade (10gp)
  • Tortoise Blade (10gp)
  • Dejada (10gp)
  • 40gp