New Kids On The Block:Witch-Cat
Character Bio: Ailbhe Borghildr Brigid Fedelm Dreadbite ("Kat" to her friends) did as her expectant family wanted and went to hidden magical college. Unfortunately, the Dreadbites confused "willingness to work self into mental breakdown" with "talent", and Kat began to feel less and less like she could keep up without cheating. So, she cheated: she researched and constructed an item to call a Thing from beyond her world to take up residence inside her soul so she could use its power. By the time the faculty detected the intrusion, the Thing had already possessed Kat and marked her: it transformed her into her "shameful self", her black cat fursona. Deeply ashamed, Kat's family has banished her to their "spare" Victorian house in Noctilucen.
- Motivation -- Acceptance
- Trouble -- Part of A Prominent Magical Family, Whether She Wants It or Not
- Trouble -- Supernatural Weirdness Magnet
- Prejudice -- Is Clearly Not Human
PL 10, 150 pp
Abilities STR +0; STA +0; AGL +1; DEX +4; FGT +3; INT +7; AWE +6; PRE +0
- Expertise (Magic) +17
- Expertise (any other) +7
- Insight +10
- Investigation +10
- Perception +10
- Stealth +6
- Technology +8
- Treatment +8
- Initiative +1
- Close Attack +3
- Close Defense/Parry +8
- Ranged Attack +9
- Ranged Defense/Dodge +8
- Toughness +12 (Sustained)
- Fortitude +7
- Will +13
- "Mind Crush!", +9 ranged -- damage DC 23 Will
- "Sinister Somnambulent Snare", +9 ranged -- affliction DC 21 Will (Hindered + Vulnerable, Defenseless + Immobile), Subtle
- "Sleep", +9 ranged -- affliction DC 21 (Fatigued, Exhausted, Asleep), Subtle
- "Furious Fist From Nowhere", +9 ranged -- damage DC 23 Toughness
- "Powers of the Bound Entity": Array (24 points per slot, 5 Alternate Effects); Total: 29 p
- ---1) "Mind Crush!" Ranged Damage 8 (Resisted by Will)
- ---2) "Sinister Somnambulent Snare" Ranged Affliction 11 (Resisted/Overcome by Will; Hindered + Vulnerable, Defenseless + Immobile; Extra Condition, Limited Degree; Subtle)
- ---3) "Sleep" Ranged Affliction 11 (Resisted/Overcome by Will; Fatigued, Exhausted, Asleep; Subtle)
- ---4) "Furious Fist From Nowhere" Move Object 8 (Damaging)
- ---5) "Walk the Long, Long Road" Movement (Dimension Travel 3; Affects Others and Self)
- ---6) "Breathe For Me" Immunity 7 (Cold, Heat, Pressure, Radiation, Vacuum, All Suffocation; Affects Others and Self, Sustained)
- "Protection of the Bound Entity" Protection 12 (Sustained) <Linked> Enhanced Defenses 2 (Parry +1, Fortitude +1); Total: 14 p
- "Wings of the Bound Entity" Flight 4 [30 MPH] (Wings); Total: 4 p
- "Knowledge of All Languages" Comprehend 5 (understand all languages, speak all languages, read all languages, understand all supernatural creatures, speak to all supernatural creatures); Total: 10 p
- "Occupado" Enhanced Advantages 2 (Second Chance [possession], Ultimate Effort [Will resistance]); Total: 2 p
Artificer, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 3 [headquarters], Ranged Attack 5, Skill Mastery (Expertise: Magic)
"Family's Spare Victorian" Headquarters—Size: Small [House], Toughness: 10; Features: Dual-Sized (Huge), Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Power System, Secret, Security System (DC 25), Self-Repairing * 6 points
Totals: Abilities 42 + Skills 14 + Combat 24 + Powers 59 + Advantages 11 = 150 pp