New Path: Tonbo's Whimsy

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New Path: Tonbo's Whimsy[edit]

Written by the web-entity known as Kankywompous aka RogueMoon
Technique Rank: 3
Path of Entry: Tonbo Shugenja Rank 2 (Four Winds: Lotus Edition version, not fan version appearing on this site)
Path of Egress: Same School Rank 3
Special: Must have taken Tonbo Shugenja School when you learned your first Technique. Most commonly this is at Character Creation, but Ronin with no school who join the Dragonfly and attend the Tonbo Shugenja School can gain their first technique at Insight Rank 2
Technique: Among the Clouds
You may use your Crystal Wings as many times per day as you wish, so long as you have Void Points to spend. Additionally, when the duration of the wings end, if you have not landed, you may choose to float to the ground at a rate of 10'/round for a number of rounds equal to half your Water Ring, rounded down. Once you exceed this limit, you fall and take damage as normal.