New Space: Technology

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The Technology in New Space is based on the Electric Model or Plasma Universe Theory. The websites that give information on this theory of an Electric Universe include the following:

The Thunderbolts Project

Holoscience Web site

The Big Bang Never Happened web site.

Books on the Plasma Universe are included here:

Remembering the End of the World, by David Talbott The Electric Universe, by David Talbott and Walter Thornhill Thunderbolts of the Gods, by David Talbott and Walter Thornhill Symbols of an Alien Sky, by David Talbott

Youtube Videos: The Big Bang -- a Plasma Perspective Plasma Cosmology -- an Introduction

Faster-Than-Light Technology[edit]

In the Universe there is matter being ejected from the center of galaxies with great force. This is often attributed to Super Massive Black Holes. [1] However, Electric Cosmologists have different explanations. They reject black holes, neutron stars, and neutronium.[2][3] They explain that the center of galaxies aren't driven by Black Holes. They say that the matter being shot out with great force is ejected plasma along what is called a Birkland current. The matter is being ejected at a rate that is near light speed or past light speed.

Solving the problem of FTL in an Electric Universe is easy. If a spaceship could ride one of these high voltage, highly energetic plasmas, interstellar travel and even intergalactic travel can be achieved.

In my Sci-Fi universe, spacecraft are capable of creating a Birkland Current and riding it as a bus to the stars. It's given the name Plasma Slipstream Drive for poetic reasons. If it's ever built in reality, they'd call it the Birkland Engine. Currently, to keep the campaign within 50 light years of the star Sol, the Plasma Slipstream Drive is capable of a limit of 20 parsecs before requiring heavy maintenance by someone who speaks in a heavy Scottish accent and is asked to work miracles. The drive itself has a speed of 7 parsecs a day. Which means it can reach Canopus with in about 4 and 1/2 days.

Although more efficient drives are being developed to increase the engine's lifespan. No relativity trick is required, no bending of time and space, and certainly not another dimension where the distances between stars are shorter.

Artificial Gravity and Contra-Gravity[edit]

Since Gravity is the ashes of electrical current discharge, Artificial gravity can be made possible by applying an electric current inside the ship, changing the polarity of the ship relative to the people inside it, creating Earth-like gravity. On the inverse, contra-gravity is possible by changing polarity of an object relative to the planet. [4][5] This is possible since Electro-Magnetism is 1039 times more powerful than Gravity itself. [6 And is not apparent of Mass. anti-Gravity and artificial gravity is possible by altering electromagnetic fields.

Subluminal Propulsion[edit]

I use a Plasma Fusion reactor, which a torch thrust, to explain subluminal travel. This borders on reactionless thrust, but still satisfies the Law of Conservation of Energy.

Since it's 1982, the Computer is only capable of processing 2 to 4 bits of information a second. It's a not a 32 bit or a 64 bit computer and quantum computing has yet to be discovered. A small ship may have up to 6 computers, running various functions. A large ship would have a mainframe handling many different functions simultaneously.

Space Weaponry[edit]

High energy Plasma guns -- which fire an arcing, powerful electrical discharge at your enemy.

Artificial Intelligence[edit]

A.I. is highly experimental. A.I. is in its infancy, and the communities are working towards simulated intelligence first. With the computer in its infancy, this creates problems on trying to mimic the human brain. Players wishing to play an android will have to have the GM's permission. Although the playing of a Replicant (i.e. Bladerunner) is an alternative.


Cybernetics is possible, but the Cybernetics industries are big on pleasure, heavy industry, and agricultural bases. There are a couple of worlds where people have embraced a Cyberpunk culture -- Planet Chicago (Illinois System, Industry base), Planet Akihabara (Honshu System, Technology Research Base), and Planet Aschaffenburg (Bavaria System, Pleasure Base). Cybernetics on these worlds are an exception -- since the computer on a Cyberpunk planet far outstrips the computer throughout the known Universe. Cyberpunk computers are capable of processing 128 bits per second or more.


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