Ninjas Mages And Lost Cities/Rachna

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Rachna Metropolis

Default appearance: Olive skin, curly black hair, black eyes. 5'6"/168 cm 170 lbs/82 kg

Backstory: Rachna is originally from a magical timeline where the Byzantine empire merged with Sassanid Persia and expanded eastward from there. Her original home was near Homeline Karachi, but she refuses to reveal its name for fear she might be bound thereby. True names have power, after all.

ST: 12 [20] DX: 13 [60] IQ: 14 [80] HT: 13 [30] Total: 190

Advantages: Charisma 1 [5] Elastic Skin (Reflexive +40%, No Disguise -80%*) [9] Fallen God** [95] Gizmo 1 (only things people commonly carry in a purse/pocket around here -60%) [2] Alternate form (Swarm of rats) (Instantaneous 100% Absorptive Change Light Encumbrance 10%)[32] Independent Income 1 (Cosmic +100%; she always has some local currency on her) [2] Fashion Sense [5] Alternate Identity (Cosmic +100%)* [10] Zeroed (Alternate ability to Alternate Identity -80%] [2] Innate Attack (1d cutting, Reach C, cannot parry -35%, affects insubstantial +20% manifests as a razor pulled from nowhere) [6] Snatcher (4 oz. or less -25%, only ID (badges, signets, ID cards, etc.) -40%)[28] Security Clearance (Cosmic +100%) [15] Cultural Adaptability [10] Language Talent [10] Omnilingual [40] Serendipity [15] Social Chameleon [5] Unfazeable [15] Total: 289

Disadvantages: Dependency (Cities. Very common, monthly. Aging +30%) [-7] Gregarious [-10] Intolerance (Ruralites) [-1] Xenophilia [-10] Prefers seaports [-1] Enjoys spicy fish dishes [-1] Drinks Anise liquor when she can get it [-1] Total: -33

Skills: (162) Hustler! IQ ! [72] 17 Brawling DX E [2] 14 Knife DX E [2] 14 Guns (Pistol) DX E [2] 14 Acrobatics DX H [12] 15 Climbing DX H [12] 15 Jumping DX H [12] 15 Running DX H [12] 15 Merchant IQ E [2] 15 Gambling IQ E [2] 15 Observation Per A [2] 14 Scrounging Per E [12] 17 Computer Operation IQ E [1] 14 Hobby skill (Sports!) IQ ! [6] 14 Search Per E [1] 13 Stealth DX A [8] 15 Bicycle DX E [1] 12 Drive (car) DX E [1] 12

  • She's always recognizably her, but her complexion, hair colour and texture etc. adjust as needed to look like a local. The appearance described is her 'native' one, and in a cosmopolitan place like most Homeline cities she doesn't usually deviate from it.
    • As per Astral Being, except she's always substantial and visible.

Rat Swarm [80] ST-9 [-90] Injury Tolerance: Diffuse (Swarm of rats +0% Scatter +120% Tenuous -50%) [170] Discriminatory Smell [15] Vibration sense [10] Swarm Bite: Cutting Attack 1d (Area Effect, 1 yard, +25%; Cosmic, No die roll required, No active defense allowed, +400%; Melee Attack, C, No Parry, -35%) [35] Bad sight: Nearsighted [-25] No Fine Manipulators [-35]

Equipment: Ballistic reflex coat (no sleeves, ankle length) DR 12/4 wt 4. Varicloth, contains computer, holdout pockets.Holdout Pistol, 7.5mmCLP (Damage: 2d Pi; Acc: 1; Range: 100/200; Weight: 1/0.2; RoF: 3; Shots: 18+1 (3); ST: 6; Bulk -1; RcL 2; Cost: $240) 2 extra magazines Personal basics Knee-length varicloth tunic, loose varicloth trousers, ankle length varicloth skirt, generally loaded with Celtic, Mediterranean, South Indian, Chinese, Central African, and Slavic patterns, the better to look like local clothing in as many places as possible.

Other equipment per mission needs.