Ninjas and Demons:The Band of Brutes
The Band of Brutes[edit]
104 points (2 point companion)
Bandits, pirates and muggers whose lust and brutish acts corrupted their spirits until no trace of a human soul remained. Nothing remains of whatever personality they once had, only a revelry in violence and what petty possessions they can keep from the more powerful demons who use them as fodder.
There were many Brutes among the demons bound by Natsuko, and so she can summon as many as she pleases, no matter what horrible gruesome fates they suffer.
[20] Mind 2
[60] Body 6
[10] Soul 1
Combat Value: 3 (8 attack w/club)
Damage: 13
Health: 35
Energy: 15
[15] Melee Attack Mastery: Club lvl 5
[2] Club (Item: Weapon Attack 2)
[-1] Bane: Spiritual Power (20 health/turn)
[-2] Marked: Leering, drooling faces and bestial sounds.