Nix the Hollow

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Nix, the Hollow earnest look, soulless eyes, once a toy

Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile -1, Dark 2

A Blank Canvas: When you take an action that embodies one of your Conditions, allowing that Condition to alter your sense of self, cross it off and add 1 to your roll. Fake: Add 1 to any rolls you make while lying.

Sex Move: When you have sex with someone, both players secretly write down (or PM the MC) whether the sex was confusing or soothing for their character. If you reveal the same answer, both characters mark experience.

Backstory You’ve been taking your social cues from someone, and doing so has taught you a lot about them. Gain 2 Strings on them. Someone’s seen through your invented past, and realized it’s all lies. They gain 2 Strings on you.