Nobilis A Random Bunch:Alice

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Alice Havisham[edit]

Glass's-Regal, the Shard-Souled



Aspect 0 (5 AMPs) Domain 5 (10 DMPs) Realm 0 (5 RMPs) Spirit 1 (5 SMPs)

Wound Levels[edit]

  • 2 Surface
  • 1 Serious
  • 1 Deadly


Immortal (The Gift of Amaranth)[edit]

Having completely internalised the concept of fragility, Alice has become effectively indestructible. Any attempt to mar her form results in blows splashing through her with the barest ripple. Similarly, as imperishable crystal, Alice does not age, nor is she subject to the caustic vicissitudes of the elements. She draws this unearthly power from her utter and complete self-reliance: as long as she exists to reflect on herself, she must continue to exist. It can be disrupted only if contemplation of the self - not just for Alice, but for the world - is no longer possible.

Through the Looking Glass (The Gift of the Rabbit)[edit]

Having gone through the looking glass once, Alice now treats all reflective surfaces as portals to each other, effectively recognising no distance between these surfaces. To her, all reflections are contiguous and permeable; she can dive into a raindrop and emerge from your rear-view mirror, or a dark television screen. As this power relies entirely on her unique perspective, she cannot bring anyone through these portals with her.
5 (Lesser Destruction of Distances +1 automatic -3 self-only -3 one trick +1 uncommon, 1 point



Code of the Dark[edit]
  • Humans should destroy themselves, individually.
  • Humanity should destroy itself, collectively, except for a few toys.
  • Ugliness to human eyes shows one is worthy.


  • Restriction: Cannot harm or impede those whose perspectives are fractured and unique.


  • Restriction: Once a year, Alice must gather all the reflected light in the world and use these sparks of radiance to restore the dimming light of the Milky Way - it's part of her contribution to the Valde Bellum

The Mirror Has No Faces[edit]

  • Restriction: A mirror reflects everything but itself, and Alice is all mirrors. She has no reflection, and her image cannot be captured.

Urban legend[edit]

  • Restriction: Alice can be summoned by the following ritual: stand before a candlelit mirror. Immediately after the last stroke of midnight, blow out the candles, stare into your own reflection, and chant three times, "Bloody Mary". The summoning compunction is a holdover from a previous Power of Glass. It does not, however, force Alice to show mercy or consideration to her summoners, and when summoned she is likely to be annoyed.


  • Focus: Kay's Eye, a small handheld vanity mirror made of troll-blown glass, which contains the essence of her magic. 5 DMP.


Beauty. Alice's obsession with appearances while she was mortal has blossomed into a supernatural glamour. Nothing can contrive to make Alice appear anything but hauntingly beautiful. When poised and composed, she seems like a sculpture in her doll-like perfection; in dishabille she is a figure of tremendous poignancy, combining fell loveliness and moving vulnerability.


  • 4 Her Estate
  • 3 Kay's Eye
  • 3 'Keeping up appearances'
  • 3 Her Familia
  • 2 The privileged position of the mad
  • 5 points yet to be assigned



  • None. Alice has yet to find a mortal deserving of her trust, nor has she felt the need for one.
  • 2 Anchors


Having despaired for decades at the dearth of proper fashion (and thus being forced to wear historical relics conjured up by her Brother History - the 80s were especially dire for her), Alice is delighted with the modern gothic lolita subculture. While the general 'look' is too fetishized for her comfort, she can nonetheless find fashions and styles familiar to her and wear them without looking too out of place.

Standing at a diminutive 5'4, Alice is a petite teenager, appearing to be about fifteen to sixteen years of age, with porcelain-pretty features and strawberry-blonde hair usually hanging in ringlets. Casting no reflection, she usually relies on others to dress her and prepare her coiffure. Her eyes are shockingly blue, staring out of an equally-shockingly pale face.


Alice spent her entire childhood in an orphanage in Victorian England, during a period where the medically insane could be sent to prison. She lived in fear of revelation and became obsessed with appearances - she was convinced that as long as she could represent herself as being 'normal' that nobody would find her out. Her prized possession was the vanity mirror that now serves as her Focus, in which she monitored herself daily for signs of visible derangement.


Typically withdrawn and sullen, when she speaks Alice can be surprisingly garrulous. She still retains in her speech the cadences and quirks of her birth-era, as she has never bothered to learn to speak or dress appropriately to the era. Those who know of her, or are only casually acquainted with her, might assume she is cold and haughty, while nothing could be further from the truth. Alice is terribly sympathetic, and believes, in her own deranged way, that she has a full and sublime understanding of the human condition, that she is more than willing to share with those around her. While she is a firm stickler for propriety, and is thus extremely unlikely to take any lip from mortals, she nonetheless feels very keenly for the marginalised, the discriminated-against, the despised - because she knows in her heart that we are all just like them, only we ourselves don't know it yet. But Alice is eager to show us the error of our ways.

She is also barking mad.

Her Estate[edit]

Her interpretation of glass is more metaphysical than physical - glass as reflection, as self-knowledge, as vanity, as both an aid and impediment to perception.


Involves Alyssym, Amaranth, and Amaryllis, for Vanity, Immutability, and Beauty. I'll elaborate later.