Nobilis Hydrarch:Gabriel

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Gabriel Edwards, Saint of Unicorns[edit]



Aspect 4 (5 AMPs) (12 CPs)

Domain 0 (5 DMPs)

Realm 0 (5 RMPs)

Spirit 0 (5 SMPs)

Wound Levels[edit]

  • 3 Surface
  • 3 Serious
  • 2 Deadly


Art Unto Art[edit]

He can change anything in Creation--physical, conceptual or metaphorical--into a work of visual art; he favors tattoos, most of the time.
Lesser Change of Any Estate, Simple, Local, Comprehensive, Uncommon (12 CPs)

Flowery Step[edit]

Wherever he treads, flowers bloom.
Lesser Creation of Flowers, Automatic, Local, One Trick (1 CP)


The Code of the Storyteller[edit]
  • Nothing should be forgotten.
  • No story should be dismissed.
  • Seek wisdom in unlikely places.

Respectful: Children[edit]

  • Restriction: Unicorns have often been known to protect the innocent. Gabriel is bound by this mythology.

Cannot Kill[edit]

  • Restriction: Though Unicorns have gone from the world, Gabriel still remembers their story, and it was a peaceful one.


Restriction: the ephemeral beauty of a Unicorn permeates Gabriel's being. It can be a bit confusing and unsettling at times.

Revelatory Trait: Flowery Step[edit]

Restriction: Though it may be a pretty display, the sudden appearance of flowers wherever Gabriel goes is obviously not a normal occurrence.


  • 5 Protecting the innocent.
  • 5 Preserving stories.
  • 4 His Familia
  • 3 Friendship:
  • 3 Rivalry:


None as of yet.


His Estate[edit]
