Nobilis Hydrarch:Session 3

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Pre Game[edit]

  • 10:56:49 * Now talking on #nobilis
  • 10:56:56 * You are now known as HG
  • 10:57:14 * HG has changed the topic to: Press B to skip tutorial
  • 11:03:24 * KreenWarrior ( has joined #nobilis
  • 11:04:24 <HG> Hola
  • 11:04:43 <KreenWarrior> hey
  • 11:04:52 * KreenWarrior is now known as Mirrinae
  • 11:05:00 <HG> I think I am feeling better, but haven't done a lot of I'll be improving a lot.
  • 11:05:42 <HG> Wait is that the right word?
  • 11:05:51 <HG> Oh well doesn't matter.
  • 11:06:00 <Mirrinae> heh, well, either is good
  • 11:06:13 <HG> Okay then!
  • 11:06:59 <HG> Its still like 5 tell or something right? (I acedently have my computer clock set ahead by like 10 minutes or so.)
  • 11:07:31 <Mirrinae> yeah, 1:55 over here
  • 11:07:36 <Mirrinae> just thought I'd jump in early
  • 11:07:40 <HG> Okay cool.
  • 11:07:46 <HG> No prob. :)
  • 11:08:08 <HG> Where are you again? East coast?
  • 11:08:38 <Mirrinae> yep, washington dc
  • 11:09:19 <Mirrinae> where are you?
  • 11:* 10:08 <HG> Portland Or. Nude bicicle ride capital of the world!
  • 11:* 10:20 <HG> :P
  • 11:* 10:51 <HG> (Ive never gone..but my dad does every year.)
  • 11:* 11:30 <HG> My uncle works in DC. For the NSA.
  • 11:* 12:46 <Mirrinae> cool
  • 11:* 12:54 <Mirrinae> I'm going to law school here
  • 11:* 13:06 <Mirrinae> We have a high-heeled drag queen race
  • 11:* 13:14 <HG> Ow..
  • 11:* 13:37 <Mirrinae> Heh, about the same weirdness as a nude bike ride I'd say
  • 11:* 14:52 <HG> Yeah..just worriied about peoples ankles.
  • 11:* 15:13 <Mirrinae> heh, yeah, better them than me
  • 11:* 15:58 <HG> :)
  • 11:16:34 <HG> So how many years does lawschool take?
  • 11:16:41 <Mirrinae> three
  • 11:16:58 <Mirrinae> I'm halfway through my second year
  • 11:17:10 <Mirrinae> cannot put off real life much longer. :(
  • 11:17:13 <HG> So halfway through the whole thing then.
  • 11:17:20 <HG> God I know that feeling.
  • 11:17:47 <Mirrinae> heh
  • 11:18:24 <HG> I'm going to have to get a job, so I can get my last like 4 credits. But then I think I am planing on grad school. (unless I find a place I really like)
  • 11:18:37 <Mirrinae> what are you studying?
  • 11:18:44 <HG> Math and CS.
  • 11:19:06 <HG> (A job would be CS, gradschool probobly math.)
  • 11:19:35 <Mirrinae> both cool
  • 11:19:43 <HG> Yeah I like them.
  • 11:19:54 <Mirrinae> I was English in undergrad, but most of my friends were in engineering/CS
  • 11:20:51 <HG> I was kind of the reverse, knew like 3 history majors and 2 creative writing major.
  • 11:21:16 <Mirrinae> heh
  • 11:21:52 <HG> (Though the CS department was pretty coheisive. When its only like 5 people to a year, unless you try, you get to know them.)
  • 11:23:22 <Mirrinae> Heh, makes sense. English was pretty huge and not very cohesive. I mostly met the engineers through gaming
  • 11:24:24 <HG> It seems to atract that bunch doesn't it?
  • 11:24:59 <Mirrinae> Yep yep
  • 11:25:47 <HG> Wheres Time?
  • 11:26:05 <Mirrinae> excellent question
  • 11:26:37 <HG> Hes not on
  • 11:27:35 <HG> Well we could continue the 'tutorial' untill he gets here.
  • 11:27:53 <Mirrinae> True
  • 11:28:12 <HG> If I can remember what we were talking about.
  • 11:28:48 <Mirrinae> Yeah, not sure what the last topic was
  • 11:30:04 <HG> And I fort to turn on logging..
  • 11:30:09 <HG> Its on now though.
  • 11:30:37 <HG> How did missspell forget as fort?
  • 11:31:44 <Mirrinae> this is a good question. :P
  • 11:32:04 <HG> do di dum..
  • 11:33:18 <Mirrinae> I'm watching Alfred Hitchcock Presents on Netflix
  • 11:34:13 <HG> Any good?
  • 11:34:42 <Mirrinae> Pretty awesome
  • 11:35:09 <Mirrinae> Kind of like Twilight Zone but without the supernatural and more focused on murder
  • 11:35:37 <HG> Sounds fun.
  • 11:36:16 <Mirrinae> mhm
  • 11:39:54 <HG> Guess I can work on my math test/homework.
  • 11:40:27 <Mirrinae> I should probably take the time to study
  • 11:40:30 <Mirrinae> but I really don't wanna
  • 11:40:46 <HG> Been there.
  • 11:41:21 <HG> At least studing math is mostly just doing it. It feels slightly less arbitray and cruel.

Gabe shows[edit]

  • 11:41:27 * Gabe ( has joined #nobilis
  • 11:41:42 <HG> Speak of the devil
  • 11:41:49 <Mirrinae> hurrah!
  • 11:42:08 <Gabe> Sorry! I slept in. :o
  • 11:42:26 <HG> Ach! It happens.
  • 11:42:49 <Gabe> Also, happy Halloween.
  • 11:43:09 <Mirrinae> indeed!
  • 11:43:20 <HG> Oh right!
  • 11:45:13 <Gabe> So... shall we?
  • 11:45:25 <HG> So you guys had just finished hearing Emrald (Marchesa of Spring) explain the basics of Noble socity.
  • 11:45:51 <Mirrinae> So we can now assume we know most of the basic stuff from the book?
  • 11:45:57 <HG> Yep.
  • 11:46:02 <Mirrinae> cool
  • 11:46:16 * Gabe nods encouragingly.
  • 11:46:58 <HG> Not all the NPCs though, a good portion of those don't exist, or arnt important enough for her to mention.
  • 11:47:12 <Mirrinae> (of course)
  • 11:47:57 <Gabe> (Natch. Probably just the Locust Court for the most part, yeah?)
  • 11:49:04 <HG> (Yeah, the Council of Four also came up, but she mostly stressed that you don't really want to talk to Entropy or Annanda.)
  • 11:49:49 <HG> (well even more so then you just don't want the personal attention of any Imperator)
  • 11:51:11 <HG> But the factions, the War, the big social events. That sort of thing you know.
  • 11:51:20 <Mirrinae> (Hey, getting the attention of the Imperator of Happiness, Joy and Making Your Life Easier might not be bad)
  • 11:51:37 <HG> (might..)
  • 11:51:52 <Mirrinae> (not saying it's a guarantee by any means)
  • 11:52:08 <Mirrinae> (I mean, those could easily be the Estates of a Dark Imperator)
  • 11:52:37 <HG> Heh.
  • 11:53:17 <Gabe> (Because people are willing to kill one another to ensure they keep those things for themselves? *raises eyebrow*)
  • 11:53:54 <HG> Well Making Your Life Easier, think of all the things that make right now easier but slow ly kill you.
  • 11:54:04 <Mirrinae> (or the pursuit of such things weakens the body and soul)
  • 11:54:12 <Gabe> Like pie?
  • 11:54:24 <HG> Like pie.
  • 11:54:37 <HG> And microwave dinners.
  • 11:55:03 <HG> Any way we are a bit off topic.
  • 11:55:15 <Gabe> Just a li'l bit.
  • 11:55:55 <Mirrinae> (So what are we doing next?)
  • 11:56:00 <HG> Did you guys accept the invatation to her private get together to meet some other powers of Aron's Serpents?
  • 11:56:05 <Mirrinae> (talking to the Cammoran Herald?)
  • 11:56:17 <HG> (Yep!


Scene 1[edit]

  • 11:56:19 <Mirrinae> "We would of course be honored to accept your invitation, I think."
  • 11:56:59 <Gabe> "Yes, and we thank you for, ah, sharing your wisdom."
  • 11:57:18 <HG> E: "Then I shall look forward to seeing you there" she says bowing slightly and then leaving.
  • 11:58:05 * Gabe bows in return.
  • 11:58:17 <HG> E:"May the Ash shelter you."
  • 11:58:22 <Mirrinae> *nods her head respectfully*
  • 11:59:14 <HG> (Okay now she has left room)
  • 11:59:41 <Gabe> (The Camorran is still here, right?)
  • 11:59:53 <HG> (Yes. Sitting quietly.)
  • 12:00:09 * Gabe turns to the Camorran.
  • 12:00:36 <Gabe> "And what can we do for you, miss...?"
  • 12:00:41 <Gabe> (...or was it mister?)
  • 12:00:44 <HG> She stands.
  • 12:01:35 * You are now known as Alisa
  • 12:03:52 <Alisa> "I am here to speak on behaf of the Camorra. We are mortal organization dedicated to serving the Powers of the Earth."
  • 12:04:21 <Alisa> (She stands and bows deeply, but stiffly before saying this.)
  • 12:04:42 <Gabe> 'Well, that sounds promising,' Gabe thinks as he bows back.
  • 12:05:03 <Mirrinae> Mirrinae gives another nod
  • 12:06:46 <Alisa> "For now we would simply ask to beable to establish a perminant embassy in your Chancell so that we can best serve you."
  • 12:07:45 <Gabe> Gabe holds up a finger as if to say 'could you give us a moment?' and leans over towards Mirrinae.
  • 12:08:09 <Mirrinae> Mirrinae is about to speak, but acknowledges Gabe's gesture and leans in close as well
  • 12:08:56 <Mirrinae> (would Aspect 1 be enough to hold a whispered conversation an average human couldn't overhear?)
  • 12:09:13 <Gabe> "What do you think?" he asks. "It doesn't sound like a bad idea, but I'm not sure how much of the governance of the, um, Chancel is in our hands."
  • 12:09:44 <Gabe> "There are four thrones here, is what I'm getting at."
  • 12:09:56 <Gabe> (Good question.
  • 12:* 10:00 <Mirrinae> "That is true. Also, an embassy implies that we would be acknowledging them, establishing diplomatic relations with them, in essence"
  • 12:* 10:13 <Alisa> (probobly..unless they were exstra good at hearing..)
  • 12:* 11:08 <Gabe> (Well, we can give it a shot anyway.)
  • 12:* 11:21 <Mirrinae> (Do I knkow I can use Realm 2 to communicate with the Hydrarch via Realm's Heart?)
  • 12:* 11:39 <Gabe> (There's also that we have the gift of tongues and she probably doesn't, but I doubt we're savvy enough to take advantage of that yet.)
  • 12:* 12:21 <Alisa> (Sure..I think that is probobly at least partialy instinctual)
  • 12:* 12:48 <Alisa> (the Realm 2 thing)
  • 12:* 13:36 <Mirrinae> Mirrinae sends her thoughts to the Hydrarch. "Lord, there is an agent of the organization known as the Cammorae here, wishing to establish an embassy within our Chancel. Do we have discretion to grant or deny this request?"
  • 12:* 13:59 <Gabe> "Also true," Gabe nods. "Of course, refusing them could be an insult. I suppose it's a question of who we'd like to--"
  • 12:* 14:23 <Mirrinae> (huh, can't figure out how to do italics. The option is greyed out)
  • 12:* 14:29 <Gabe> He then sees Mirrinae looking towards the distance, as if making a telephone call.
  • 12:* 15:35 <Alisa> H: "Hmmm? Oh, you should talk to your Mother. She seemed a good Queen."
  • 12:16:10 <Alisa> \italic\?
  • 12:16:22 <Alisa> (hmm no)
  • 12:16:44 <Gabe> (Doesn't always translate between chat programs anyway, as I understand.)
  • 12:16:58 <Alisa> (ah that makes sense)
  • 12:18:08 <Mirrinae> "That's a good idea. But I was more curious if we had the authority to establish such diiplomatic relationships on our own or whether we should ask your permission first."
  • 12:19:34 <Alisa> H: "She has my permission to do as she wills over the chancell."
  • 12:22:20 <Mirrinae> (somewhere in Mirrinae's head, she's thinking. "Oh great, my mother has been set above me permanently.")
  • 12:22:57 <Mirrinae> "...understood."
  • 12:23:56 <Mirrinae> *returning to speaking to Gabe* "...apparently we must ask for the permission of my mother before entering into diplomatic relations. That is rather awkward."
  • 12:24:28 <Mirrinae> (at least if I'm understanding the H's comments correctly?)
  • 12:24:29 <Gabe> "Your... mother," Gabe repeats.
  • 12:24:34 <Alisa> H: <But outside of it, you are the Higher powe.>
  • 12:24:37 <Alisa> (Yes)
  • 12:25:20 <Mirrinae> "Apparently, our Imperator has chosen to grant her authority in the Chancel."
  • 12:26:06 <Gabe> After a moment, his face lights up. "Oh...! Of course, you're Princess Mirrinae! You're mother is the Queen! I'm sorry, I'm new the island, I didn't recognize the name at first."
  • 12:26:59 <Mirrinae> *smiles* "No trouble. We are not a particularly famous people, I understand."
  • 12:27:05 <Gabe> (Never mind all this newfangled Godhood. You're a princess! :p)
  • 12:27:27 <Alisa> (Pleasent is a 2 point Erus right?)
  • 12:28:19 <Mirrinae> (2 point is Assertive)
  • 12:28:37 <Alisa> (Pleasent is 1? Okay.)
  • 12:30:28 <Mirrinae> *transfers attention back to the Cammoran* "I'm afraid that we have just been informed that we do not have the authority to conduct diplomatic relations. To establish such a relationship, you will have to petition the Queen."
  • 12:31:34 <Alisa> (OOC: that means the Queen wi'll mostly agree with your goals/means.)
  • 12:32:43 <Alisa> "Ah, then we shall do so. Still you are our first piority."
  • 12:33:14 <Mirrinae> (I actually wouldn't mind upgrading her to Assertive, because I can't help but think some tension between mother and daughter would be natural)
  • 12:33:22 <Mirrinae> (not sure what we'd use the extra point on though)
  • 12:33:52 <Gabe> "And we're honored by the gesture," Gabe answers. "I apologize that we are not able to reciprocate the gesture."
  • 12:34:23 <Mirrinae> "What services could you offer us personally?"
  • 12:34:41 <Mirrinae> (did Emerald tell us anything about the Cammorae?)
  • 12:35:15 <Alisa> H: "wait Organization, you said the Camorra? I want you to learn more about them. Find something big for them to do for you. Not as bad as assasinate a Noble but something..Oh and remember that a bird in the hand is worth three in the bush."
  • 12:36:07 <Mirrinae> "Very well."
  • 12:36:31 <Mirrinae> *aside to Gabe* "Apparently our lord wishes us to test the Cammora's capabilities by assigning them some great task."
  • 12:36:45 <Alisa> (She explained that they were a way around Entropy's laws. But also very corrupt.)
  • 12:38:10 <Gabe> "I see..." Gabe answers, and tries to think of what a great task for a Familia of Nobles might be.
  • 12:39:47 <Gabe> "Maybe we could ask them to retrieve something of great value? Though I'm not sure what that something would be."
  • 12:41:27 <Mirrinae> "Well, maybe we can find out more about what specifically they do, and that will give us an idea."
  • 12:42:04 <Alisa> (and here I wish the book had an index.)
  • 12:42:32 <Gabe> (It does, though it's rather inadequate next to the ridiculous depth of information that the book contains)
  • 12:44:17 <Alisa> (It has a Glossary)
  • 12:44:50 <Mirrinae> (index starts at page 303)
  • 12:45:12 <Gabe> (Fast on the draw there, Princess. :))
  • 12:45:44 <Mirrinae> (I have the pdf open. Note that I actually have the book, it's just that it's back in SD at the moment)
  • 12:46:42 <Alisa> (I also use the PDF)
  • 12:47:16 <Gabe> (I have both, but I like the book better. Not really fond of PDFs, 'specially when they're not searchable)
  • 12:47:21 <Alisa> (The book is around somewhere though..I just am not sure where.)
  • 12:47:40 <Alisa> (Yeah..)
  • 12:48:03 <Alisa> (Back to the game?)
  • 12:48:12 <Gabe> (Indeed!)
  • 12:48:21 * Gabe nods, and turns back to Alisa.
  • 12:49:04 <Gabe> "Perhaps we could do some... side business, apart from establishing an embassy. What type of services does your organization offer?"
  • 12:53:21 <Alisa> "A wide variaty. If there is some mortal organization or policty you wish to affect, we can do so. If you wish any thing from Earth we can proboby get, for an apropriate compisation. If you wish to send a *message* we can do that to. The laws are often restricting and we provide a means to slip out side of them."
  • 12:57:30 <Mirrinae> Mirrinae mentally reviews the Laws. *to Gabe* "Perhaps there is a Power we could ask them to shield from Entropy's justice?"
  • 12:58:12 <Mirrinae> "It could put the Power in question in our debt and be a good test of the Cammora's abilities?"
  • 12:59:49 <Gabe> "It's not a bad idea... but I don't know any other Powers, let alone any that specifically could use the help."
  • 13:00:24 <Mirrinae> "True, but I would bet that they know of one, if one exists."
  • 13:00:32 <Mirrinae> "Think we should ask?"
  • 13:01:51 <Gabe> "Hmm... yes, let's do that. It's as good a plan as any."
  • 13:02:58 <Mirrinae> *to the Cammoran* "We woudl like to put your abilities to the test. Do you know of any Power who would currently benefit from being protected from Lord Entropy's justice?"
  • 13:04:45 <Alisa> "That is a fairly big secret, but yes I do know that such Powers exist. Though there are only a few active fugitives and they are the distrustful sort."
  • 13:05:56 <Gabe> Gabe thinks for a moment. "And who would you say is the most distrustful of the lot?"
  • 13:07:28 <Alisa> "The Duke of Fire"
  • 13:09:06 <Alisa> "This would be a costly Favor, as the punishment for his crimes is *exacting*"
  • 13:09:57 <Alisa> "Should we tell him who is sheltering him?"
  • 13:* 10:07 <Mirrinae> "What cost? And what crime?"
  • 13:* 10:09 <Gabe> *aside to Mirrinae.* "If they can protect the one who's least likely to accept the help, and the one they're most likely to suffer for protecting, they can protect anyone. Should be a good test, right?"
  • 13:* 10:45 <Mirrinae> *replies* "Makes sense"
  • 13:* 12:57 <Alisa> "The cost, from you, a Mirricle, we wish our opratives to be able to hide in any human order, to advise every king."
  • 13:* 15:00 <Gabe> "And the crime?"
  • 13:* 15:02 <Mirrinae> (huh, what would that be, a Major Destruction of an organization's Perception?)
  • 13:* 15:19 <Mirrinae> (err, all organizations' perceptions)
  • 13:16:17 <Alisa> (Yeah that would do it..its a big favor. But you did ask for the most distrustful one. They are going to lose people to this.)
  • 13:16:56 <Mirrinae> "As opposed to the most distrustful, whose goodwill would you say would be the most helpful to us?"
  • 13:19:00 <Mirrinae> (sorry for making you do improv :P )
  • 13:19:16 <Alisa> "There are 4 or so who could be depending on your goals."
  • 13:19:35 <Alisa> (Its fun. Gives me something to think about before next game.)
  • 13:21:10 <Mirrinae> "I would say our current goals are to establish ourselves in Noble society and prepare for our role in the war."
  • 13:23:42 <Alisa> "In that case there is an power well respected among both the Dark and those who focus on the War. She has strings in many places, and could give your names to the right Ears."
  • 13:24:47 <Gabe> "Ears... with a capital E?" Gabe asks. "Is that her Estate, then?"
  • 13:27:54 <Gabe> "And, more pressingly, what would be the cost to protect her? So we can weigh the costs and benefits properly."
  • 13:27:57 <Alisa> "Oh, no. The Power of Hearing is a follower of Heaven. I meant that she has the respect of a large number of Powers, and even a few Imperators."
  • 13:30:34 <Mirrinae> "Is she of the Dark herself?"
  • 13:31:25 <Alisa> "She would be easier. We would ask only that you blind formal justice to our members."
  • 13:32:08 <Mirrinae> (wouldn't that be the same miracle level?)
  • 13:32:28 <Alisa> "Indeed, she is, she is the most vocal of those who stress that the War is worth fighting for that faction."
  • 13:32:37 <Gabe> (Sounds like it would be)
  • 13:32:52 <Alisa> (Yes but it won't make as many enamies for you.)
  • 13:33:31 <Mirrinae> (great, so the choice is between giving the Cammora free reign on Earth and releasing one of the Dark to go on and do Darky things. On the other hand, sounds like this one would at least help keep the Dark on track for fighting Excrucians, so it could be a net benefit)
  • 13:33:57 <Mirrinae> (I guess the second option is slightly less horrible)
  • 13:34:27 <Gabe> (You're the one picking up the tab, I think it should be your call.)
  • 13:34:56 <Mirrinae> (let's go with the second, and see what happens. We've been Nobles for all of an hour, mistakes happen)
  • 13:35:15 <Alisa> (Heh)
  • 13:35:30 <Gabe> (Screwups lead to fun-times! That's how Plot works. :P)
  • 13:35:53 <Mirrinae> "Very well, I ask that you grant her our aid, and let her know to whom she owes the favor."
  • 13:37:13 <Mirrinae> Mirrinae raises her hand, and reaches out through her newfound senses to her Estate, and from the infinite weave of organization, plucks those threads that would allow the systems of formal justice to effect the Cammorans
  • 13:37:40 <Mirrinae> (Presumably, should anyone try, they will inevitably suffer screwups, bureacratic hurdles, and other assorted failures)
  • 13:38:44 <Alisa> "If that is all? I should get back to my collugues to arange matters."
  • 13:38:58 <Mirrinae> (and I'm down to 1 DMP. Yay)
  • 13:39:53 <Alisa> (Evidence always ends up in the wrong jursidiction. Some how theres a stupid loop hole in the laws that makes neither rackateering nor theift..that sort of thing?)
  • 13:40:17 <Alisa> (So Greater Distruction?)
  • 13:40:32 <Mirrinae> (*nods*)
  • 13:40:48 <Alisa> (works for me.)
  • 13:41:13 <Mirrinae> (cool)
  • 13:41:51 <Alisa> (Should I throw something for you to do *right now* or should we time skip a bit?)
  • 13:42:31 <Gabe> (Why, did you have something in mind?)
  • 13:42:57 <Mirrinae> (either way works for me. I suppose we should go chat with Mirrinae's mom)
  • 13:43:34 <Alisa> (Was maybe thinking of throwing an attack of some sort at you.)
  • 13:45:16 <Alisa> (thats an option too.)
  • 13:45:22 <Gabe> (I could go either way.)
  • 13:45:22 <Mirrinae> (would be a good distraction)

Scene 2[edit]

  • 13:46:28 * You are now known as HG
  • 13:47:38 <Gabe> (Fights are kinda nice... lets you cut loose with miracles and such)
  • 13:49:09 <HG> (Okay lets have you talk to the Queen. How formal/public of an audiance is Mirrinae going to ask for?)
  • 13:50:07 <Mirrinae> (informal, as they're family)
  • 13:50:41 <HG> (okay)
  • 13:50:44 <Mirrinae> ("Hey, Mom, what's up? I hear you go ta magic rock put in your head and I got made ruler of an abstract concept. How about that weather?")
  • 13:50:56 <HG> (:P)
  • 13:51:32 <HG> (Whats the queen's name?)
  • 13:52:15 <Mirrinae> (Isha)
  • 13:52:42 * You are now known as Queen_Isha
  • 13:53:12 <Queen_Isha> "Daughter, it hase been a rather momentus day has it not?"
  • 13:53:56 <Mirrinae> *smiles* "That's one word for it."
  • 13:54:44 * Gabe gives a little bow.
  • 13:54:54 <Gabe> "Pleased to meet you, your Highness."
  • 13:55:34 <Queen_Isha> "The plans of men are often washed aside by the wims of Heaven."
  • 13:56:57 <Mirrinae> "Or giant hydras, apparently."
  • 13:57:18 <Queen_Isha> "Pleased to me you, as well. You are responsible for Unicorns? I had a book that I loved as a child that was about a Unicorn."
  • 13:58:04 <Queen_Isha> "Well, yes."
  • 13:58:48 <Mirrinae> "So, the Hydrarch has told you you will continue to have authority over this place?"
  • 13:59:08 <Gabe> "I am," Gabe answers. "Though, as I understand it, there's not much for me to be responsible for anymore. Only memories."
  • 14:02:54 <Queen_Isha> "They are still beautiful memories."
  • 14:06:11 <Queen_Isha> As she says this Mirrinae feels a sharp spike of pain.
  • 14:07:26 <Mirrinae> "Ow! Huh, that was strange..."
  • 14:07:43 <Gabe> Gabe lifts an eyebrow. "What was?"
  • 14:08:34 <Queen_Isha> (You sense that something is wrong, deeply wrong in Paris.)
  • 14:08:54 <Mirrinae> "Something's... wrong... don't know what. In... Paris, apparently?"
  • 14:09:04 <Queen_Isha> "Daughter are you okay?"
  • 14:* 10:27 <Mirrinae> "This must be what a flower rite feels like, I think..."
  • 14:* 11:49 <Gabe> "A flower rite?" Gabe asks, before remembering what Emerald had said about them. "Oh, no. We should get to Paris immediately, then."
  • 14:* 11:59 <Queen_Isha> "Then you should go. We can talk another time. (to Gabe):I am sorry our meeting was cut short."
  • 14:* 12:24 <Mirrinae> "That would be best. Thank you for your time, mother, it is always nice to talk with you."
  • 14:* 12:55 <Gabe> "Perhaps another time," Gabe answers with a nod.
  • 14:* 13:00 * You are now known as HG
  • 14:* 13:12 <HG> ---
  • 14:16:04 <Gabe> So... scene?

Scene 3[edit]

  • 14:16:08 <HG> (You are outside the head quarters of the Pariasian City Matinence Dept.
  • 14:16:11 <HG> (Sorry)
  • 14:16:30 <HG> (Took a second for me figure out.)
  • 14:16:37 <Gabe> (No prob, just thought it might've been the end of the session for the week. :p)
  • 14:18:59 <HG> (Mirrinae: The last few weeks of repair and construction have been subtly aranged so that the differnt parts of the city are interfiering with each other. A sewer line here cause a power line to be moved wich cause brown outs in a neiboring area.
  • 14:19:30 <Mirrinae> "Hmm, it seems as though the entire city is out of harmony."
  • 14:20:05 <Gabe> "Any idea where it started?"
  • 14:20:34 <Mirrinae> "Good question."
  • 14:20:47 <Mirrinae> Mirrinae extends her senses, trying to find the source (Lesser Divination)
  • 14:24:11 <HG> (It seems that the workers were doing there jobs out in the field, but something was convincing people to change the plans back at HQ.)
  • 14:26:36 <Mirrinae> "It looks like the troubles can be traced back to here specifically."
  • 14:26:46 <Mirrinae> (any idea who or what was making the trouble?)
  • 14:26:57 <Mirrinae> (Or do I run into an Auctoritas-shaped hole on that one?)
  • 14:27:44 <HG> (The second, though you can tell that a mirricle using language was used on them.)
  • 14:28:41 <HG> (like high aspect persuasn or an Agument domain mirricle.)
  • 14:28:52 <Gabe> "Then I guess we should investigate the building?"
  • 14:29:38 <Mirrinae> "I suppose."
  • 14:29:57 <Mirrinae> (hmm, no real way to disguise ourselves to fit in, is there?)
  • 14:30:08 <Mirrinae> (Guising wouldn't do that since we're the same species)
  • 14:30:29 <HG> (Probobly get you a French woman from paris.)
  • 14:30:39 <Gabe> (...Lesser Preservation of Organization to keep things running as normal, despite our presence?)
  • 14:31:35 <HG> (Would probobly work on it as a whole, not every person though.)
  • 14:32:10 <Gabe> (I could use Art Unto Art on any Panic that slips through the cracks. :p)
  • 14:32:35 <HG> (Though remember what aspect 4 can get you too. this isn't a secret millitary base or something.)
  • 14:32:57 <Gabe> (That too.)
  • 14:33:11 <Mirrinae> (True, though I've only got Aspect 1. Perhaps Gabe should fast-talk us inside?)
  • 14:33:22 <HG> (Yes you could.)
  • 14:33:30 <Gabe> (Works for me!)
  • 14:34:59 <Gabe> Slicking his hair back, Gabe walks into the building with the best air of confidence he can muster.
  • 14:35:07 <HG> Okay you talk your way in.
  • 14:35:16 <HG> (SOrry)
  • 14:35:28 <Gabe> (No worries. :p)
  • 14:35:42 <Gabe> (And never mind about those flowers growing in the lobby, they're all part of The Plan.)
  • 14:35:53 <HG> :P
  • 14:37:03 <Gabe> (Aspect 4 thinkin's, to figure out the most likely place that the orders would be coming from, given the building's layout?)
  • 14:37:18 <HG> (That should work)
  • 14:37:32 <Gabe> (Cool.)
  • 14:38:19 <Gabe> Gabe does a very quick estimation of the building's layout, and says "I think we need to go *that* way. It's probably the main office where they're giving all the instructions from."
  • 14:38:37 <HG> Once in that room, you see the three men Mirrinae recognizes as well as a fourth who she cant see through divinations.
  • 14:39:07 <Mirrinae> *switches to mythic perception*
  • 14:39:16 <HG> The sight shows a ripling nothingness around him and stars falling in his eyes.
  • 14:39:53 <HG> (Do you mean the Sight? or do you want everything in metaphors?)
  • 14:41:03 <HG> "Oh, so he finished his chancel I take it?"
  • 14:41:06 <Mirrinae> (the Sight, sure)
  • 14:41:19 <Mirrinae> *starts in surprise*
  • 14:41:40 <Mirrinae> (forgot there was a difference momentarily)
  • 14:41:58 <Mirrinae> "So... you're one of the ones we were warned about)
  • 14:42:06 <HG> (Its a wierd distinction)
  • 14:42:26 <Gabe> "Eh? You mean he's..." *switches to the Sight instinctively*
  • 14:42:35 * Gabe gasps. "Excrucian!"
  • 14:44:03 <HG> Ex: "Indeed we were!" he says as he gestures the floor beneth the Nobles simply disipearing.
  • 14:45:09 <HG> (Actualy no that doesn't work)
  • 14:45:42 <Gabe> (Good thing *one* of us bought Spirit. :p)
  • 14:46:14 <Mirrinae> (heh, only one point, but it can help)
  • 14:48:02 <HG> "Grr. That was stupid of me. Get her!" He shouts to people in the room who get up out of thier chairs and towards you. Still Middleaged beaurocrats do not scary fighters make.
  • 14:50:10 <Mirrinae> (what sort of stuff is in the room?)
  • 14:51:05 <Gabe> "Hmm... I wonder if..." Gabe takes a deep breath, and blows it out with the force of a small hurricane.
  • 14:51:17 <Gabe> (Aspect 3, 1 Penetration)
  • 14:51:22 <HG> (A table, 6 office chairs, a projecter and screen. A white board. Note books infront of each bearuocrat's chair)
  • 14:52:02 <HG> (Is Gabe trying to be gentle?)
  • 14:52:34 <Gabe> (Yeah, probably just knocking them into the far wall with enough force to knock the wind out of them)
  • 14:53:25 <Mirrinae> (not to be a stickler, but that sounds like more than Aspect 3 to me. Aspect 3 is improbable, not impossible)
  • 14:54:22 <Gabe> (Yeah, you're probably right... Aspect 4, then. Help to see if Big Bad's got an Auctoritas anyway)
  • 14:54:39 <HG> (Yeah I think blowing hard enough to have knock people over is 4. (So 4,0?)
  • 14:54:51 <Gabe> (Yeah, 4,0)
  • 14:55:48 <Gabe> (Sorry, Aspect's not my usual bag, might take me a few scenes to get it nailed down proppa.)
  • 14:56:11 <HG> It blows all of them against the wall. The Excrusian grunts in pain, as the others are nocked out.
  • 14:57:25 <Mirrinae> (so it swent through his Auctoritas?)
  • 14:57:31 <HG> (Yep)
  • 14:58:39 <Gabe> (:))
  • 15:00:05 <Mirrinae> (Can I kick the table towards him and trap him between it and the wall? Would that be Aspect 1 or 2?)
  • 15:02:36 <HG> (One to just move the table, 2 to actualy wedge it a bit.
  • 15:02:52 <HG> (sorry forgot to hit enter. durr)
  • 15:03:36 <Mirrinae> (Alright, 2, 0 Pen for the kick)
  • 15:04:06 <Mirrinae> Mirrinae steps forward and kicks the able, sending it slamming towards the Excrucian, hoping to catch him between it and the wall
  • 15:06:15 <HG> The Excrusian gestures and all the walls on this level vanish.
  • 15:06:32 <HG> The celing starts falling very quickly.
  • 15:07:29 <Mirrinae> (Preservatio of Organization to keep the ceiling in place?)
  • 15:08:22 <HG> (I would say that works. A lesser one is only going to hold tell right after the end of combat though.)
  • 15:09:18 <Mirrinae> (Alright, don't have the MPs to make anything harder stick, unfortunately)
  • 15:09:29 <Mirrinae> (quick, gabriel, turn gravity into art!)
  • 15:09:54 <Gabe> (I was about to do that very thing before you suggested the Organization thing XD)
  • 15:* 10:13 <Mirrinae> (heh)
  • 15:* 10:58 <Gabe> (Could I do that, HG?)
  • 15:* 11:50 <HG> (Turn the gravaty of the cealing into a painting? Probobly.)
  • 15:* 12:17 <Gabe> (Then I'm totally gonna.)
  • 15:* 12:51 <HG> (Okay do so!)
  • 15:* 13:59 <HG> (I need to leave soon.)
  • 15:* 14:02 <Gabe> Gabe gestures instinctively, and the ceiling's descent suddenly stops. As it does, a picture of an angel with clipped wings appears, painted across the ceiling)
  • 15:* 14:19 <Gabe> (Sorry, my cat was eating a sponge so I had to deal with that)
  • 15:* 14:27 <HG> (Fair enough!)
  • 15:* 15:12 <Mirrinae> (I'm going to have to get going pretty soon, I have studying to do tonight)
  • 15:* 15:49 <Gabe> (Think we've got time to finish up, or should we reconvene next week?)
  • 15:16:19 <HG> (Re convine I need to leave basicly right now.)
  • 15:16:26 <Mirrinae> (cool)
  • 15:16:41 <Gabe> Arright. It's been fun, guys!
  • 15:16:53 <HG> See you next week!
  • 15:16:58 <Gabe> Indeed!
  • 15:17:18 <Mirrinae> later!
  • 15:17:21 <Gabe> Good luck with your studying, mon ami.
  • 15:17:30 <Mirrinae> thanks, I'll need it
  • 15:17:41 * Mirrinae has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  • 15:17:43 * Gabe has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

17:* 12:57 * Disconnected (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine).