Nobilis Hydrarch:Session 6

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  • 11:02:17] Join You have joined the channel #Nobilis (
  • 11:02:23] Mode Channel modes:
  • 11:02:23] Created This channel was created on 2011-01-30 10:56.
  • 11:03:11] <HG> Back. So kreen's not heer yet?
  • 11:03:24] <Butler> Guess not.
  • 11:03:51] <Butler> I'll keep the window open for a while, unless you have somewhere to be.
  • 11:05:12] <HG> Nope.
  • 11:05:19] <HG> Hope he gets here.
  • 11:06:21] <HG> Found a new anime I actualy want to watch, I sort of thought I was done with the medium for a while.
  • 11:06:39] <Butler> Which series?
  • 11:07:12] <HG> mahou-shoujo-madoka-magica.
  • 11:08:03] <HG> Looks like a fairly dark series, the art is kind of amazing. Looks sort of like colored pencils.
  • 11:08:11] <Butler> Never heard of it
  • 11:08:15] <Butler> But enjoy. ;)
  • 11:08:18] <HG> Its brand new.
  • 11:08:21] <HG> Thanks.
  • 11:12:59] <HG> I've started a new play by post too. I like it but it also reminds me why I run this game by chat.
  • 11:16:00] <Butler> I'm GMing 2 PbP games. One's a rules and horror heavy 40k Rogue Trader game. The other's about kobolds, who are afraid of badgers and can't do /anything/ right!
  • 11:17:01] <HG> Your running those games. I will have to read them at some point. I couldn't play in horor heave game I think, (or a rules heave one) but they can be fun to observe.
  • 11:17:15] <HG> The koldbold game sounds fun too.
  • 11:17:25] <Butler> It is utterly manic
  • 11:17:49] <HG> Fitting for things that are described as barking like small dogs.
  • 11:18:10] <Butler> KreenWarrior's in it... and he's online. You want to send him a quick PM?
  • 11:18:31] <HG> Oh okay yeah I meant to check that.
  • 11:19:54] <HG> PM sent.
  • 11:22:58] Join KreenWarrior has joined this channel (
  • 11:23:03] <KreenWarrior> (crap!)
  • 11:23:08] <KreenWarrior> (completely forgot about this)
  • 11:23:12] <KreenWarrior> (very sorry)
  • 11:23:24] <HG> Hey it happens. (Ive done it my self.)
  • 11:23:26] Nick KreenWarrior is now known as Myrrenae.
  • 11:24:00] <Butler> No problem.
  • 11:24:10] Nick Myrrenae is now known as Myrrinae.
  • 11:24:40] Error name: Unknown command.
  • 11:24:51] Nick You are now known as Ruby.
  • 11:25:44] Should we pick up where we left off?
  • 11:26:11] <Myrrinae> Sure!
  • 11:26:16] <Myrrinae> We were at the party talking to folks?
  • 11:26:19] <Butler> Think so: want to do a quick summary? (I've forgotten the name of who we were dealting with)
  • 11:27:01] Yep you had just had a bit of an arguemnt with the Dark power of Cement.
  • 11:27:18] <Myrrinae> Ah right, whether Cement needed humans around or not
  • 11:27:33] <Butler> He got /told/.
  • 11:27:47] And then were getting introduced to Emrald's chancel mate Ruby.
  • 11:28:38] <Butler> Right, I think that's where we left off.
  • 11:28:42] <Butler> Ok, good to go.
  • 11:29:45] ____START____
  • 11:31:21] "My sister and I were very glad to see another Serpent chanceled here. They have a ciertain view on things that other Imperators lack."
  • 11:31:38] <Myrrinae> "A non-human perspective?"
  • 11:32:03] <Butler> "Or perhaps a more human perspective?"
  • 11:33:15] "I am not sure. Honestly I have delt more with nobles then ordinary humans. Though surely the light and dark would be closer?"
  • 11:34:02] <Myrrinae> "Well, what is it that you find distinctive about them?"
  • 11:34:23] <Myrrinae> "Obviously we have not yet had a chance to talk with any Imperators other than our own."
  • 11:34:55] "If nothing else Serpent's schemes are on there personal behaf, as opposed to the rival fractions constant one-upman ship."
  • 11:35:40] <Butler> "Conquest by division indeed, Your Grace."
  • 11:36:44] <Myrrinae> "I suppose that makes sense, they are not really allied except by a common birth?"
  • 11:37:10] "Indeed, I wonder if the Excrusians have such problems. Perhaps not given that they attacked first."
  • 11:38:35] <Myrrinae> "Well, they seem united in purpose at least. Perhaps there are other Excrucians who aren't participating in the war."
  • 11:38:40] <Butler> "From what I know of the Excrucians, your Grace, they have one common and all-consuming goal, while the Serpents have many conflicting schemes."
  • 11:38:43] <Myrrinae> "Obviously, we wouldn't see them."
  • 11:39:01] "Indeed. Even the Wild Lords, Paragons of madness, have it as a common cause. To the serpents the only such thing is protecting the Ash. And truely there are few things that can threaten it."
  • 11:40:16] to My: "That does make sense. I wonder though as long as the battle lines are on our soil, can we truely hurt them?"
  • 11:42:08] <Myrrinae> "From my schooling in war, defense is rarely a successful strategy unless you can make it a matter of attrition. But it seems like we have little choice."
  • 11:43:02] <Butler> "Pardon the question, your Grace, but where exactly do the Excrucians come from? A counter-invasion could be less than viable."
  • 11:44:50] "They understand us much better then we understand them. That is exactly the problem, we have problems just functioning in the Lands Beyond, so perhaps simply a war of atrition, and the hope that they have less then us, is all we can do."
  • 11:46:30] <Myrrinae> "It is possible to go to the Lands Beyond? I thought they were impassable to us."
  • 11:48:12] "It is possible, but supreamly dangerous, both to loyalty and life."
  • 11:49:13] "It is believed that we bring a little of creation with us, giving a slight buffer to the other-ness that is there."
  • 11:50:28] <Butler> "One would assume that the Excrucians bring some aspect of their 'otherness' in with them. Curious."
  • 11:52:29] "They do have powers we do not. Forexample the forging of weapons such as Colbrand."
  • 11:53:33] <Butler> (Didn't someone mention, way back when, that they had a captured Excrucian weapon? Was that Colbrand?)
  • 11:54:44] (Yes, they did. Yes I think it was.)
  • 11:55:09] <Butler> (Who captured it then? Was that Ruby and co. or someone else?)
  • 11:57:28] (No, it was a power of the Dark, I think. Or heaven, who ever you decided not ask the Cammora to help.)
  • 11:57:55] <Butler> (Interesting...)
  • 11:58:02] <Myrrinae> (interesting indeed)
  • 12:00:31] <Myrrinae> "Is anything known about how they forge such weapons? Might it be possible for us, just something we lack the knowledge of?"
  • 12:02:34] "Theoreticly, it does seem to require materials from here. It might be as simple as that it reqiures being in the lands beyond with the nessary materials."
  • 12:02:56] "Few would be willing to risk bringing such things with them."
  • 12:04:38] "As they seem to require whole estates or similar spiritual mass."
  • 12:06:35] <Myrrinae> "Disturbing."
  • 12:06:41] "Still imperators are brave; I have not heard of such an thing done, but wars have secrets."
  • 12:08:18] <Butler> Butler whispers to Myrrinae, "Your Grace, I have little stomach for wars and bloodshed. This talk of weapons is rather beyond my area of expertise."
  • 12:08:44] "In comparison, the 100 murders that allow a chancel to form is a small magic. Like a toy volcano of molten wax, compaired to the real thing."
  • 12:10:11] <Myrrinae> *whispers back* "Apologies, Butler" *to Ruby* "This talk of wars grows depressing. Surely there are more entertaining things to discuss? This is a party after all."
  • 12:13:21] "Sorry. Indeed lets us speak of happier things. Why don't I show you my art. I build caves and then melt them again, I find it remeinds me of my Regina."
  • 12:13:57] <Butler> Butler follows, one pace behind.
  • 12:15:32] <Myrrinae> "Excellent, I have always love darchitecture."
  • 12:20:04] She leads you into a cave that enters a green hill. with in the cave starts as simple granit two stories high and circular. But soon side entrances apear of other materials, one of great large quartze, another all obsidian, as you go deeper they become more strange, with ripples and groves marking out designes and patters. Some seem like feathers, others like scales, and others take on the knoting quality of wood."
  • 12:20:27] <Myrrinae> "Very impressive!"
  • 12:20:40] <Butler> Butler inspects the caves. "Is this a recent work, your Grace."
  • 12:22:04] "It is just a hobby. This one was 20 years ago, I was trying to catch a sense of my Lady resting on the tree. I do not think I quite succeded, but it has a certian charm still."
  • 12:23:10] <Butler> "And, like many artists, has your technique changed over time? I have no doubt it is difficult to improve on perfection, but innovation on a theme would be interesting to see."
  • 12:23:47] "these last 10 years I have been doing more gaudy work, metals, and glowing hot rock. I haven't quite got it to work, and may return to this style for a while."
  • 12:24:53] <Myrrinae> "I'm afraid my Estate lends itself somewhat poorly to art. Organization can have a beauty of its own, but art requires some spontaneity and imperfection as well."
  • 12:29:06] "Perhaps. I do not claim to be a expert on beauty in all forms, just my craft. Still I think all things have the potential for beauty. Even the Dark in there embrace of human's discust has a charm."
  • 12:31:40] <Butler> (What level of Aspect miracle would it be to determine if her Imperator's poison is affecting Ruby, through carefuly analysis of artwork? Odd question, I know.)
  • 12:33:23] (Depends if she is delibreatly hiding or faking it. If not Aspect 5 should say something. Lower aspects if it is more blatent. Whats your Aspect?)
  • 12:33:45] <Butler> (...1... shucks. Nvm)
  • 12:33:51] <Myrrinae> (sorry, have to change rooms, brb)
  • 12:33:54] Quit Myrrinae has left this server (Quit: Leaving.).
  • 12:36:19] Join KreenWarrior has joined this channel (
  • 12:36:37] <KreenWarrior> (back)
  • 12:37:28] <KreenWarrior> (I don't have the MPs.)
  • 12:37:39] <KreenWarrior> (Well, I could sub in Spirit)
  • 12:37:51] <KreenWarrior> (Umm... Divination of Organization?)
  • 12:37:56] <KreenWarrior> (To see if it's flawed?)
  • 12:37:59] (1 would give your a proffesional psycologists observation. Unfortunately, excrusian poisons are subtle.)
  • 12:38:08] ^^^aspect
  • 12:38:55] KreenWarrior: (That could work.)
  • 12:39:08] (Do you do it?)
  • 12:40:53] <KreenWarrior> (Yep)
  • 12:44:56] Your divinations, reaveal that the organization seems at first to simply be the normal haphazerd by time and theam patern that one could expect from an artist. However there is something wrong, the scales of the caves matches a scaleing you have seen only one place else: In a shower of shooting stars.
  • 12:45:23] <KreenWarrior> (hmm, now that's just weird
  • 12:45:29] <Butler> (And where have we seen falling stars before, boys and girls? ;) )
  • 12:46:08] <KreenWarrior> (have we dealt with Sennacherib?)
  • 12:46:35] (Excrusian's eyes.)
  • 12:46:41] <Butler> (Aren't Excrucian eyes black, but filled with the light of falling stars? Or am I, once again, mistaken)
  • 12:47:25] <KreenWarrior> (ohhhhh)
  • 12:47:26] <KreenWarrior> (right)
  • 12:47:50] <KreenWarrior> (hmm, bringing this up probably isn't the best idea right now?)
  • 12:48:00] <KreenWarrior> (Something to tell our Imperator though)
  • 12:48:23] <Butler> (One can assume that the art is the symptom, but what if it's the cause? What if that's the vector? Melting caves can't be all that pleasant from an Imperiator made of stone, can it?)
  • 12:48:39] <KreenWarrior> (Well, she's Lava)
  • 12:48:46] <KreenWarrior> (So it would seem in theme)
  • 12:59:04] ?
  • 12:59:34] (Should we go on to the next scene?)
  • 12:59:51] <Butler> (I suppose so.)
  • 12:59:55] <KreenWarrior> (Oh right, I should probably tell the Hydrarch
  • 13:00:04] <KreenWarrior> (I can do that silently, right?)
  • 13:00:09] <KreenWarrior> (Via Realm's Heart?)
  • 13:00:41] (Sure, its less formal though.)
  • 13:00:55] <KreenWarrior> *to Hydrarch* "Interesting news, my lord. Ruby's artwork shows signs of Excrucian contamination."
  • 13:01:14] <KreenWarrior> "There is an underlying pattern reminiscent of their eyes."
  • 13:01:16] Nick You are now known as Hydrarch.
  • 13:02:14] <Hydrarch> "That is interesting. I could be a confermation of her story, but if is an dangerous sign."
  • 13:02:48] <KreenWarrior> "We will try to watch for other signs."
  • 13:03:38] <Hydrarch> "How is your arangement with the Cammora going? Entropy is a strange fellow."
  • 13:04:23] <KreenWarrior> "We have not been contacted by them since our arrangement for their to help another on our behalf."
  • 13:04:42] <KreenWarrior> "Perhaps we should check in with them soon."
  • 13:06:11] <Hydrarch> "Okay. Thats a good idea. Owing favors is the left hand of commerce."
  • 13:07:15] <KreenWarrior> "Yes, that was my thinking."
  • 13:07:28] <KreenWarrior> "We can use whatever friends we can find."
  • 13:08:58] <Hydrarch> "Absulutly. I have something I'm going to need you to do soon. I cant tell you about it, but be ready."
  • 13:09:23] <Butler> (Butler's probably going to get teleported. Oh dear. ;) )
  • 13:10:20] <KreenWarrior> *to Ruby* "Apologies, but I feel I should warn you; our Imperator has told me he has a task for us, and we may be called away quickly."
  • 13:11:38] <Hydrarch> "Thank you for the notice. Do you wish to be guieded back to the chancel entrance? I could do so, or send one of my subjects."
  • 13:12:13] <Butler> "Thank you, your Grace, but we can find our own way." Butler bows.
  • 13:13:05] <KreenWarrior> (While we're here, could a Major Divination of the Organization of the caves map them and/or look for secret entrances to use later?)
  • 13:13:15] <Hydrarch> "Then I hope that you do well. May your duties be joyful, and your projects bear fruit."
  • 13:14:12] <Hydrarch> (Sure, though if she wanted to it would be fairly easy to move them around. Even do so in a way that makes it imposible to tell they have been moved.)
  • 13:14:27] <Butler> (That'd be annoying. We could easily be trapped or fooled.)
  • 13:14:50] <KreenWarrior> (Still, only 1 MP and could be helpful; I'll do it)
  • 13:16:22] <Hydrarch> (Okay, map copied. There are inded a number of more subtle entrances, and some other spots where a wall or ceilling are thin enough that a good jackhammer could break them."
  • 13:16:57] <Butler> (Grand Theft Chancel anyone?)
  • 13:17:34] <KreenWarrior> (heheheh)
  • 13:17:44] <KreenWarrior> (well, if we want to look for more clues, it wouldn't be a bad idea)
  • 13:17:47] <Hydrarch> (hmphf. ; ) )
  • 13:17:51] <KreenWarrior> (though awkward if we got caught)
  • 13:18:12] <Butler> (Is this /your/ Chancel, sir? Do you have any proof?)
  • 13:18:17] <Hydrarch> (potentualy dangerous even.)
  • 13:18:25] <KreenWarrior> ("We were just... adding some spontaneous art. Without permission. That's different from graffiti, somehow, I guess?)
  • 13:19:06] <KreenWarrior> (Delivering a birthday present! Except we didn't know your birthday, so we just came!)
  • 13:19:22] <Butler> (Also, there's not much I can do with the servants here. I could make them more or less loyal (for teh lolz), but I've already got their vague impressions. I suppose I could /create/ some that are loyal to both the Chancel and to me.)
  • 13:19:42] <Butler> (Manchurian Maids, as it were)
  • 13:21:03] <Hydrarch> (Better have a damn good gift. A lesser change would work to make them loyal to you. A greater div would give your every thing they were around. A lesser div would give you every think they know.)
  • 13:21:28] <Hydrarch> (For the birth day I mean.)
  • 13:21:33] <Hydrarch> (er..
  • 13:23:15] <KreenWarrior> (heh)
  • 13:23:31] <Butler> (I'll do a lesser Creation of Servitude. Some of the Chancel's servants will think of me as one of their own, and obey my orders without question. I'll spend 1 DMP)
  • 13:24:48] <Hydrarch> Okay.
  • 13:33:13] <Hydrarch> "Something is wrong, at the chancel. I need to go back to the spirit world, so deal with it as quickly as posibly. 6 is 3 less then 9."
  • 13:33:48] <Butler> (We can do a teleport-thing to the Realm's Heart, yes?)
  • 13:35:01] <Hydrarch> (If you have a gift for it. Other wise you will have to travil back.)
  • 13:35:08] <KreenWarrior> (I think we're stuck)
  • 13:35:16] <KreenWarrior> (in terms of having to travel I mean)
  • 13:35:37] <Butler> (Well, I do have a gift for it. "You Called, Sir".)
  • 13:35:52] <Butler> (Looks like Organization's taking the bus)
  • 13:36:43] <KreenWarrior> (bah!)
  • 13:37:16] <Butler> (That's the nice thing about being a Butler. He just steps out from behind something and nobody looks twice. ;) )
  • 13:38:01] <KreenWarrior> (heh)
  • 13:38:12] <Hydrarch> (That works.)
  • 13:38:20] <Butler> Butler whispers to Myrrinae, "You will have to excuse me. I have been called away." He steps away to a convenient alcove, adjusts his sleeves, and steps back out into the heart of the Chancel.
  • 13:38:39] <KreenWarrior> (how did we get here, anyways?)
  • 13:40:33] <Hydrarch> Bought a private jet?
  • 13:41:22] <Butler> (to the bowels of the earth? We probably too the subway. There's got to be a branch line somewhere off the London Underground.)
  • 13:41:25] <KreenWarrior> (heh, well take it back then I guess)
  • 13:42:20] <Hydrarch> (Well then hicked a little ways down, but the chancel entrances aren't to far down, for just that reason.)
  • 13:44:00] <Hydrarch> (Still I am going to skip to when you get there. So I don't have to split you up.)
  • 13:44:06] <Hydrarch> (Sorry Butler)
  • 13:44:20] <Butler> (no problem)
  • 13:47:37] <Hydrarch> A hansom man in dresed a white busyness suit is waiting for you talking to the Queen, and Butler. He would say no more about his busyness, then that it had to do with a duel, and wanted to wait until you were all here.
  • 13:48:02] <Butler> Butler smiles politely, and serves him refreshments of his choice.
  • 13:48:43] <Hydrarch> (brb, need to get my power cable.)
  • 13:55:32] <Hydrarch> "Ah Domina, just who I was waiting for. I am George Steelhold, governer of Security. My familia have a certian dispute they will be resolving, and will be doing so here. I just want you know that I choose this place. Think about your freinds a bit more carefuly next time." He says his eyes turning white and his afiliation with the light shineing from his soul.
  • 13:56:23] <Butler> (time for Blatant Lying Mode... or possibly Blatant Politeness Mode... I'll let you decide which)
  • 13:56:24] <KreenWarrior> (sorry, bathroom)
  • 13:56:54] <Hydrarch> "Very good wine by the way. I hope no one got into the stocks." he says turning from the room.
  • 13:56:57] <KreenWarrior> (err, what about his friends?)
  • 13:57:01] <KreenWarrior> (our friends?)
  • 13:57:05] <KreenWarrior> (what did we do to offend him?)
  • 13:57:13] <KreenWarrior> (talking with Cement?)
  • 13:57:27] <Hydrarch> (think earlier..)
  • 13:57:58] Nick You are now known as Queen.
  • 13:57:59] <Butler> (Probably the Cammora, or possibly the agreement with the Noble under the auspices of Lord Entropy)
  • 13:58:15] <Butler> (Neither of which, btw, were my fault!)
  • 13:58:20] <KreenWarrior> (heh)
  • 13:58:27] <KreenWarrior> (trying to figure out how he could have discovered the latter)
  • 13:59:00] <KreenWarrior> "Always a pleasure to meet a fellow Noble, Mr. Steelhold. We would be delighted to host, of course."
  • 13:59:13] <KreenWarrior> *as bland as possible*
  • 14:00:09] Nick Nickname already in use, try a different one.
  • 14:00:20] Nick You are now known as George_Security.
  • 14:00:30] <George_Security> "Really? I am honored. They can be most trublesome."
  • 14:00:41] Nick You are now known as Queen.
  • 14:01:39] <Queen> "I will not have a guest speek in such a matter to my Daughter, not with in my domain, good sir."
  • 14:02:23] <Butler> "And I would advice sir to choose his words perhaps a little more carefully."
  • 14:02:34] Nick You are now known as George_Security.
  • 14:04:45] <George_Security> "I won't be troubling your shores much longer. I simply wish to observe. They should be at the entrance now."
  • 14:05:48] <Butler> Butler glides to the entrance, and prepares to announce the guests... or put up some resistance.
  • 14:05:55] <KreenWarrior> "Then let us meet them."
  • 14:06:04] Nick You are now known as HG.
  • 14:08:43] <HG> At the entrance you see two ships enter. One is made up of lavish gold and jewels, the other a large but black with age woden junk.
  • 14:10:00] <Butler> Butler directs, with curiously precise diction, the dock workers to assist with the mooring. He then positions himself precisely between the two ships, favouring neither one, but ready to greet the occupants of both.
  • 14:10:29] <HG> "We are coming in, Sorry for the ruckus." A woman swaved in furs anounces from the golden ship.
  • 14:12:28] <KreenWarrior> "Welcome to our Chancel. I am Myrrinae, of Organization, and this is Butler, of Servants."
  • 14:12:42] <Butler> Butler bows.
  • 14:12:45] <HG> Gaunt almost skelital figues manage the junk. Its mistress still inside.
  • 14:13:26] <Butler> (I have a /suspicion/ that we're dealing with a Light and Dark noble here. Just a thought. ;) )
  • 14:15:30] <KreenWarrior> (just maybe!)
  • 14:15:32] <HG> "Ah, I am Rin Stavana. Domina of Winter."
  • 14:16:36] <Butler> (didn't we hear something about her? sorry. She was fighting with Spring (Emerald))
  • 14:16:44] <Butler> Butler bows again.
  • 14:16:54] <KreenWarrior> (A couple hundred years ago, I think)
  • 14:17:55] <HG> "That boat there is my Sister's. She's the Power of Age."
  • 14:18:03] <Butler> (nobody holds a grudge like an immortal. It's all they've got, after a while)
  • 14:18:08] <KreenWarrior> "Pleasure to meet you both."
  • 14:18:22] <Butler> Butler smiles. "And how may we assist you today?"
  • 14:18:24] <HG> (Yes you heard about a conflic wich caused "the year with out a summer")
  • 14:20:24] <HG> "We shall be fighting a dule, and don't want to piss of Entropy. So we came here. It might mess up the place, but you were talking to Emrald, and my brother says you deserve it."
  • 14:21:32] <Butler> (well bother. Let's try and get them to settle their disagreement with words, not explosions)
  • 14:22:07] <KreenWarrior> (oh dear)
  • 14:22:30] <KreenWarrior> (Well I can lesser preservation of Realm the place they're dueling on, which will help some)
  • 14:23:28] <HG> "So age, honey? What terms again? A flower contest?"
  • 14:24:51] <HG> The black boat just rocks in the water.
  • 14:25:44] <Butler> Butler whispers, "It could be a duel of seamanship, your Grace. A fight with cannonade and cutlass and all manner of nautical things."
  • 14:25:53] <HG> "Okay then I guess she agrees."
  • 14:26:10] <HG> (whispers to who?)
  • 14:26:10] <KreenWarrior> "What exactly are the terms of a flower contest?"
  • 14:26:27] <Butler> "The Duchess has agreed to nothing, madame. Please, restrain yourselves."
  • 14:26:58] <Butler> (Whispers to Myrrinae, sorry.)
  • 14:28:56] <HG> "Oh I have a flower, er well a plant I guess, she says holding out a sprig of holly. And she has a flower, this wilted white thing. Looks dumb I think. Then again I don't realy like how holly looks."
  • 14:30:22] <HG> "And we fight to crush the others flower. "
  • 14:30:49] <Butler> "By what means, madame?"
  • 14:32:12] <HG> "By means of our powers. Killing the other is seen as bad sport. And I don't think this worth that. Oh and our brother asked us to not go around killing humans."
  • 14:33:31] <HG> "ffffaaarrrrttttthhhhheeerrr" comes from the boat.
  • 14:34:24] <KreenWarrior> *raises questioning eyebrow*
  • 14:34:32] <Butler> Butler cocks his head. "It is not my place to ask, madame, but I believe your boat is... speaking."
  • 14:34:37] <HG> "Oh of cource. I was planing to to go to the top of this island. That good?"
  • 14:34:50] <HG> (The other boat, sorry. The black one)
  • 14:34:57] <KreenWarrior> (anything important up there?)
  • 14:35:14] <Butler> (Time for massive Butler conniving GO)
  • 14:36:20] <KreenWarrior> (heh)
  • 14:36:32] <Butler> "Unfortunately, madame, that will be impossible. This island is a place of peace and worship, and any hostile action upon it would be sadly misinterpreted by our Imperator." He pauses. "However, there is a small island not far from here, where you may hold your duel in relative safety."
  • 14:37:00] <Butler> He continues. "It is uninhabited, so your proscription against the killing of humans will be entirely upheld."
  • 14:37:39] <Butler> (can I speak soundlessly to Myrrinae?)
  • 14:37:58] <HG> "hmm, I guess, but wheres the fun in that!"
  • 14:38:12] <HG> (I don't think so.)
  • 14:38:45] <KreenWarrior> (There are probably ways but it probably requires some Aspect expenditure)
  • 14:39:38] <Butler> To the duelists: "The island is not without its charms. Sandy beaches, some crumbling ruins, and clear blue sea. The plant life is tropical, and there are some rather endearing jeweled crabs that live there."
  • 14:39:47] <HG> Though they would have to have aspect 3+ or a gift to hear you at the range they are at. Winter has goten off the boat and is heading past you.
  • 14:39:53] <KreenWarrior> *lets Butler do his thing*
  • 14:39:58] <Butler> (Damn. Well, I'll have to get here alone then. This might be tricky.)
  • 14:40:23] <Butler> Butler is following them both, to prevent damage to the Chancel.
  • 14:40:33] <HG> "Can't say I much like the tropics."
  • 14:41:09] <HG> (the other one seems to be staying on the boat. You haven't actualy seen her but thats how Winter is acting.)
  • 14:41:24] <Butler> "In that case, there are some underground passages in the ruins that may be more to your liking."
  • 14:43:48] <HG> "Nah, thats more her teritory. Though to be honest, I'm not really that pissed at you all. I just owe George a pretty big favor."
  • 14:44:55] <KreenWarrior> (going to need to go pretty soon)
  • 14:45:01] <Butler> "Entirely understandable. Owing favors is the left hand of commerce. But I must insist that any dueling does not occur on this island."
  • 14:47:32] <HG> "Hmm, but the spirit of the favor was to to piss you off. Like I said its a big favor. Do you have something to make it worth staying in his debt?"
  • 14:48:15] <HG> (I need to leave pretty soon too. Sorry buttler.)
  • 14:48:31] <Butler> "Quite frankly, madame, if irritation was your charge then you may consider it well and truly fufilled. I also dislike extortion, madame."
  • 14:48:37] <Butler> (No problem. Wrap up here?)
  • 14:48:48] <HG> (Sounds good.)
  • 14:49:38] <KreenWarrior> (cool)
  • 14:49:40] <HG> (Am I being too hard on you guys, I've given you a very open ended mystery, and a rather unfair event here.
  • 14:49:51] <KreenWarrior> (also, lol at Butler's last line)
  • 14:50:03] <HG> (It is a very good line.)
  • 14:50:08] <HG> ____STOP_____
  • 14:50:09] <KreenWarrior> (Nah, I think it's fine I think
  • 14:50:15] <KreenWarrior> (We'll figure it out)
  • 14:50:17] <Butler> (Thank you. ;) )
  • 14:50:21] <KreenWarrior> (We are Nobles after all)
  • 14:50:39] <HG> (Okay. Just want to keep it fun.)
  • 14:51:02] <HG> (See you next week?)
  • 14:51:26] <Butler> (probably)
  • 14:51:39] <KreenWarrior> (sounds good!)
  • 14:51:45] <HG> Goodbye then!