Nobilis Strike while the Iron is Hot:Nobles

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Nobles of Lasciel[edit]


  • Very apathic girl, seemingly uncaring about anything around her.

She seeks to have fun, beyond all else, and is bitter about her Imperator having put her in harms way like this. Currently, she is putting in a great deal of effort into not giving a damn about anything.


  • A man who loves to drink, above all else, he demanded Ambrosia at the party for his group to come to the party.

Doesn't care much about "the proper" way to behave. Likes to drink Ambrosia as well. Leviathan tried to threaten him, though that didn'to over so well.


  • A thing made from nightmares put together and mixed up, each piece of it showing a different nightmare and if looked at from a specific point of view, the shards of it show different horrible nightmares.

Is a member of the Atlantis Project, and as such highly valuable to Creation.

Nobles of his Excellency[edit]


The Domina of Harlequins, a happy young woman who doesn't like to hold still. She goes by the name of Harle. After Meganekko altered several humans, she doesn't seem to like her anymore. Is completely loyal to her Imperator.

Walker Beyond the Eternal[edit]

High Summoner of His Excellency, capable of summoning creatures from Beyond Creation to fight against its enemies. A very decent fellow, if you ask himself. Ranking member of the Circle, though he can't go there at the moment, because of the mission of his Familia.

Meganekko is managing to manipulate him wih some degree of success. Doesn't like any friendship to develop between His Excellency and Lasciel.

Unknown identity[edit]

Meganekko owes him a favor, though he has let it been known he will request her to pay it back soon. Is supporting an alliance between Lasciel and His Excellency, using the party as an excuse to get them together.

He is an asshole.



Immortal air sylph, that is rather old. Very nice young woman, that Leviathan made a deal with to get some mecha. 3 favors owed for 18 mecha provided. Came to the party dressed casually - to spite her Imperator. She is going to sing a song, together with Vengeance, due to them losing a bet with Leviathan and Shadows.


A Human who became a Noble and who has lived for over a millenia - unknown heritage. He is known to serve his Regina Loyally. One of the older Nobles still participating in the Valde Bellum. Very polite when making deals with other Nobles, to encourage his weapons to be used against the Enemy. Doesn't like Contracts of the Decarabians, and is slightly worried about the plans of Meganekko, when it comes to Earth. Meganekko oweds him quite a lot of favors, for an alchemical item, several ships for use by everyone in the Chancel as well as her own private ship.

Other Nobles[edit]


Girl who looks like a male mafia member, as shown in Hollywood. Very friendly, despite her Estate, and seems to get along ok with Leviathan. Slightly surprised at how Meganekko tends to acts. She was at Chancel Lasciel to find out how the ships of Chancel Scylla worked, to see if she should get some for her Imperator. Have a lot of titles granted to her by her Imperator, but she doesn't like to use many of them.


A Noble of Ananda. Meganekko owes her a favor for coming to the party.