Norrathians:Setting Details
The Norrathian Adventures campaign uses EQrpg rules, updated to d20 3.5, with house rules. This may cause some confusion, but there are some simple guidelines that you can use to determine what is used and what is not.
Please note that horses are rare in Norrath, and not commonly used as mounts. Transportation rarely involves animals. See the Horses and Mounts page for more information
SRD 3.5[edit]
You can find an excellent SRD 3.5 reference page here. Most likely, when d20 rules are being references, there will be a link to this site.
In the master feats listing for this setting, if the name of the feat matches a feat in the SRD, then that feat is used as-is.
However, there have also been a great deal of new feats added, some of which come from the EQrpg PHB. Please refer to the Master Feats Listing page for more information. It may be possible for new feats not listed here to become available to player characters who discover them. Feats from other sources that players request for their characters will be considered, but are subject to approval by the GM.
All of the rules for combat are taken directly from the SRD, with no exception.
Setting information from EQrpg is used extensively, though the player's handbook is not the only resource used.
All of the races from the EQrpg book, with the exception of the vah shir, are present in this setting. However, the half elf race has been expanded, with a different racial group representing every possible pairing of human and elf lineage.
All of the races have been changed somewhat, with a few of them being changed a great deal. Background information from the EQrpg PHB is all in-use, but all of the racial traits and modifiers have been house-ruled.
See the Racial Information page for more information.
With little exception (mostly from official errata) the EQrpg classes are unchanged from the information presented in the EQrpg PHB. In addition to the core classes, the Hexblade class has been introduced.
Class information that has changed can be found here.
The EQrpg skills listing is being used, though with some changes. Please refer to the skills page for more information.
Because of the way EQrpg handles weapons, use the equipment listing from the EQrpg PHB. Rules for figuring iterative attacks based on weapon speed are in-use.
EQrpg's magic system is very much in-use, with little modification. Spells that have been changed from those listed in the book are mostly based on official errata. New spells have been added, however, and the spells lists for classes should not be considered complete.
Please refer to the magic house rules page for more information.