Norrathians: Trl Traditions

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You can always choose a +2 attribute bonus in place of the traditions otherwise given for your race. Traditions that may only be taken once are denoted by an asterisk.


Looka Lika Trolly*:[edit]

A rampaging troll is a fearsome sight. You gain the Brutish feat. You also gain a +4 bonus to avoid being demoralized.

Scarred All Over:[edit]

Your skin’s been flayed and regrown enough that it takes a lot more to pull it off anymore. You gain +1 natural armor and DR 1/piercing. (doubling: stacks)

Terrifying Rage*:[edit]

You know what terrors are held in the afterlife, and are desperate to avoid seeing Thule again. You gain the ability to Rage once per day. This is identical to the (barbarian class) ability in the d20 SRD. Every 10 levels after choosing this ability you may use it an additional time per day.

Not Big Enough to Eat*:[edit]

Trolls are usually quite big creatures, and those who aren’t end up in the stew. Somehow you ended up as a runt and lived to tell about it. Your become Medium-sized – about the size of a barbarian. You are still able to use the Slam feat in the same manner as a barbarian.

Shrug it off:[edit]

You can take a serious beating. You can convert 2 points of physical, non-magical lethal damage per round into an equal amount of non-lethal damage. (doubling: stacks)

Food Finder*:[edit]

Your hunger drives your every desire, and your nose is glad to help. You have the Scent ability. This is just like the ability that alligators and other animals have, as detailed on p. 16 of Monsters of Norrath. Every ten levels after choosing this ability the range at which you can detect creatures by scent increases by +10 feet.

I Bite!*:[edit]

It’s sometimes hard for you to wait for your meals. You gain a bite attack that deals 1d6 + Strength modifier in lethal damage. You can make a bite attack as a standard action at your full attack bonus, or during a full-attack action at a -5, but all attacks that round take an additional -2 penalty. When grappling you automatically add your bite damage to all attempts to damage an opponent.

Brutal Barshings*:[edit]

Once per day for a duration of 1 round per character level, all of your melee attacks deal +2 bludgeoning damage, and your weapon delay is reduced by -1. Every ten levels after this ability is selected the bonuses and duration doubles. That is, if you select this ability at level 10, then at level 20 it would last two rounds per level and grant +4 damage and -2 weapon delay.

Swampy Home*:[edit]

You are a swimming troll! You gain the Endurance Swimmer feat. You also gain a +2 racial bonus to Swim checks.

Time for Presents!*:[edit]

You gain the extraordinary ability to ruin someone’s day by regurgitating your breakfast on their head. As a full-round action, and requiring an armed touch attack, you cover one opponent with bile, food, and troll vomit (if the attack misses, the target is not covered, but the vomit still makes a smelly pool at the target’s feet).

This causes the opponent to take 2 points of acid damage each round (until cleaned), and to become paralyzed. If the target succeeds a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier + your character level the target of the vomit becomes nauseated rather than paralyzed for that round. This is repeated each round, giving the target a +2 bonus to this save for each previous successful save.

The pool of vomit also emits a cloud of horrible stench, causing those who come within 10 feet of the mess to become sickened for one round (negated with a successful Fortitude save of DC 10 + your Constitution modifier, made each round the creature is within the area of the vomit).

Creatures with the Scent ability are not affected by the stench. Because this would only be a minor mess for a large creature, and it would completely envelop a small creature, the target of this attack takes a -2 penalty to their Fortitude save for every size category they are smaller than you, or a +4 bonus for every size larger. The duration of the vomit’s ability to affect the target of the attack and everyone within a radius of the pool of vomit lasts a number of rounds equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier.

The downside of all of this for you is that every opponent affected by the vomit automatically wants to attack you, and the target of this attack gains a +1 bonus to attacks against you for 24 hours. Additionally, every creature with the Scent ability within 120 feet (with modifiers for wind movement) automatically know of your presence, and gain a +10 bonus to Survival checks made to track the stench.

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EQrpg: Norrathians