A character in Northgame
Ölrun Wild-Eye[edit]
Zenith warrior-poet and living legend
Motivation: to rekindle the spiritual greatness of the Haslanti people.
Intimacies: Haslanti +, The Old Ways +, Stupid Bravery+, the Bull in the North -, the Immaculate Order -
Combat Block[edit]
- Join Battle: 3
- Dodge DV: 4
- Parry DV: 7
- Dodge MDV: 8
- Essence 3
- Personal 19
- Peripheral 41 (33 available)
- Willpower: 10
- Soak: 7B/7L (19B/19L with Iron Kettle for 6m)
- Orichalcum Grand Grimcleaver: speed 6 Accuracy 15 Damage 16/3L parry DV 7 Rate 2
- "Undercover" Greataxe: Speed 6 Accuracy +13 Damage 10L Parry DV 6 Rate 1
- Strength 3 , Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
- Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4
- Wits 3, Intelligence 3, Perception 2
- Melee 5 (axes 3)
- War 3
- Integrity 3
- Performance 3 (Sagas 2)
- Presence 5 (Befriending 1)
- Resistance 5
- Lore 5
Athletics 1
- Linguistics 2 (Skytongue, Old Realm, Barbarian tribal languages)
- Ride 5
- Compassion 1, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 5
- Flaw: Foolhardy Contempt
- Artifact 3 (Orichalcum Grand Grimcleaver)
- Artifact 2 (Jump Harness)
- Manse 2 (Air, Hearthstone: Crystal of the Frozen North)
- Backing 3 (Ears of the North)
- Contacts 3
- Familiar 3 (Mathun, Mammoth mount)
- 1st Melee Excellency
- Infinite Melee Mastery
- Hungry Tiger Technique
- Falling Stones Strike
- Spirit Strengthens the Skin
- Iron Skin Concentration
- Essence Gathering Temper
- Invisible Essence Reinforcement
- Iron Kettle Body
- 2nd Performance Excellency
- 2nd Presence Excellency
- Irresistible Salesman’s Spirit
- Listener Swaying Argument
- Sagacious Reading of Intent
- 2nd Ride Excellency
- Worthy Mount Technique
- Flashing Thunderbolt Steed
- Master Horseman’s Technique
- Hero Rides Away
One son was born to Captain Aldrus Wild-Eye of the Haslanti Ice Fleet; one son, but twelve daughters. Being a man of tradition, as well as a strong voice in the Deft Hand caucus, Aldrus pushed his children into the traditional roles; his firstborn son he gave to the sea, to be a soldier and sailor. His second born he gave to the gods, to become a priestess. His third and fourth born he gave to the Greenfield, to sew the land with crops. His fifth and sixth born he gave to trades, to bring money to the family. But his seventh daughter he gave to the Past.
Olrun grew up steeped in the legends of her people. At her grandmother’s knee the sagas (and politics) of the Haslanti were poured into her ears. She had Emerend Break-shield and Tekmut the Ice Tiger as imaginary friends. No one was surprised when, on reaching adulthood, she became a Skald, dedicating herself in front of the Tholoi to preserving the memories of the ancient Haslanti herd-times. The next day she set out into the white wastes in the ritual quest to find a fragment of the past and return to claim the mantle of Skald.
Olrun found a bigger piece of the past than she’d ever imagined. Lost and near freezing, she fell through the ice into a hollow cavity, stumbling upon an ancient abandoned manse -- now the tomb of a fallen Solar hero -- where a mated pair of snow lions were making their lair. Olrun exalted in the ensuing battle, taking up the ax -- her ax -- and slaying the snow lions.
Beneath the ice, Olrun was given a vision by the Unconquered Sun. He showed three important things; the fall of the Solar Deliberative, the true history and origins of the Haslanti, and the true nature of the circle of old crones that taught her the legends of the past. For these were the Grandmothers, the heads of Haslanti’s espionage service and the shadows behind the League’s rulership. As soon as Olrun returned to civilization, she stomped through the doors of the comfortable old inn where they held court and demanded a job.
Since then, Olrun has been an unofficial and somewhat erratic arm of the Grandmother’s foreign and domestic policy. Part diplomat, part military attache, she’s advised the leaders of the Fyrd and won over several wandering tribes of northern barbarians to become Haslanti allies through her vigorous aliveness. She is also aware of the Lunar’s hand in Haslanti, and knows something of the Thousand Streams River project; she thoroughly approves.
Olrun sings of the past, not just of a love of legends, but as an inspiration for her people. She fears the Haslanti are losing themselves in the administration and minutia of governance; she watches some of her kind becoming effete traders and lickspittles, forgetting their roots as hard-working tundra plainsmen. She seeks to remind them, not just by reciting the old sagas, but by reliving them; by becoming the avatar of old Northern heroes. Why not? She now remembers that many of the old legends were garbled accounts of the Solar heroes of the First Age.
Backbiter, her giant orichalcum ax, is forged from a huge jagged slab of ice cut from the corpse of a defeated primordial: a permanently frosted blue half-moon infused with veins of clotted gold and orichalcum.
Her manse is small, and currently buried beneath vast slabs of ice near Windcreche, and only accessible through a narrow crevasse. After its last owner’s -- Olrun’s First Age self’s -- death, it was fashioned into a tomb by his lunar mate. It contains few comforts and amenities, but has a really interesting, If eclectic, First Age library, as long as you like reading bombastic, self serving tale’s of one particular Solar Exalt’s adventures written in six foot tall, one ton tomes of engraved brass with jade, silver, and orichalcum inlays.
Olrun’s loyal mount is a huge white wooly mammoth named Mathun; aka Mathun the Thousandfold Sire as he styles himself, or Mathun the Bull of the Further North, as Olrun calls him. Mathun is an animalistic small god, one of several herd fertility spirits to the stocky mammoths that roam the Northern ice plains. Olrun befriended him early in her career, coaxing the great beast into agreeing to be her mount in exchange for the promise to craft an epic poem in monument to his prowess. Mathun is vain and proud, and hates it when Olrun enters a holdfast because it makes him shrink himself into a form small enough to fit in her pocket.
Granny Wild-Eye, Olrun's natural grandmother, is a secret cog in Haslanti governance and has keeps abreast of all Northern politics.
Keen-eyed Snowcat is one of the chosen of Luna tasked with overseeing the Haslanti league for the Thousand Streams River project. She's personally ambivalent about the returning Solars, but occasionally does favors for Olrun as long as those favors align with the Lunars' goals in Haslanti.
Capricious Gale is a terrestrial god; a shepherd who rides herd on wandering ice storms. He's an excellent source of celestial gossip, provided that Olrun is willing to stroke his vanity enough: bringers of frost and blighters of crops so rarely receive quality prayers or offerings.