Nur and Alvah talk about the past

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Michael James Watson

She sees Nur leaning against a tent post, talking to Spatchi. They seem to be laughing about something and see her at the same time. Spatchi straightens then prompt starts off to a group of elites doing weapon drills. Nur walks to meet her, motioning toward the cliff edge where there is a large round rug with a small burning brazier..

Amber Bronkhorst

Seeing Spatchi she quickly looks down not making eye contact. Alvah is not doesn't feel quickly afraid but somehow talkimg to Spatchi she feels a certain dread. Maybe the guilt and social awkwardness do not help in this. Alvah just needs to find the courage to talk to her. Seeing Nur walk up and gesture to the cliff edge she nods and follows. "Happy you are still here. " She smiles warmly. "Was hoping to talk to you about some things, so if you do not mind?"

Michael James Watson

"Its why I stayed. I see you have cicero back. We have a problem concerning him but its not life threatening or mauler of shadow realms worry. We can get to it in a bit. In the mean time, i was going to partake of some hashish blended by a friend among the Avasa of Blending. Its amazing how much mileage I get out of having been in the right place at the right time with the right skills and with a willingness to make a huge number of people angry. I keep getting gifts like this from people all across Dufirosm. " He crosses his leg on the rug at the edge of the cliff, and brings out a hooka, blue glass with Rearden fittings. He puts a plug of dense hashish in the bowl and the bowl lights it "The hookah was a gift the King of the Masoja of Fire, at the time. He has since moved on to being a strength Masoja. It's designed to hold quartets of elementals well. Might I suggest you allow your quartet to enter it and visit the ones bound within? They will enjoy the experience . The Fire elemental is bound to the bowl top controls the fire on the product. the air elemental controls the air flow in and around the tubes and vase, the water elemental controls the purity of the water, and the earth elemental maintains the stability of the unit making it damn near impossible to knock over. This kind of item i common across the Dufirosm. This unit also has a spirit of cleanliness bound to it. A young one on his first spirit life. " Inhaling the smoke he sighs as he exhales the fine blend.

Amber Bronkhorst

She lets Cicero slither on the rug to find a nice warm spot for himself. Looking slightly concerned at him she then looks up at Nur "Alright well if there is anything i can do for Cicero and his companion, but sure we park that for later." She then calls forth her four friends letting them dance around a moment and then she gestures to the hookah "Well you heard him. Go meet others. " She does look impressed after the explanation of the hookah. "That is quite a thing then. " Shifting a bit in her sit she looks up at Nur. "YOu know what i want to talk about right? Dad told me about what happened when i was around 6 years old. I have so many questions about it... well maybe not THAT many but i do have questions. Which i hope you are willing and able to answer."

Michael James Watson

"One never knows what i will be willing to say, but lets assume i have no idea what you are going to ask. Ask away" She sees her elementals inhabiting the hookah as it works.

Amber Bronkhorst

A short laugh escapes "Sure but lets try anyway." Alvah she then nods "Yeah well, first an obvious one. Do you know how i managed to hurt a Masoja of Death? At 6 years old. Dad said that the masoja that had attacked me was killed. "

Michael James Watson

"Do I know how you managed to hurt a masoja of Death? Yes. My turn. Have you spoken with Prince Brand?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Realising she should have asked that different she closes her eyes and sighs. "Yes i have spoken with Prince Brand." Then carefully speaking she rephrases her question "How did i manage to hurt or kill the Masoja of Death? "

Michael James Watson

Nur exhales and leans bak on his side. "You channeled raw force mixing azcalan and Amber pattern forces. The mixture of the two types of raw force made the Dufiro unable to defend against both. Delwin had never taught you to do it. Frankly we have studied it and have no idea how to manage it. It should be imppossible to mix both power forces but you did it. Also, it seemed to be instinctive. I don't think you did it consiously at all. But it was quite splashy and really ripped the fabric of things to pieces for a short time and killed the Masoja dead as last weeks fish"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah nods thoughtfully and is silent for a moment thinking. Not hearing a question from his side. She then asks "Okey, does my killing of this masoja of death have any still lingering consequences for me or those around me?"

Michael James Watson

"I think us talking about it still means yes"

Amber Bronkhorst

"Right. i suppose so. Though you knew what i meant. " Finding something in her pockets she starts to play with it between her fingers. "This raw power did not only hurt the masoja of death. What i understand from what dad told me is that it really damaged me as well. To help me heal and stay together you had called in the aid of a Masoja of Change. According to what i heard this masoja went further then the deal yuo had made with it. It had changed me. My question, what has this masoja of change done within the limits of the deal and outside, that has changed me? "

Michael James Watson

"The channeling was instinctive, by definition, uncontrolled. IT was tearing you apart even after you were finished and dropped the attack. The Changer just helped stabilize you. But you, or rather the pattern and the sigil kept lashing out. Messy. Add Cihalas to the mix and there was a powerhungy lunatic thinking she had the holy grail of power guns in you"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah holds up her hand in a hold on motion "You are saying that the Masoja of Change just kept me stable. But it did change me a bit " She points to her one blue eye. "The way you are saying this it sounds my mother was at that point present, Was Cihalas there physcilly or mentally or in any concious way, when the masoja of Death attacked? And what was her part in the attack and aftermath?"

Michael James Watson

"My turn. Explain the characters and thematic influences of your favorite opera."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks slightly annoyed at not getting an answer. But this is show it is played. She sits up straight... Maybe still something left over from Miss Diana her lessons when she asked her questions about opera's and ballets. Alvah says with a slight smile "Prince Igor, composed by Alexander Borodin. Performed in compay with ballet troupe. The characters portray the loss of freedom as Prince Igor fights agains the Polovtsian tribes. Which are then captured and put into labor. A love grows and hte polovtsian people stay true and strong to their own heritage with their love for dance and song. The polovtsian maidens dance and sing every night the others return from their tasks." Raising her eyebrows she continues "It is as many stories of war. Loss of home. Finding love and the duality created by the heart and mind. Loyalty and love." She looks at Nur with an expecting look.

Michael James Watson

"AH yes, i do so love Regorian ballet...."

Amber Bronkhorst

"It is a beautiful work yes. And fun to dance. But my previous question still stands. Was Cihalas there physically or mentally or in any concious way, when the masoja of Death attacked? And what was her part in the attack and aftermath?"

Michael James Watson

"Alright. No, she wasn't on the planet. If she had been Delwin would have known. But she sent it. Sent it to kill you. Now, there was a reason why she did so. Is there anychance i could convince you to find something else for us to talk about? Delwin is already going to be pissed ive gone this far.."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah tilts her head. "Why would dad be pissed. He told me himself to go talk to you. It came up when i told him i always felt sort of broken." Alvah then sighs. "But if you really do not want to tell me it is fine. Usually when i push for answers it ends up bad anyway." She doesn't look directly to Nur. Just staring out off the cliff. She is silent for a while. Then with a hand she rests on Cicero... "So... what about Cicero then?" Her tone a bit more neutral.

Michael James Watson

Nur frowns..."Its not that you are broken....its that part of you is missing. It was taken. Taken by Cihalas."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks back to Nur a frown forming on her face. "Mom took something? Other then my heart several times?" She bites her lips concidering she then aska om a aofter tone. "Please Nur, tell me what happened. What did she take? Dad told me to ask you. " She keeps her eyes on Nur

Michael James Watson

After several puffs for dramatic tension he gently reaches out and takes her hand. Turning the wrist over he points to a wrinkle. A normal wrinkle at the wrist. "She cut off your hand. When you were a baby. Delwin was away, she had just regained her memory. Its saved in her fortress in Zictla. Your hand grew back, you never even noticed it was missing. Neither did Delwin. It was regrown when he returned. At the moment its just your hand, frozen in magic. " He inhales again.."But.....if you were to die. It would have magical precedence over your fresh corpse. Its Azcalan magic. It would regrow a new you. She tried to kill you, to get you back""

Amber Bronkhorst

Looking at her hand then back at Nur she can't help but laugh. After a bit she calms her laughing and with a hiccup she speaks. "Okey the irony in that is not lost on me.... going to Zunala to die. Amd now hearing i have a respawn point in Zictla..." Alvah stops her laughing and with her other hamd she wipes a tear away. "Points for Cihalas in creativity to win custody over me. So does that magic still work? If so why hasn't she tried killimg me more often?"

Michael James Watson

"Because she hired a top notch famous Dufiro of Death with a truly nasty life path full of horror, snuck him into Delwin's world and you shredded him into cheese whiz. Let me tell you something about Dufiro. Its really, really hard to actually kill them. You didn't kill him in the kill him so he never was way. That wouldn't scare Dufiro. Lots of them die and if they die and know not that they are dead, they don't care. They don't believe in an afterlife." He puffs again "If a Dufiro is decisively defeated in certain magical methods their power is destroyed. THAT scares Dufiro. They work hard, sometime for ages, to gain crumbs of power. You shreded his power till he returned to a nearly mindless fire elemental retaining only the knowledge of its name and that it lost everything. That scared the peewadding out of the Dufirosm. Cihalas could hire another. Azcala isn't allowed to trade in Abyssals, so her only recourse was to hope you died on your own. She could hire assassins but such creatures would never get into Delwin's world. Someoen was getting in, and his White Council was trying to figure that out when Arlo sent his note and started all this"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah blinks a few times. She then looks at Cicero and the hoola containing her elemental friends. "And still dufiro are around me. Sooo no hard feelings within the Dufirosm for what i had done? " Alvah nods "Right the note from Arlo. And mom is probably now just hoping i get myself killed somewhere. Which i nearly did.... in Zunala." Smiling she says. "Well that is one interesting custody battle. So still if i died i'll end up at mom her place.... Well good to know. Might have to get that hand back though." "And about the shredding if the masoja. I wouldn't know how to repeat that again. So none need to worry. Of even you and dad can't find out how it qas possible." She then looks intently at Nur. "Anything else i should know? You know.. before sometjing happens again and i hear later... oh right should have told you... Or like dad so far always likes to say... you should stay with me for another century... you are not ready..."

Michael James Watson

He laughs, "No hard feelings? Alvah, that you shredded who you did made a lot of them eager to meet you. The Dufiro as an ununified as you could possible imagine. There are zillions of them. But you shredded one of them they all knew. One of the things Delwin hates is that you know me because that means the Dufiro will know I know you. There are thousands, maybe millions, eager to work with you. Once you learn all the languages you be getting summoning tomes like junk mail. " He stands and walks to the very cliff edge and urinates over it. "As for getting the hand back, thats what Delwin is doing now. Considering the mucketymucks Random invited to Vek's realm, didn't you think Delwin a conspicuous absence?" "You may not know how to shred a dufiro now, but you did it instinctively and didn't know how to do it then. They assume you are learning how to control that power now because that is what they would do."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks wide eyed at Nur. "Summoning tomes like junk mail. Heh right. Maybe i should learn more languages. Arlo didn't want to teach me more then these i know. He said it was to dangerous. But i wouldn't learn it for the summoning tome junkmail. But i have grown to like dufiro and the Dufirosm. Not strange as it is a big part of my life as it seems." Looking to the pattern amd then the village, especially as Nur relieves himself she clocks her tongue. "Right, yes i was wondering where dad was... but i figured that or Random kept him out of it. Or dad was still mad, disappointed or sad with me or he had something better to do. Guess its the latter." Alvah moves her fingers in a flowing motion in front of her. Something she does when working magic or a sigil. Though at this point she uses no powers. "Fiona showed me... before the big show and before she got burned by the pattern how to create raw power tendrils from the pattern.... She knows as well doesn't she? That is why she was there with dad the day Arlo send me the note... heh she offered to teach me. And now I get why. " Lookimg back at Nur she smiles "Lots to learn again. The other languages... have to find a teacher for that who is not Arlo. And practice raw power. If i would manage, that would be so awesome in fighting... or dancing... both.." A wide smile and playful look on Alvah her face.

Michael James Watson

"Raw power channeling is dangerous and lazy. Ever hear of a Pandybat? Its a weapon that is as dangerous to the wielder as the opponent. Raw Power is like that. You start it and maybe you can't stop it. Maybe Fiona want to be sure you at least had an idea what to do in case it came up. You can do more damage, more precisely, with skills, rather then flailing around with power tendrils. Arlo was right. They are dangerous to learn. At a certain point you start using languages that magic is cast in. Speaking the language of magic. If you are not patient. Deliberate. Respectful. You can render yourself back to a fire elemental"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah lools at Nur thoughtfully. Her wide grin changes slowly to a softer smile she nods once "You are right, i should be careful in my enthusiasm. I'll learn. But i have all the time i need. So it can wait. Starting to finally accept that part... " A moment she is silent and then speaks with a slightly different tone of voice, warmer, calm. A look of happyness as she looks on to the village. "Besides Vek is going to help me get my shapechanging up to a comfortable skill level. I should focus on one study at a time." Looking to the hookah and Cicero she still has a warm.genuine smile on her face. "I will learn in time also for them. And i get what you are saying but if i fuck up qith such powers again i am dead.. not rendered to an elemental.. i'll be gone."

Michael James Watson

"You'll make a good pattern ghost"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah laughs again. "Right thanks but not planning on dying anymore, at least anytime soon. " Alvah holds out her hand to Cicero letting him slither up her arm. "So first of all thank you for telling me. Now second what ia qrong with Cicero and what can i do to help?"

Michael James Watson

"Cicero has had a guard Dufiro in him a long time. He is a small snake. There sometimes is a bit of imprinting on log term bindings. Living creatures mostly. The Dufiro is bleeding power into Cicero. I am not saying soon, but at some point he may start displaying elemental abilities. If he does, he needs to be shed of the Guard or risk transitioning into Dufiro himeslf. Not that its a bad thing. I did. But its tricky, dangerous, and complicated"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah holds up Cicero and looks at him for a moment she then asks him in parsletongue "What do you want?" Looking up at Nur she nods "Alright well whatever Cicero and the Guard wants i'll stand behind that. Amd seek help accordingly which would probably mean in all cases you.... since you know... it is you and you know. Does this happen with everyone qho has a dufiro bound to them or does kt depends on what kind of deal or binding? "

Michael James Watson

"Every deal is different. Live bindings, its a mixture. Who knows? Even the Illuminar don't know for sure."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah nods "Asking this since i heard that there is still a dufiro of life bound to me..." She then lets Cicero slide alonger her arm shoulders and neck. She boops his nose "You decide what you want my friend. But the decision is not yet needed." Alvah then looks up at Nur. "Oh.... i have at least 2 questions about names if you don't mind."

Michael James Watson

"It doesn't happen as often with higher intelligence creatures., Something about self-determination and free will. But you can ask for it to happen and many people do. To that end, i want to teach you Gorbash and Relek. You started Vomos, the common tounge but you don't speak it yet. Once you learn Relek, meaning you will be fluent in Vomos and conversant in Gorbash, you will be able to converse normally with Spirit Dufiro. There is one you should meet. A Spirit of Song, a dancer. She will be able to give you good advise on if you wish to proceed further into the Dufirosm. She has had a mixed experience." "Go ahead. Im chocking up questions owed for the future when i may need to get things out of you"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah frowns. "Choose to become one, well why not everyone would have their own reasons. And i would love to meet the spirit of song. As long as she wants to meet me as well." "I would love to learn the languages from you! Thank you!" Laughing she says "Wow by now that must be some bill of answers to pay in the future... but fine by me. So first question about names. What ia the name of the masoja of death that i did not kill buf rendered down to his base element... i would like to know the names of people who might dislike or hate me."

Michael James Watson

Nur nods, "Ill get that for you. He may have changed names.. I am not sure. Once they become elemenat forms again its kind of hard to keep track of them"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah nods "Thank you, won't seek him out. Think i've done enough against him. But just in case. Now to add to your vast amount of questions you can ask me... What can i call you? Instead of Nur... since i heard that is your calling name and well when i talk about you I don’t always need you to listen in on my conversations " She says with a wink to Nur.

Michael James Watson

"I am not a voguer dufiro. I can tell when my name is spoken and when its a summoning. There is a threshold of observation that is hard to explain. My name may be spoken in zillions of shadows without it being meant to comment on me. Dufiro learn how to differentiate. I have a filter. I don't generally hear you speak my name if it is done conversationally. Its only when its spoken with meaning, to get my attention. Though that often translates to times of stress, strain, exertion. So if you are talkiing to someone and mention me it will float below my filter.. However, be carfeul not to mention me when you and Vek take a nature walk. THat might hit the buzzer and get my attention."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah raises an eyebrow and nods listening "Alright no problem just needed to know i am not constantly bothering you... not that i talk about you THAT often. " She then smiles "Fine no naming you when Vek and i are out and about." She laughs softly Then leans in slightly and in a hushed tone she says "If you speak dad before me please don't tell him yet... he was kind of clear he would not really approve... not that i need his permission. Oh speaking of dad. You said he was getting my hand... is there a time frame he said he would be back? I don't want dad to run in danger for me."

Michael James Watson

Nur laughs, "After your time in Azcala he would consider Vek a suitable improvement!"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah suddenly looks shocked " oh shit i haven't even seen or talked to dad after my time in Zunala. Does he know? " Taking a deep breath in and out Alvah tries to relax. "Okey, i'll hear dad his opinion and disappointment later.... and the.... you should come with me for a century and blah..." She then looks up at Nur... "Just hope he is okey and not taking to big of risks for me."

Amber Bronkhorst

When Alvah is a bit calmer she then moves closer to Nur and gives him a hug and kiss on the cheek. Then releasing him with a smile. "Thank you. For being there when dad took me away from my mother. I saw what happened, the pattern showed me. And thank you for being there afterwards to fix things... and me." She laughs a bit. "With all the news and new things being droppen on me i never actually thanked you, Fisk, Sand or dad." Looking at Cicero who has the dufiro of guard as companion who was there "Or the dufiro helping. But my life would be absolutly different if you all hadn't been there."

Michael James Watson

"THE PATTERN showed you? Well, how annoying of it. Its a pity that pissing on even this one would be considered bad manners. Some things are not its business. Cihalas is certainly the main fiend of the piece, and as crazy a sheebat as I have ever met. Coming from Tosa, being a grandson of Tolknor's, and having been the High Lord of Chaos, if only a shadow of the one in Chaos now, there is a lot of wackaddodle crazy for her to be compared to. But Xozla should not be forgotten. He may seem to be an ally now but he played his part. He knew Del well. Extremely well. Well enough to envision he and Cihalas and Delwin as a triad marriage. Don't forget he fought to keep you in Azcala too. He has a history of straddling fences and crossing battle lines. " Taking a puff he smiles, "And you saw sand? Know of Sand? The great dancer. The goddess of the bow. She is crazy too, though I suppose all of the blood of Chaos are in a way. She can be sweet and funny as the sun and turn to rain in a moment. One day, she and I will have a reckoning. On that day, do not let our friendship or your kinship with her make you stand between us."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks slightly surprised at his reaction. "Well yes.. it showed me more.. but to show me this was not strange it came from Azcala and tried to make sure i would not leave it there.... And don't worry i saw what Xozla did and Aztilios. And i don't fully buy the loving stepdad shtick. I know he and mom have individual bounties on my head.. if they are still up to date i don't know. But where it had hurt me at first not feeling home anywhere i now know that some places are just no good homes. And if you need people around you that care for eachother not to blindly rely on family... " Alvah looks to the side over the pattern and to where she guesses Vek would be. Then to the direction of the army of elites... "I fucked up and possibly lost someone inreally cared about and who cared for me... Ah well done with the sappy stuff." She looks at Nur again and grins "Oh if you and Sand have stuff to fight out i am not standing in between just like you and dad.... you are grown ass people and i am not here to fix broken families... "

Michael James Watson

"Sand won't let me see my daughter. And the time will come when i will no longer be content to wait for her to come to me."

Amber Bronkhorst

"She won't let you see your daughter... who is Sand to keep your kid away from you? " Alvah looks over the cliff for a while in silence. "Well I'm sure eventually of you don't want to wait anymore you could call in favors. You have plenty. I'm sure someone could get close enough to talk to your daughter and suggest to at least see you."

Amber Bronkhorst

"And else if you can wait i was planning on visiting Sand at a point, and i'm sure i'll be able to talk to Nadine as well. " She says with a wink and a smile.

Michael James Watson

"I don't need to call in favors to see her. Far from it. I have people willing to get her and bring her to me to pay off favors they owe. But that's hardly the point. I could put foot to the jeweled road and stride into Mandalay and just drop in. Its not like she is hiding. But I would have to see Sand again if I did that and I have personal reasons not to want to see her someplace where she has a Lord's power and I do not."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah nods smiling. "Okey i get that. So you are waiting till ahe decides herself to seek you out. " Turning to Nur she frowns. "Are things that bad between the two of you? It sounds like Sand would be ready to straight up murder you if you saw her again." Alvah waves her hand "I won't ask for your personal reasons though. As you said i should not stand between. And not going to."

Michael James Watson

"Don't. It won't be pretty. So.... any more questions? "

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah shrugs "Very well. I won't. " Standing up and stretching her legs she shakes her head "Nope sorry can't rack up a higher question debt with you." She winks to Nur. " i actually only wanted to ask what the masoja of change had done to me and i got so much more info." Laughing she turns to Nur. "Thank you again for your time and that you want to teach me further in languages. "

Michael James Watson

"What did the Masoja of Change do? Its complicated and a matter of recovering from the use of raw power. You had no control over your outburst so after it shut down you were sort of in a state of Flux. You body was unsure if it needed to heal, strike out, or pull back, so it was doing all of that. Wild shapeshifting.. Sort of like having an uncontrollable screaming fit, lashing out, but with the powers heir to the blood of chaos fueling the outrage. the Changer fixed your form, held it in place while it let you released the grip on the powers. It stabalized you. Now of course, stable is a relative term and in your case it didn't really have a lot of grounds to compare with. Azcalan, Amberite, Talgwir, and in the end a mixture of Chaos lineages and the blood of the unicorn thrown in for power. It did the best it could. If it left uncontrolable rages behind as residue it can be forgiven. It did the best it could."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah blinks She then laughs "Oh please those uncontrollable rages run in fhe family how could anyone blame the dufiro for that. Hmm dad made it sound worse. Well i am grateful. Like you said the dufiro did all they could with the mess i was. " She spreads her arms and twirls a pirouette ending it in a graceful plié. "I am still here and functioning so no hard feelings at all. And i might follow advixe and stay away from raw power then. Sounds... destructive and only as a last resort kind of thing."

Michael James Watson

Nur stands, the rug, hookah and pillows flowing up into his fez. "Play nice" He takes a step and goes over the cliff.