OREhammer 40k:Madness Meters
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The Grim Future of the 41st Millennium is an ugly and terrible place. As such, Madness Meters fit right in. ^_^
Most of the Discussion about then and how I picture them is based on the Thread that spawned it all, especially around Pages 4-6. The basic idea is described in the first post, but a few basic ressources and infos:
- Madness Meters for the ORE come from NEMESIS, available from Project Nemesis or directly from here.
- The planned adaption is pretty straight-forward, as the NEMESIS rules are already pretty tight. Some basic questions still remaining:
- Same Madness Meters as in Nemesis or add/remove some?
- Do Chaos and Psyker-powers interact with the MM and if so, how?
- Difficulty: In Nemesis, Madness checks have a difficulty equal to the challenges rank, which makes higher level checks really, really hard. Should that stay the same or be changed?
- Equilibrium: In Nemesis, there is a skill that's used, together with varying attributes, to resist Madness checks, so people can play characters that are better at resisting THE HORRORS then others. Should that stay or be modified somehow? Also, should the attributes that are linked to the various Meters be changed?