Of Demons and Devas

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The Primordials of Gunstar Autochthonia are not Yozis. While a few have suffered fetich death -- which is why it's Adorjan, not Adrian -- they have not been beaten. They have not been turned inside out and trapped in a prison made of their sewn up flesh. They have not bent knee and sworn oaths of submission. They are hateful and spiteful, but unlike Yozi, they still know how to swagger and they can still win. The mantle of victory has never been stripped from their shoulders. They believe, so far justly, that they are the rulers of the Cosmos.

This single, subtle difference can be felt all the way down unto the least of their souls. The first, second, and third circle souls of Primordials are collectively called 'devas', not demons. For many of them, this is essentially a political distinction; Mara is still the defining soul of Erambour. Sondok still stands in doorways. Ligier still dances, and his beauty shines on a thousand worlds.

In other ways, there are drastic changes. Theion still possesses his second fetich; Nihilem Ruvelia, the waters of the deep, who reflects the light of Ligier. All but one of the creatures who would become the Neverborn are still alive within the Primordial host. And, most importantly; devas are not bound like demons to answer sorcery.

Other changes are more subtle. The Erymanthoi of Theion are called Brood Apes, and while their calling is violence, they share the Impyreal Chaos's urge to dominate, rather than simply to destroy. The gilmyne still remember the third great dance; the Dance of Creation. Subtlest of all changes; Neomah love their children.

It should be noted that the citizens of the Gunstar still use demonic terminology to refer to the Primordial host; the realm of the Primordials is called Hell, green sun princes are called Infernals, and their ships are called Hellstars. This is a simple verbal conceit; no more than propaganda.

Some common devas that you might encounter[edit]


The Brood Apes of Theion are less crude than Malfeas's blood apes, although they still serve the same function as the disposable foot soldiers in Hell's armies. Their white fur hides strong, toned muscles. They wear armor of smithed alabaster. Their greatest desire is to subjugate, and they are usually willing to accept surrender; a wise victim, when outnumbered, can play to their overweening pride and vanity. Those who obtain sufficient age and strength grow silver quills on their spines, and these Silverbacks serve as their officers.

Agatae, the Void Wasps[edit]

The most common void-based fighters in the Primordial host, the Agatae are hive-devas with three principle forms. The most common, Agatae drones, look like beauteous crystal wasps the size of a tiger, whose limbs end in scythe-like blades. In small groups, these swarm a Voidfighter and cut its pilot out to spill screaming into the void. Larger than these are Agatae soldiers, which are born when an Agatae lays its eggs inside the body of another Deva -- or Exalt. As the egg hatches, it consumes the host adn turns their body into chalcanth to fuel the Agatae. The resulting Agatae soldier is the size of a Yeddim, has 8 weapon legs (including essence cannons), and may possess some aspects of its host. Agatae soldiers possess hollow, chitinous compartments that can store passengers in stasis, or be modified to allow an essence user to pilot one as per an Infernal Relic. Greatest of the Agatae are the Carrier-Queens, which spawn smaller Agatae. These transcendently beautiful creatures are as large as Alchemical Collosi.

Teodozja Missionaries[edit]

The breadth of the spiral are vast, but it does not contain all worlds, and the victorious Titans wish to exert dominion over all that exists and can ever exist. Just as the Teodozja exist to spread the Titans' words to the beings of the spiral, Teodozja missionaries are created to spread the word beyond the stars. Encased in shining jade cocoons inscribed with infernal sutras, and accompanied by clouds of Agatae defenders, these gargantuan lions cross vast gulfs to land on distant worlds, where they fall like meteorites. The impact of their passage spreads apocalypse, and the sudden appearance of a fifty foot tall lion cows the populace into Primordial worship, transmuting prayers instantly across the void through their hive minds.