Offa the Doomed
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Ever since Offa's cousin laid a curse on him for offering to wed her, he has lost his beserkergang. Feeling that the gods have abandoned him, he seeks to defeat many foes in battle and gather their names. If he can gather enough names and recite them to a druid, recounting how he defeated each foe, the curse might be lifted. An impressive bearskin cloak wouldn't hurt, either.
Seb Class: Fighter Level: 1 (Veteran) Experience Points: 0 (+10%) Total Hit Points: 7 Armor Class: 6 Movement: 40'/Round
Attributes: Strength 18 +3 melee, open doors, damage with thrown weapons Intelligence 7 Wisdom 10 Dexterity 9 Constitution 13 +1 hit points per hit die Charisma 9 maximum of 4 retainers with default 7 morale
Coins: 3 gp -wt 3
Weapons: Battle Axe 1d8 - wt 50 Hand Axe 1d6 - wt 30
Armour: Leather and shield - wt 300
Other: Backpack - wt 80 Flask of Oil Standard Rations (1 week) Sack (large) Tinder Box (flint & steel) Torches (6) Water/Wine Skin
Total Encumbrance: 463
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