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This section describe basic equipment you might need in your adventure. More advanced and detailed equipments can be found in the upcoming Equipment Codex.

  1. Equipment Statistics
  2. Weapons
  3. Armors
  4. Electronics Enhancement
  5. Adventurer's gears
  6. Services


Armors are protective gear that either helps you not being hit or hurt. The heavier the armor the more hindering it is for your movement. You can develop your armor or shield skill to lessen those penalties.



Armor made of leather or other animal part.
This is an armor prepared from extremely thick hide of a creature or from multiple layers of regular leather. It is stiff and hard to move in.
This armor is made of leather hardened in boiling oil and then shaped into breastplate and shoulder protectors. The remainder of the suit is fashioned from more flexible, somewhat softer material.
This is the simplest type of armor, fashion from quilted layer of cloth and battling. It tends to get hot and after a time becomes foul with sweat, grime, lice and fleas.
This armor is made of soft leather reinforced with close-set metal rivet.


Chain is an armor that consists of small metal rings linked together in a pattern to form a mesh.
Other name: Lorica Hamata
The hauberk is essentially a long shirt of mail or leather (weighing about 14 kg for the mail). There are slits in the front and back below the waist (so the wearer could straddle a horse and ride), and it almost always had sleeves. The sleeves would extend to mid-way down the forearm.
Full suit of mail armor that cover all the body.


Lamellar armor consists of small plates which are laced together in different ways.
This armor is made of overlapping strips of metal sewn to a backing of leather and chain mail. Generally the stripes cover only the more vulnerable areas, while the chain and leather protect the joints where freedom of movement must be ensured.
Other name: Lorica Squamata
This armor consists of many small scales linked together (lamellar), riveted or sewn onto cloth or leather backing.
This armor is made of narrow vertical strips riveted to a backing of leather and cloth padding. Since this is not flexible, the joints are protected by chain mail.


Plate armor is made from large metal plates, worn on the chest and sometimes the entire body. Most plate armor are used with a full chainmail under the plates.
The simplest for of plate armor consisting only of two plates protecting the torso of its wearer.
Half-Plate protect legs and arm, but are not completely closed offering less protection in the back. Joints are also protected only by chain, but not plates.
Full suit of armor protecting all part of the body even joints.


Bulletproof armor are made of individual layers of material catch the bullet and spread its momentum over a larger portion of the body, deforming the round and hopefully bringing it to a stop before it can penetrate into the body. While a vest can prevent a bullet from penetrating, the wearer can still be affected by the kinetic energy of the bullet, with results ranging from bruises to serious internal injuries.
Light bullet proof vest that only protect the torso.
Medium armor does not cover all the body, but the vest is reinforced with plates of different hard material to protect vital areas
Heavy armor covers all the body and reinforced plates of different hard material

Force Field[edit]

A field of force is projected around a person protecting him against all type of attacks. The field is unidirectional blocking attacks from outside but do not block attack coming from the inside allowing the protected creature to attack almost normally.


A shield is a protective device, meant to intercept attacks.
Other name: Buckler
A light shield is worn strapped to your forearm. You can use a bow or crossbow without penalty while carrying it. You can also use your shield arm to wield a weapon (whether you are using an off-hand weapon or using your off hand to help wield a two-handed weapon), but you take a –1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. This penalty stacks with those that may apply for fighting with your off hand. In any case, if you use a weapon in your off hand, you don't get the shield cover bonus. When doing an attack action, you do not receive cover form the shield, you only get the bonus when doing other action like moving.
Other name: Targe
You strap a shield to your forearm and grip it with your hand. A small shield's weight lets you carry other items in that hand, although you cannot use weapons with it.
You strap a shield to your forearm and grip it with your hand. A medium shield is so heavy that you can't use your shield hand for anything else.
Other name: Wall shield, Tower shield, Parvise
This massive wooden shield is nearly as tall as you are. In most situations, it provides the indicated shield bonus to your AC. However, you can instead use it as total cover by crouching behind it, though you cannot make any attack to do so. It may be useful to reload a slow weapon or search an item in a backpack.


Stone Age[edit]

Name Price Find Weight
Hide - 12 25 lb.
Leather - 10 15 lb.
Shield, Leather
Small - 10 3 lb.

Bronze/Iron Age[edit]

Name Price Find Weight
Hide 6 13 25 lb.
Leather 6 11 15 lb.
Padded 5 10 10 lb.
Studded 7 11 20 lb.
Chain, Bronze
Hauberk 9 14 20 lb.
Mail 10 17 35 lb.
Chain, Iron
Hauberk 8 12 25 lb.
Mail 9 14 40 lb.
Lamellar, Bronze
Scale 8 16 25 lb.
Lamellar, Iron
Scale 7 13 30 lb.
Plate, Bronze
Breastplate 10 17 25 lb.
Plate, Iron
Breastplate 9 14 30 lb.
Shield, Bronze
Small 6 13 5 lb.
Medium 7 15 10 lb.
Heavy 8 18 20 lb.
Shield, Iron
Small 5 10 6 lb.
Medium 6 13 15 lb.
Heavy 7 15 25 lb.
Shield, Wood
Small 4 8 4 lb.
Medium 5 10 7 lb.
Heavy 6 13 17 lb.

Middle Ages[edit]

Name Price Find Weight
Hide 6 13 25 lb.
Leather 6 11 15 lb.
Padded 5 10 10 lb.
Studded 7 11 20 lb.
Chain, Steel
Hauberk 9 12 25 lb.
Mail 10 15 40 lb.
Lamellar, Steel
Banded 10 17 35 lb.
Scale 8 14 30 lb.
Splint 10 15 45 lb.
Plate, Steel
Breastplate 10 17 25 lb.
Half-plate 11 17 40 lb.
Full plate 13 18 50 lb.
Shield, Steel
Light 7 13 5 lb.
Small 6 11 5 lb.
Medium 7 13 10 lb.
Heavy 8 16 25 lb.
Shield, Wood
Small 4 8 4 lb.
Medium 5 10 7 lb.
Heavy 6 13 17 lb.

Age of Reason[edit]

Name Price Find Weight
Leather 6 11 15 lb.
Padded 5 10 10 lb.
Studded 7 11 20 lb.
Plate, Steel
Breastplate 10 15 25 lb.
Half-plate 11 17 40 lb.
Shield, Steel
Small 4 10 5 lb.
Medium 5 12 10 lb.

Industrial Age[edit]

Name Price Find Weight
Bulletproof, Nylon
Light 7 13 5 lb.
Medium 8 16 10 lb.
Heavy 10 19 15 lb.
Shield, Steel
Small 4 10 5 lb.
Medium 5 12 10 lb.

Information Age[edit]

Name Price Find Weight
Bulletproof, Kevlar
Light 4 10 5 lb.
Medium 6 13 10 lb.
Heavy 8 16 20 lb.
Shield, Synthetic
Small 2 8 2 lb.
Medium 3 10 5 lb.

CyberGenetic Age[edit]

Name Price Find Weight
Bulletproof, Nanocarbon
Light 4 10 3 lb.
Medium 6 13 6 lb.
Heavy 8 16 10 lb.

Space Age[edit]

Name Price Find Weight
Bulletproof, Femtocarbon
Light 4 10 5 lb.
Medium 6 13 10 lb.
Heavy 8 16 20 lb.
Force Field
Light 7 13 5 lb.
Medium 9 18 10 lb.
Heavy 11 19 20 lb.

Energy Age[edit]

Name Price Find Weight
Force Field
Light 5 10 2 lb.
Medium 7 13 5 lb.
Heavy 9 16 8 lb.


Name Craft DC Craft Time Hardness Hit Point Core
Hide 12 8 hr. 2 2 1
Leather 12 4 hr. 2 2 1
Padded 12 2 hr. 2 2 1
Studded 12 4 hr. 2 2 1
Chain, Bronze
Hauberk 15 20 hr. 11 6 2
Mail 15 40 hr. 11 12 11
Chain, Iron
Hauberk 15 20 hr. 10 5 1
Mail 15 40 hr. 10 10 11
Chain, Steel
Hauberk 15 20 hr. 12 8 6
Mail 15 40 hr. 12 15 11
Lamellar, Bronze
Scale 15 20 hr. 11 12 11
Lamellar, Iron
Scale 15 20 hr. 10 10 11
Lamellar, Steel
Banded 18 40 hr. 12 30 13
Scale 15 20 hr. 12 15 11
Splint 18 50 hr. 12 30 13
Plate, Bronze
Breastplate 15 20 hr. 11 12 11
Plate, Iron
Breastplate 15 20 hr. 10 10 11
Plate, Steel
Breastplate 15 20 hr. 12 15 11
Half-plate 18 80 hr. 12 30 13
Full plate 18 40 hr. 12 30 13
Bulletproof, Nylon
Light 12 4 hr. 10 5 1
Medium 15 6 hr. 10 20 12
Heavy 18 6 hr. 14 15 11
Bulletproof, Kevlar
Light 12 4 hr. 12 8 6
Medium 15 8 hr. 14 15 11
Heavy 18 8 hr. 16 30 13
Bulletproof, Nanocarbon
Light 12 2 hr. 20 12 11
Medium 15 4 hr. 20 25 12
Heavy 18 8 hr. 20 50 15
Bulletproof, Femtocarbon
Light 12 2 hr. 50 25 12
Medium 15 4 hr. 50 50 15
Heavy 18 8 hr. 50 100 20
Force Field
Light 12 2 hr. 10 100 11
Medium 15 4 hr. 10 200 12
Heavy 18 8 hr. 10 400 14
Force Field, Mini
Light 12 2 hr. 20 200 12
Medium 15 4 hr. 20 400 14
Heavy 18 8 hr. 20 800 15
Shield, Leather
Light 10 2 hr. 2 2 1
Shield, Bronze
Small 10 2 hr. 11 12 11
Medium 15 4 hr. 11 25 12
Heavy 15 8 hr. 11 30 13
Shield, Iron
Small 10 2 hr. 10 10 11
Medium 15 4 hr. 10 20 12
Heavy 15 8 hr. 10 25 12
Shield, Steel
Light 15 4 hr. 12 8 6
Small 10 2 hr. 12 15 11
Medium 15 4 hr. 12 30 13
Heavy 15 8 hr. 12 20 12
Shield, Synthetic
Light 10 2 hr. 8 8 6
Heavy 15 4 hr. 8 15 11
Shield, Wood
Small 10 2 hr. 5 5 1
Medium 15 4 hr. 5 10 11
Heavy 15 8 hr. 5 15 11


Armor Type[edit]

There are three types of armor: light, medium, heavy.

Light: Soft armor that do no hider you a lot in your movement.

Medium: Medium armor offer better protection but hider you a lot in your movement.

Heavy: Heavy armor are there to protect in all ways possible it's wearer. They are generally heavy and people wearing them are very clumsy, but they are very hard to hurt.

Sleeping in Armor[edit]

If you sleep in medium or heavy armor you are automatically fatigued the next day. You take one severity of fatigue every day you sleep in armor. Sleeping in light armor does not cause fatigue.

Armor For Unusual Creatures[edit]

Armor and shields for unusually big creatures, unusually little creatures, and non-humanoid creatures have different costs and weights from those given on Table: Armor and Shields. Refer to the appropriate line on the table below and apply the multipliers to cost and weight for the armor type in question.

  Humanoid Non-humanoid
Size Cost Weight Cost Weight
Fine x1/8 x1/16 x1/4 x1/16
Diminutive x1/4 x1/8 x1/2 x1/8
Tiny x1/2 x1/4 x1 x1/4
Small x1 x1/2 x2 x1/2
Medium x1 x1 x2 x1
Large x2 x2 x4 x2
Huge x4 x5 x8 x5
Gargantuan x8 x8 x16 x8
Colossal x16 x12 x32 x12

Getting Into And Out Of Armor[edit]

The time required to don armor depends on its type; see Table: Donning Armor.

Don: This column tells how long it takes a character to put the armor on.

Don as fast action: You can put armor as a fast action. You need to make an Armor or Shield check to do so with the appropriate DC from your type of armor. On a failure, you were not able to put the armor on your body in an efficient manner. Even on a success, the armor does not protect you as much as it should. The armor check penalties and armor bonus for hastily donned armor are 1 point worse than normal.

Remove: This column tells how long it takes to get the armor off.

Armor Type Don Don as fast action Remove
Shield Short DC 10 Short
Light Very Long DC 10 Long
Medium Slow DC 15 Very Long
Heavy Very Slow DC 20 Slow

Armor Entry Description[edit]

Damage Resistance (DR)

This is the number of hit points that is remove from each hit the character receive while wearing that armor. Damage cannot be reduced below 0.

Cover Bonus

Each shield grants cover to its wearer.

Combat Penalty

While armor protects its wearer, it's also often hampered its combat ability. This penalty is reduced by one for each rank in the Armor skill.

Maneuver Penalty

While armor protects its wearer, it's also often hampered abilities that are asking some movement. This penalty is reduces by 1 for every three ranks of the Armor skill.

Precise Maneuver Penalty

While armor protects its wearer, it's also often hampered abilities that are asking precise movement. This penalty is not reduced with the Armor skill.

Name Type DR Combat Penalty Maneuver Penalty Precise Maneuver Penalty
Hide Medium 3 -3 -3 -4
Leather Light 2 -2 0 -2
Padded Light -1 0 -1 -1
Studded Light 3 -3 -1 -3
Chain, Bronze
Hauberk Light 3 -4 -2 -4
Mail Medium 4 -5 -5 -6
Chain, Iron
Hauberk Light 2 -4 -2 -4
Mail Medium 3 -5 -5 -6
Chain, Steel
Hauberk Light 4 -4 -2 -4
Mail Medium 5 -5 -5 -6
Lamellar, Bronze
Scale Medium 3 -4 -4 -5
Lamellar, Iron
Scale Medium 2 -4 -4 -5
Lamellar, Steel
Banded Heavy 6 -6 -6 -8
Scale Medium 4 -4 -4 -5
Splint Medium 6 -6 -7 -8
Plate, Bronze
Breastplate Medium 4 -5 -4 -6
Plate, Iron
Breastplate Medium 3 -5 -4 -6
Plate, Steel
Breastplate Medium 5 -5 -4 -6
Half-plate Heavy 7 -7 -7 -9
Full plate Heavy 8 -8 -6 -10
Bulletproof, Nylon
Light Light 2 -2 -3 -4
Medium Medium 5 -5 -6 -7
Heavy Heavy 8 -8 -9 -10
Bulletproof, Kevlar
Light Light 3 -1 -2 -3
Medium Medium 6 -4 -5 -6
Heavy Heavy 9 -7 -8 -9
Bulletproof, Nanocarbon
Light Light 5 0 0 -1
Medium Medium 7 -2 -3 -4
Heavy Heavy 10 -5 -6 -7
Bulletproof, Femtocarbon
Light Light 5 0 0 -1
Medium Medium 8 -1 -1 -2
Heavy Heavy 12 -3 -4 -5
Force Field
Light Light 5 -2 -3 -4
Medium Medium 10 -3 -4 -5
Heavy Heavy 15 -4 -5 -6
Force Field, Mini
Light Light 10 0 -1 -1
Medium Medium 15 -1 -2 -3
Heavy Heavy 20 -2 -3 -4