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Combat, Attack[edit]

This is your aptitude when fighting an opponent. This represents your ability to hit someone and to receive hit from your opponent.

Feats available for Attack and Martial Art skills[edit]

Some feats can be done with most types of attack. While they have the same effect, those feats must be learn separately for each skill you want to use the feat with.

Bleed, Improved[edit]

Applies to: All
When causing a bleeding wound, the wound bleed for 1 additional hit points.
Specialist: The wound bleed for 2 additional hit points.
Expert: The wound bleed for 4 additional hit points.
Master: The wound bleed for 8 additional hit points.

Charge, Improved[edit]

Applies to: Melee, Strike, Sweep and Thrown weapon.
You gain the ability to charge in situations where others cannot. You may charge when having a speed penalty from difficult terrain or wounds. Depending on the circumstance, you may still need to make appropriate checks to successfully move over the terrain.
Specialist: You do not suffer the -2 penalty to defense while charging.
Expert: Your bonus to attack roll is increased to +4 when charging.
Master: Your bonus to attack roll is increased to +8 when charging.

Charge, Power Attack[edit]

Applies to: Melee, Strike, Sweep and Thrown weapon.
When you attack an opponent with a charge and a Power Attack, each penalty you take for enhancing your damage is double or triple for a two-handed weapon.


Applies to: Melee, Strike.
If you deal a creature enough damage to make it drop (typically by dropping it to below 0 Constitution or killing it), you get an opportunity melee attack against another creature within reach. You cannot take a 5-foot step before making this extra attack. The extra attack is with the same weapon as the attack that dropped the previous creature and suffers normal penalty for changing targets.
Specialist: You do not suffer any penalty for changing target while making a cleave attack.
Expert: You can take a 5-foot step before making the cleave attack but suffer a -4 penalty while doing so.
Master: You do not suffer any penalty for taking a 5-foot step before making your cleave attack.

Cripple, Improved[edit]

Applies to: All
When crippling a foe, it suffers from 1 more square penalty.
Specialist: The foe suffers from 2 more square penalty.
Expert: The foe suffers from 4 more square penalty.
Master: The foe suffers from 8 more square penalty.

Daze, Improved[edit]

Applies to: All
When you daze a foe, it is dazed for 1 more Short Action.
Specialist: The foe is dazed for 2 more Short Actions.
Expert: The foe is dazed for 4 more Short Actions.
Master: The foe is dazed for 8 more Short Actions.

Disrupting Attack[edit]

Applies to: All
You are exceptionally good at distracting creatures. Any creature that needs to make a Concentration check as a result of your attack does so with a -1 penalty.
Specialist: Penalty to Concentration check is increased to -2.
Expert: Penalty to Concentration check is increased to -4.
Master: Penalty to Concentration check is increased to -8.

Hold the line[edit]

Applies to: Melee, Strike, Sweep
You may make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who charges you when he enters an area you threaten. Your attack of opportunity happens immediately before the charge attack is resolved.
Specialist: You deal x2 damage with your opportunity attack and x3 damage for a weapon that can be set to receive a charge.
Expert: You deal x3 damage with your opportunity attack and x4 damage for a weapon that can be set to receive a charge.
Master: You deal x4 damage with your opportunity attack and x5 damage for a weapon that can be set to receive a charge.

Increase wounds[edit]

Applies to: All
Choose one weapon for which you are already proficient. You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon.
You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new weapon proficiency.
Specialist: Choose one weapon for which you are already a specialist. You gain a +4 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon.
Expert: Choose one weapon for which you are already an expert. You gain a +8 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon.
Master: Choose one weapon for which you are already a master. You gain a +16 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon.

Pain, Improved[edit]

Applies to: All
When causing pain to a foe, it suffers from an additional -1 pain penalty.
Specialist: The foe suffers from an additional -2 pain penalty.
Expert: The foe suffers from an additional -4 pain penalty.
Master: The foe suffers from an additional -8 pain penalty.

Parrying, Improved[edit]

Applies to: All
When using a parrying maneuver, you receive an additional +1 dodge bonus.
Specialist: When using a parrying maneuver, you receive an additional +2 dodge bonus.
Expert: When using a parrying maneuver, you receive an additional +4 dodge bonus.
Master: When using a parrying maneuver, you receive an additional +8 dodge bonus.

Reckless Offense[edit]

Applies to: All
You can shift your focus from defense to offense. You can take a penalty of –2 to your Defense and add a +1 bonus on your Melee attack roll. You cannot have a bonus higher than your Melee skills ranks.


Applies to: All
When you have an ally with the swarmfighting feat that threatens the same opponent, you gain a +1 bonus to hit for each ally with this feat that attacks the opponent.
Specialist: You gain +1 swarmfighting bonus from ally even if they do not have the swarmfighting feat.
Expert: Your bonus is increased to +2 per ally with the swarmfighting feat.
Master: Your bonus is increased to +2 per ally with or without the swarmfighting feat.

Whirlwind Attack[edit]

Applies to: Melee, Strike.
Requisite: Cleave
Your attack becomes a long action, but now you can make one melee attack with against each opponent within reach. Doing so incurs a cumulative penalty for each target change. For example, your second attack suffer a -4 penalty and your third attack suffer a -8 penalty.
Specialist: Your penalty is not cumulative. Your second attacks and all others attack after suffers from a -4 penalty.
Expert: You do not suffer penalty for changing target while making a whirlwind attack.
Master: Your whirlwind attack is a standard action.


Ability Strength
Action Standard
Armor Penalty Combat
Untrained Yes
Concentration No

Proficiency: Axes, Blades, Brawl, Maces, Polearms, Grapple

Description: This skill represents your ability to attack a creature with a weapon or with your bare hand.

Brawl: Attacking unarmed provokes an attack of opportunity from your opponent if he is armed. The attack of opportunity comes before your attack. An unarmed attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity from other foes nor does it provoke an attack of opportunity from an unarmed foe. An unarmed character can't take attacks of opportunity unless it has the Improved Unarmed Strike feat.

Check: The DC of your attack is the Defense of your opponent. If you beat your opponent Defense, you hit the opponent and cause him damage depending of your weapon.

Total Success: For each rank of Total Success, you can add another dice of damage.

Total Failure: You provoke an action of opportunity from your opponent. Your opponent has a bonus equal to the rank of Total Failure for his action.

Try Again: Yes, you can fight until you die.


Awesome Blow[edit]

When using a power attack on a creature at least two size smaller than yours, you can try to make simultaneously a Bull Rush Move Attack on your target.
Both attacks suffer from the Power attack penalty and both attacks suffer an additional -4 penalty. Your attack take one more initiative category.
Specialist: You do not suffer an additional -4 penalty to both your attacks.
Expert: Your attack Awesome Blow do not take one more initiative category.
Master: You can make an Awesome Blow against an opponent one size smaller than yours.

Cleave, Sundering[edit]

Requisite: Improved Sunder, Cleave
When you destroyed a foe's weapon or shield with a successful sunder attempt, you gain an additional sundering attack against any foe at your reach as an opportunity action. You cannot take a 5-foot step before making this extra attack. The extra attack is with the same weapon as the attack that destroyed the previous item and suffers normal penalty for changing targets..
Specialist: You do not suffer any penalty for changing target while making a cleave attack.
Expert: You can take a 5-foot step before making the cleave attack but suffer a -4 penalty while doing so.
Master: You do not suffer any penalty for taking a 5-foot step before making your cleave attack.

Improvised melee weapon[edit]

When using an improvised weapon, the weapon deals damage as if it was one size category bigger.
Specialist: The imporvised weapon deals damage as if it was 2 size category bigger.
Expert: The imporvised weapon deals damage as if it was 3 size category bigger.
Master: The imporvised weapon deals damage as if it was 4 size category bigger.

Quick Draw[edit]

You can draw a weapon as an immediate action instead of as a short action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a short action.
Specialist: If you draw a light weapon and make a melee attack with it in the same action (melee attack at one initiative slower), you can surprise your opponent and catch him flat-footed if you can beat its Wit with a Melee check. This feat works only once per combat. You cannot use this attack when you draw a hidden weapon.
Expert: You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as an immediate action.
Master: You can catch your opponent flat-footed even when drawing a hidden weapon.

Rank Fighting[edit]

You are trained to strike past friends using reach weapons. You can reduce by 1 category the cover provided by a friend in-between you and your opponent when striking with a reach weapon.
Specialist: You can reduce by 2 cover categories the cover provided by a friend.
Expert: You can reduce by 3 cover categories the cover provided by a friend.
Master: You can reduce by 3 cover categories the cover provided by a friend.


You are skilled in making nonlethal attacks. When using a weapon that does normal damage for a nonlethal attack, you are not subject to the normal -4 penalty to hit.

Sunder, Improved[edit]

When you strike at an object held or carried by an opponent, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Specialist: You receive a +2 bonus to damage against items.
Expert: You receive a +4 bonus to damage against items.
Master: You receive a +8 bonus to damage against items.

Unarmed Strike[edit]

You are considered to be armed even when unarmed. That is, you do not provoke attacks or opportunity from armed opponents when you attack them while unarmed with either Brawl or Grapple.
Specialist: Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your option.
Expert: You are considered one size larger when dealing damage with unarmed attack.
Master: You are considered two sizes larger when dealing damage with unarmed attack.

Weapon Finesse[edit]

With a light weapon, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls.
Specialist: You can use your Dexterity modifier with one-handed weapon.
Expert: You can use your Dexterity modifier with two-handed weapon.


Ability Dexterity
Action Standard; See below
Armor Penalty Combat
Untrained Yes
Concentration No

Proficiency: Thrown Weapon, Bow, Crossbow, Guns, Rifle

Description: This skill represents your ability to aim with a thrown or a missile weapon.

Check: The DC of your attack is the Defense of your opponent. If you beat your opponent Defense, you hit the opponent and cause him damage depending of your weapon.

Range increment: With a ranged weapon, you can shoot or throw at any target without penalty when in the first range increment. For each additional range increment you have a cumulative -2 range penalty.

Shooting or Throwing into a Melee: If you shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with a friendly character, you take a –4 penalty on your attack roll. Two characters are engaged in melee if they are enemies of each other and either threatens the other. (An unconscious or otherwise immobilized character is not considered engaged unless he is actually being attacked.) If your target (or the part of your target you’re aiming at, if it’s a big target) is at least 10 feet away from the nearest friendly character, you can avoid the –4 penalty, even if the creature you’re aiming at is engaged in melee with a friendly character.

When shooting into a melee, often your ally provided cover to your opponent. A medium ally provide half-cover to an opponent if you ally is in your line of fire.

Total Success: For each rank of Total Success, you can add another dice of damage.

Total Failure: You might have hit one of your allies. Take your nearest ally from your opponent. If your ally a Defense resistance of less than 10 + rank of Total Failure, you hit him and resolved damage normally.

Action: Making a range combat roll is a standard action. This do not include drawing/loading your weapon which is generally a short action.

Try Again: Yes, you can fight until you die.


Combat Shooting[edit]

You can use ranged attack while in melee without incurring attacks of opportunity from a specific opponent.
Specialist: You do not incurs attack of opportunity from 2 specific opponents when using range attack in melee.
Expert: You do not incurs attack of opportunity from 4 specific opponents when using range attack in melee.
Master: You do not incurs attack of opportunity when using range attack in melee.

Concealment, Improved[edit]

When providing concealment to an ally, your ally received 1 better concealment category.
Specialist: Your ally received 2 better concealment categories.
Expert: Your ally received 3 better concealment categories.
Master: Your ally received 4 better concealment categories.

Far Shot[edit]

Requisite: Point Blank Shot
When you use a projectile weapon, such as a bow, its range increment increases by one-half (multiply by 1-1/2). When you use a thrown weapon, its range increment is doubled.
Specialist: When you use a projectile weapon, such as a bow, its range increment increases by x2. When you use a thrown weapon, its range increment increases by x3.
Expert: When you use a projectile weapon, such as a bow, its range increment increases by x3. When you use a thrown weapon, its range increment increases by x4.
Master: When you use a projectile weapon, such as a bow, its range increment increases by x4. When you use a thrown weapon, its range increment increases by x5.

Improvised thrown weapon[edit]

When using an improvised weapon, the weapon deals damage as if it was one size category bigger.
Specialist: The imporvised weapon deals damage as if it was 2 size category bigger.
Expert: The imporvised weapon deals damage as if it was 3 size category bigger.
Master: The imporvised weapon deals damage as if it was 4 size category bigger.

Multi Shot[edit]

Requisite: Point Blank Shot
As a long action, you may fire two missiles at a single opponent with a -4 penalty if your weapon allows multi shot. Both missiles use the same attack roll to determine success and deal damage normally.
Damage reduction and other resistances apply separately against each missile fired.
The range increment is much shorter when using this feat: it is 1/4 of your normal range increment with a minimum of 5 feet.
Specialist: You have a -2 penalty for both attack. Your range increment for this feat is 1/2 of your normal range increment.
Expert: You have a -1 penalty for both attacks. Your range increment for this feat is 3/4 of your normal range increment.
Master: You have no penalty for both attack and your range increment is the same as your normal range increment.

Point Blank Shot[edit]

You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 1/4 of your range increment with a minimum of 5 feet.
Specialist: Range for Point Blank Shot is 1/2 of your range increment.
Expert: Range for Point Blank Shot is 3/4 of your range increment.
Master: Range for Point Blank Shot is the same as your range increment.

Precise Shot[edit]

Requisite: Point Blank Shot
You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard -4 penalty on your attack roll.
Specialist: When you shoot or throw ranged weapons at a grappling opponent, you automatically strike at the opponent you have chosen.
Expert: Your shot are so precise that you can reduce by 1 category the cover or concealment of a target.
Master: Your shot are so precise that you can reduce by 2 category the cover or concealment of a target.

Quick Draw[edit]

You can draw a thrown weapon as an immediate action instead of as a short action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a short action.
Specialist: If you draw a light thrown weapon and make an attack with it in the same action (range attack at one initiative slower), you can surprise your opponent and catch him flat-footed if you can beat its Wit with a Melee check. This feat works only once per combat. You cannot use this attack when you draw a hidden weapon.
Expert: You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as an immediate action.
Master: You can catch your opponent flat-footed even when drawing a hidden weapon.

Ranged Sunder[edit]

Requisite: Precise Shot
When attacking objects, you deal full damage.
The range increment is much shorter when using a sunder maneuver: it is 1/4 of your normal range increment with a minimum of 5 feet.
Specialist: Your range increment for this maneuver is 1/2 of your normal range increment.
Expert: Your range increment for this maneuver is 3/4 of your normal range increment.
Master: Your range increment is the same as your normal range increment for this maneuver.

Rapid Reload[edit]

Reloading your weapon take you 1 less initiative category.
Specialist: Reloading your weapon take you 2 less initiative category.
Expert: Reloading your weapon take you 3 less initiative category.
Master: Reloading your weapon take you 4 less initiative category.

Rapid Shot[edit]

Requisite: Point Blank Shot
As a long action, you can make two attacks on different target with a ranged weapon. Both your attack suffer a -8 penalty.
Specialist: Your attacks suffer a -4 penalty.
Expert: Your attacks suffer a -2 penalty.
Master: Your attacks suffer a -1 penalty.

Spread Shot[edit]

Requisite: Point Blank Shot
If your weapon allows spread shot as a long action, you may spread fire in an area to hit multiple opponents. All attacks use the same attack roll with a -4 penalty to determine success and deal damage normally to each target hit by the weapon.
The range increment is much shorter when using this feat: it is 1/4 of your normal range increment with a minimum of 5 feet.
Specialist: You have a -2 penalty for your attack. Your range increment for this feat is 1/2 of your normal range increment.
Expert: You have a -1 penalty for your attack. Your range increment for this feat is 3/4 of your normal range increment.
Master: You have no penalty for your attack and your range increment is the same as your normal range increment.


When you have a thrown weapon in hand or a loaded missile weapon, you threaten all enemies in a cone in front of you. The size of the cone is the first range increment or 30' whichever is smaller.
Specialist: The size of the cone is the second range increment or 60' whichever is smaller.
Expert: The size of the cone is the third range increment or 120' whichever is smaller.
Master: The size of the cone is the fourth range increment or 250' whichever is smaller.

Throw Anything[edit]

Requisite: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
You can throw a light melee weapon as if it were a ranged weapon. The range increment of weapons used with this feat is 10 feet.
Specialist: You can throw a one-handed melee weapon.
The range increment of weapons used with this feat is 15 feet.
Expert: You can throw a two-handed melee weapon.
The range increment of weapons used with this feat is 20 feet.
Master: The range increment of weapons used with this feat is 25 feet.


Ability Intelligence
Action Standard
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes
Concentration No

Description: This is your ability to used tactical weapon such as siege weapon, or computerized heavy canon or missile.

Check: The DC of your attack is the Defense of your opponent. If you beat your opponent Defense, you hit the opponent and cause him damage depending of your weapon.

Total Success: For each rank of Total Success, you can add another dice of damage.

Total Failure: You provoke an action of opportunity from your opponent. Your opponent has a bonus equal to the rank of Total Failure for his action.

Try Again: Yes, you can fight until you die.