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Combat, Defensive maneuver[edit]

This is your ability to avoid being hit in combat or suffer less from your wounds.

Avoid Bleeding[edit]

Ability Dexterity
Action Instantaneous reaction
Armor Penalty None
Untrained No
Concentration No

Description: You are used to act while trying to make sudden action that make your bleeding wound hurt you.

Check: You can reduce the bleeding effect by one point with a successful Avoid Bleeding DC 10.

Total Success: You can reduce the effect of a bleeding wound by one more point for each total success.

Total Failure: You increase the effect of a bleeding wound by one more point for each 5 rank of total failure.

Combat Anticipation[edit]

Ability Intelligence
Action Short Reaction
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes
Concentration No

Description: This skill represents your ability to avoid being trick in combat by an offensive maneuver. You must be aware of the attack when using this skill. Each rank in Combat Anticipation skill increases your Resistance by 1 when you react to an offensive maneuver.


Passive Anticipation[edit]

You receive a +1 bonus to your Resistance against offensive maneuver even while not using your Combat Awareness skill as a reaction.
Specialist: You receive a +2 insight bonus to your Resistance.
Expert: You receive a +4 insight bonus to your Resistance.
Master: You receive a +8 insight bonus to your Resistance.


Ability Dexterity
Action Short Reaction
Armor Penalty Precise Maneuver
Untrained Yes
Concentration No

Description: This skill represents your ability to avoid being hit in combat. You must be aware of the attack when using this skill. Each rank in the dodge skill increases your Defense by 1 when you react to an attack.


Damage Reduction[edit]

Requisite: Uncanny Dodge
When dodging, you receive 1 point of damage resistance because you can roll with the blows and avoid certain damage.
Specialist: You receive 2 point of damage.
Expert: You receive 3 point of damage.
Master: You receive 4 point of damage.

Diverting Defense[edit]

Requisite: Uncanny Dodge
To use this feat, you must be flanked. If the attack of the flanking attackers that you dodge misses, its attack may hit the other opponent that is flanking you. The flanking opponent uses the same attack roll that it uses to hit you.
Specialist: The foe on the other side of the flanking attacker is considered flat-footed for the purpose of this attack.
Expert: You can add your dodge rank to the flanking attacker attack roll for the purpose of hitting the foe on your other side.


You get a +4 dodge bonus to Defense against attacks of opportunity caused when you move out of or within a threatened area.
Specialist: Your bonus increased to +8.
Expert: You do not received attack of opportunity for leaving an opponent you were fighting, though it might provoke attacks of opportunity from other creatures, if appropriate.
Master: You are not subject to any attack of opportunity from movement.

Passive Dodge[edit]

You receive a +2 dodge bonus to your Defense while not using your dodging skill. This bonus does not apply of if you use your dodge skill.
Specialist: You receive a +4 dodge bonus to your Defense while not using your dodging skill. This bonus does not apply of if you use your dodge skill.
Expert: You receive a +8 dodge bonus to your Defense while not using your dodging skill. This bonus does not apply of if you use your dodge skill.
Master: You always received your dodge bonus even when not actively dodging.

Uncanny Dodge[edit]

You retain your Dexterity bonus to Defense (if any) even if you are caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, you still lose your Dexterity bonus to Defense if immobilized.

Endure Pain[edit]

Ability Constitution
Action Instantaneous reaction
Armor Penalty None
Untrained No
Concentration No

Description: You are used to act even while you are in pain.

Check: You can reduce the penalty of a pain effect by one point with a successful Endure Pain DC 10.

Total Success: You can reduce the penalty of a pain effect by 1 more point for each total success.

Total Failure: You increase the penalty cause by the pain effect by 1 more point for each 5 rank of total failure.

Stunned Maneuver[edit]

Ability Constitution
Action Instantaneous reaction
Armor Penalty None
Untrained No
Concentration No

Description: You are used to act even while you are stun.

Check: You can reduce the duration of a stun effect by one initiative category with a successful Stunned Maneuver DC 10. With a DC 15, you can reduce the severity of a stun effect by one severity.

Total Success: You can reduce the duration of a stun effect by one more initiative category for each total success or reduced by one severity the stun effect.

Total Failure: You are stun for one more initiative category per 5 rank of total failure.